Brother Jess to EJP: Dreaming of the Policies and Life in White “ProBaptiCal”

Flag of ProBaptiCal

Dear Brother Eric,

We can begin our efforts in the reconstruction of America/formation of ProBaptiCal area through food, primarily offering the citizens of the mini-nation high-quality foods all derived from old and modern methodologies of farming AND super-marketing, possibly self check-out. The organisation of the store can be set up in a mechanical fashion according to the way they distribute packaged items also… the goal is, having a supermarket sustain itself in a neat and orderly way.  Not haphazardly… it can be done!  There is a high rate of currency exchange there also.  It could be a marvel where a people may want to shop for that reason… The old fiat for the new ProBaptiCal dollar.

Being that the home is the most important thing of Pro-Bapti-Cal, we can get jump-started on allowing the following generations to enjoy cutting down timber by beginning a temporary “tree resource center” for those and only those inhabitants of ProBaptiCal ensuring that there is a fair amount of “home resources” for those following in our wake regardless of the current situation in the other states.  Furniture and home design centered around comfort and sustainable living.  Bamboo is also another plant which only requires 3-5 years of growth to obtain a decent, strong plant which can easily be incorporated into the design or “innards” of some home products like sofas, youth beds and things whose outer designs of cloth “outlive” their innards… there’s something wrong about throwing away a couch composed of steel… [No land fills!  EJP]

I would also encourage the engineering and designing of transportation derived from earlier works of craftsmanship in the earlier years of automobiles with modern features like air conditioning etc… Just because a particular vehicle or technology is not manufactured today doesn’t mean it is out of date… it simply means it isn’t manufactured today.  I STILL HAVE a chambers stove! (1952)  Maybe a HYDROGEN STOVE where through the seperating of h20 through electricity, one can get a sufficient burning stove from the water source.

The thing about “empire” is this… although it is fun to build, the thing which you add to the world must not overburden those souls in positions of maintenance… Technology should ADD to life, not take it away or busy it with unnecessary things.  Things really aught to be designed in a simplistic YET attractive/manner.  Promising those that work on these things as the Ford motor car company hideously did with the trade unions REALLY is lying.. there is no “retirement” through work… that concept doesn’t really exsist unless they use serious brainwashing techniques which is WRONG.

Instead of a brick and mortor “shop” where a person would ordinarily use to sell goods, (and somewhat waste their life and potential farming/home realestate), it should be within the ProBaptiCal culture to have an “internet business” where he can offer those things which are the design of his mind to those in ProBaptiCal with ease on the ProBaptiCal “Commerce Center” WebPage specifically designed and taylored for those involved in merchandising/manufacture and design.

It would mean we would need a warehouse/construction/Delivery area for those things which are offered.  Built-to-order on some things can be done… This is 2010!(Machinery+computers+resources=easy craftmanship if you want to design it that way)…. but if we do, we have to start collecting scrap metals, resources and tools for it.

We can incorporate the very first internet “voting system” where every vote is tracked and accounted for, for those things which need voting AND have 24-hour surveillance on those things which require it such as the Pro-Bapti-Cal money printing room, bank… all things which the PUBLIC has a degree of reliance, trust in… No shady deals in Pro-Bapti-Cal.  These films or live footage can be available for viewing on the ProBaptiCal site so the public may SEE it’s small, volunteer/elected government at work at all times!

An online public library full of the works of physics/manufacturing methodologies/practice spanning the begining and height of Americas manufacturing era so those wishing to get involved to understand the culture may at free will.  We can also use the internet as “funnel” for ideas which stream through our fingertips to a local “all-in-one” manufacturing facility where those who are curious about manufacture can really learn, have fun and help out.  Incorporate a “Patent-it-now” button so we may hold on to those genious ideas and recieve a credit/salute of those contributors.  Every child in ProBaptiCal should have an AUTOCAD/DESK workstation for their curious minds.  Without question!

There is rest, play and leisure in ProBaptiCal however…

I would like to organize the first all-White basket ball and base ball mini-league!  Women may also participate in their designated leagues.  Hey, whatever happened to the hook-shot?!!  We need an outlet for those times of youth and those times of play hopefully practicing good sportsmanship.

Also, the currency. The look, quality, those portraits who is deemed worthy of the bill.

Past presidents is a good idea however, I would include inventors, engineers and architects of the past and those that contributed to what we know as the greatness of America as a salute.  A list may include Frank Lloyd Wright-Americas FIRST Architect who sought out a purely American form of Architecture deriving nothing from other cultures; Thomas Edison who made light available to people, Orville and Wilbur Wright… the list goes on and the currency aught to be INSPIRING!

We should offer a localized Pro-BaptiCal “cultural center”.  Being that the “Pros,” the “Baps” and the “Cals” stem from differing parts of Northern White Europe, I would say that the peoples aught to know where they came from and preserve that which they came from as a living memorial to their former lands…There would be Ireland, Scotland, Dutch, English, German, Sweden, Switzerland, French, etc., all represented yet viewed DIFFERENT so that those descendants may see THIS as the culture of togetherness as well not just BLACK and WHITE… We are all very different YET DO in fact share ProBaptiCal… and, me as a former Irish would like to extend those technological ideas to those who have been enslaved and who are of Irish decent so they may live well wherever they may be in the globe!

Back to the Future!

Our society can derive and pick that which it likes from the previous generations of recorded history!  Culturally, we can also pick a time period to live in and sustain that time period with modern technology.  You would be “living in the past” yet, have the future readily available to you at all times.  It sounds ridiculous but it’s true.  We can go over specific times of history and derive the perfect time or times when people had conscience.  I would probably prefer the 1950′s.  The ProBaptiCal person who is living in the “50′s” era lives according to those things which were available at the time YET can see the “future” by looking at today’s technology and derive things from that specific time.  The 50′s cars were VERY easy to work on and will be MUCH EASIER with modern tooling, manufacturing capabilities and technology… Why do things have to get COMPLICATED? Things ought to remain simple YET have the modern/futuristic tools which can afford a man such a life.  If a few are doing it within our society, others will pick up on it and most likely follow accordingly in and conscience/way of life.  Do you know how easy it would be to build say a brand new Porsche “Spyder” with modern computers and technologies?  In one way you can say that it is materialistic however it isn’t because you aren’t being effected the same way modern materialism effects a person with all it’s usury.  It’s cheap to afford and maintain with modern technology!  How much easier would it be to work on such a vehicle with automatic/programmed tooling etc? You would be able to sustain your quality of life through this method without creating NEW things to overburden society with.

It would be as if you had all the decent things of quality YET have modern maintenance capabilities.  TRULY we can live what the people of the 50′s had envisioned with AUTOMATIC EVERYTHING—thus making good on the dreams and ambitions of those ambitious people of the time!  Our parents and grandparents would be happy about that.  It would also show humanity that they can “make good” on the dreams of their forefathers and that dreaming isn’t necessarily a “youthful” thing.  It’s as if today is an extension of yesterday and yesterday’s dreams became reality… they would be in effect living in their dream.. It will REALLY make us the beacon of the world!


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