January 7, 2012: American Troops Being Deployed to Israel for War on Shia Iran

Well, the day is finally materializing. Satan’s Military Company of Jesus, via its Council on Foreign Relations directing White House foreign policy via the Vaginal Oval Office of the Virgin Mary, is maneuvering its Federal Reserve Bank-financed American War Machine into final position for the Black Pope’s war on Iran—the heart of anti-Sunni, Shia Islam. (Remember, there is not one Sunni Mosque in Tehran!) Shia Iran is now surrounded with the pope’s American Roman legions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf, those legions being financed with the treasures of Sunni Saudi Arabia, Sunni Kuwait and Sunni UAE (Dubai). Additionally, there is a large Jewish population in Iran, another target for annihilation!

Meanwhile, the pope’s Knight of Malta-founded and directed Bilderbergers, which include Dame of Malta Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, are to meet in Haifa within the month of January, 2012. (See this link reporting the Bilderberger meeting in German. It features a picture of Knight of Malta/Jesuit University grad and Temporal Coadjutor Zibignew Brzezinski. Below that is a picture of a full length, naked, teenage, Egyptian girl including breasts and pubic hair. For these pictures she has been sentenced to death in Egypt. So if you accidentally scroll down to this picture, you may be offended and thus do not go to this link!) Exercises uniting both US forces with Israeli forces (both serving the Jesuit papacy) will be preliminaries for the attack on Iran whose people in general do not wish to destroy Israel. Presently, 9,000 US troops are being sent to Israel. See this link.

The pope’s military industrial complex of his “Holy Roman” Fourteenth Amendment, Cartel-Capitalist, Corporate-Fascist, Socialist-Communist American Empire (1868-Present) is led by certain Knights of Malta, including Jesuit-trained Roman Catholic Leon E. Panetta (Secretary of Defense/i.e., “Secretary of War”) and Roman Catholic Martin L. Dempsey (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff).

These Knights of Malta will be used to realize the Order’s dream originating with Twelfth Century Hugues de Payens, founder of the Knights Templars, and his Sixteenth Century successor, Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Military Company of Jesus—the Jesuits! (Yes, the Company of Jesus is nothing more than the revived Knights Templars only infinitely more organized and deadly!) That dream includes the destruction of both Temple Mount Mosques in Jerusalem to be followed with the building of a Third Hebrew Temple—for the pope of Rome! Yes, Jerusalem must be an international city (for which reason Israel was brought into the pope’s United Nations) hosting a Third Hebrew Temple for international worship of the final pope of Rome, murdered and risen from the dead to be the Antichrist/Man-Beast (Revelation 13:3-10).

Satan’s Military Company of Jesus enjoys the foremost military command structure in the world today. Under absolute obedience to the Superior General of the Jesuits, its officer corps commanders (Assistants and Provincials) are masters of deceit and demagogues of deception while enjoying an eclectic overview of martial histories spanning four thousand years. The Society’s twenty-eight American universities secretly serve as military fortresses housing massive libraries ready to provide battlefield information with the push of a button. Coupled with being accomplished battlefield masters of contingency, the Ignatians know how to capitalize on unforeseen reverses of fortune through their obedient agents/temporal coadjutors under secret, occult command. It is this ubiquitous, invisible power to be wielded “for the greater glory of God (AMDG)” that will defeat all individual and organized foes in opposition to their plans. The only possible reversal of the Order’s Satanic designs is the risen Son of God’s omnipotent interventions wrought through the prayers of his born-again, Reformation Bible-believing men of God whose sins have been forgiven and whose lives are serious living sacrifices (Romans 12:1-2) for the salvation of God’s elect (II Timothy 2:10) culminating in the fulness of the Gentiles in Christ (Romans 11:25). This is the warfare between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of the devil, between the Church of God’s risen Hebrew Lord Jesus Christ centered in New Jerusalem (Hebrews 12:22) and the church of Satan’s Gentile Vicar of Christ/Vicar of Horus centered in Rome (Revelation 17:18).

With this understanding, we can foresee the Military Society of Jesus warring to accomplish the following during its Third World War— “for the greater glory of God,” that god who sits in St. Peter’s Chair!
1. War against Shia Iran led by the pope’s American Military Industrial Complex.
2. Destruction of Shia Islam, Sunni Islam to be supreme. All Jews will be either killed or driven out of Iran, while every public, New Testament Christian church will be closed as was the case in Shia Iraq.
3. Creation of a new Sunni Caliphate, it to be the forerunner of a rebuilt City of Babylon.
4. Economic collapse of the dollar, Black-on-White race war, food shortages, fuel shortages and general panic justifying martial law in the American Empire. FEMA concentration camps to open, American citizens opposing the war on Iran will be deemed to be “enemies of the state.”

5. Terrorist events including the destruction of national monuments (Capital building in Washington, etc.) further serving to justify martial law and moving the capital to Denver, the center of the Order’s military American empire.
6. Blaming all American Muslims of every race and creed for terrorist events imposed by Rome’s united American intelligence community led by a CFR-directed “Intelligence Czar” loyal to Rome.
7. Unifying all American White men of every religious creed into the “New Right” Fascist American police state led by a military dictator loyal to Rome.
8. Mandatory military service via a coming draft after American mainland terrorist events.
9. War on several fronts in the attempted destruction of Islamic peoples as well as Chinese communism and Russian communism (yet to be fully revived).
10. Mass-roundups and extirpation of over six million North American Jews, all American Jews in general to be blamed for the war against Iran led by America and aided by the pope’s Revived Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem—Israel. Mass-roundups of all dissenting Bible-believing Protestants and Baptists as “enemies of the state.”

11. Temporary failure of the pope’s euro in order to facilitate the failure of the Protestant British pound, driving the apostate Protestant UK into full submission to the Black Pope’s EU—Revived Roman Empire. Once accomplished, the euro will then be rescued, Europe to be fully united under one constitution and one currency.
12. Rioting of Muslims across Europe (incited by the pope’s intelligence communities) justifying Martial Law for the benefit of the pope’s intelligence communities. European and American Muslims to be exterminated in fulfillment of Genesis 12:1-3, they bringing upon themselves the curse of God (via the hand of the devil) for persecuting the racial seed of Abraham through his sons of promise, Isaac and Jacob.
13. Destruction of the Jerusalem mosques situated on the pope’s Temple Mount. That destruction (wrought by Rome’s intelligence community using its Masonic Muslim leaders) will be blamed on America due to the obvious presence of US troops in Jerusalem.
14. Total war on all Americans by Islam, now united under Masonic Sunni leadership, the Shia no longer a divisive force within Vatican-created Sunni Islam controlled by the Jesuit General via high level Freemasonry.

15. Economic, political and military unification of the Far East Asian nations including China, Japan, North and South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, etc. while fighting a common enemy, the American Empire.
16. Rise of a Russian military dictator to unite the Russian peoples blaming America and Israel for their social and economic collapse. Russia to unite with Iran in the war against the American Empire (1868-Present).
17. Pope’s military EU (formally NATO) to be used against Islam during the early years of the Crusade/WWIII. But the EU will not to be used against China and Russia. Thus, the pope’s EU will jump ship against its initial partner, the US, after Islam has been neutralized. The EU will unite with Russia and China importing the Muslims for the invasion of North America (via the Chinese Overseas Shipping Company) towards the end of the Crusade/WWIII. Such was the case when Hitler and Stalin attacked Poland in 1939. After two years, Hitler (secretly aided by Stalin) attacked the USSR in 1941, Stalin then changing sides uniting with brother Masonic communists Churchill and FDR for the destruction of apostate Protestant Prussian Germany in 1945.

18. Apostate Protestant/Baptist and Liberal Roman Catholic American Empire to be defeated (betrayed by its military high command as was done to to Germany during WWII), invaded by a combined Mongolian, Russian and Islamic host, then to be partitioned while under martial law of the victors. Millions of Americans having survived martial law and the war will also be mass-murdered in FEMA camps once manned by the pope’s Jesuitical Office of “Romeland” Security.
19. Israel will survive and grow into a prosperous nation allied with both the pope’s EU and the new Caliphate to be the revived kingdom of Babylon. Israel, the pope’s Revived Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, will prosper mightily!
20. Russia will grow into a massive military nation in preparation for its use in Ezekiel 38-39. Russia will be allied with Iran, Ethiopia, Libya, Turkey and the surviving Sunni world.

21. Asian Mongolian nations will survive and grow into a huge military alliance led by “the kings of the east” for their future use to invade Israel as per Revelation 16:12-14.
22. African nations will be united after the thorough destruction of apostate White Protestant peoples of Rhodesia (“Zimbabwe”) and South Africa. The African Union will be led by an African “king of the south” for his attempted invasion of Israel to be met and smashed by the returning risen Son of God at his Second Coming (Daniel 11:40; Isaiah 63:1-6).

These are a few of the desired results of Rome’s World War III. America is to lose, ending the Protestant Reformation in the Western Hemisphere, the Order’s “Counter Reformation” to be complete. Islam is to lose, paving the way for the building of the Third Hebrew Temple in Jerusalem. China and her Asian surrogates are to win, becoming even greater and more powerful. Russia is to win, becoming even more militarily and commercially powerful. Babylon, the coming commercial capital of the world and seat of the coming Antichrist/Man-Beast, is to be rebuilt under the protection of a new Sunni Caliphate, the real purpose of American forces and corporations in Iraq for the last ten years (2003-2012). There are now fourteen, US-built, military bases in Iraq, as well as the rebuilt capital of Baghdad with its massive US Embassy, to be abandoned to the use of the pope’s new Sunni Caliphate.

In conclusion, your Editor is calling for a national repentance and Great Awakening among those of us who call ourselves Bible-believing Christian men. We must return to the doctrinal old paths of the Baptist Calvinists, Puritan Calvinists and Protestant Calvinists—save unity between Church and State. We must seek to live holy lives separated from personal sin and sinful alliances with apostate Christian denominations. And we must renounce Rome, in which is situated the Vatican’s Jesuit Papacy, as “the Great Whore” of Revelation 17, separating from all commercial, political, academic and religious tentacles robbing us of our power with God our Holy Heavenly Father. We must then be “serious seekers of God” (as the Scotch Covenanters called themselves!) interceding for our people and nations against the great conspiracy of Satan’s Great Secret Society— “the Society of the Perfect” —the damnable, Babylonian Company of Jesus/Company of Horus and its many minions!
Only then will the Risen Son of the Most High God intervene for us, restraining Satan’s “mystery of iniquity” while continuing “the mystery of godliness,” blessing us with religious and political liberty. For:
“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”
II Corinthians 3:17
For an excellent series of articles on this topic, see Englishman Craig Oxley’s recent post on The Unhived Mind found here!