The Auschwitz Album: Proof of Jesuit Papacy’s SS-led Eurasian Jewish Holocaust

First it was the “Pale of Settlement” created by the Order’s Temporal Coadjutor and Protector, Catherine II “The Great” in 1772. The racial Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites were herded into this western Russia/eastern European territory, specifically in the Jesuit haven of Jew-hating, Roman Catholic Poland. Then came the anti-Jewish propaganda of the Jesuits via their periodical La Civilta Cattolica (“The Catholic Civilization”) from 1880 to about 1920. Then came Mein Kampf, that post-WWI masterpiece of the Jesuits deceitfully attributed to Adolf Hitler, a Roman Catholic, racially half-Jew and Austrian homosexual. Then came the installation of Hitler as Chancellor of Germany via the political power of that infamous Roman Catholic German Knight of Malta and leader of the Roman Catholic Center Party, Franz von Papen—who later walked at Nuremberg thanks to American Georgetown University Jesuit Edmund Walsh! All was now in place for the Order’s great dream of purging Europe of its Jews and Protestants in order to re-establish a post-war, Roman Catholic Holy Roman Empire, while sparing the few Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists who would re-establish Rome’s post-war, “Revived Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem”—Israel!
In 1939 the Order’s plot is implemented. Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Adolf Hitler (directed by Martin Bormann, SJ) invades Poland from the West on September 1, one week after the signing of the Hitler-Stalin Pact. Three weeks later, on the 17th, Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Josef Stalin (directed by Alexander Poskrebyshev, SJ) invades Poland from the East. Through at least three secret meetings of the Nazi Gestapo/SS and the Soviet NKVD, the Order perfects its plan to purge Poland of its manhood—its true Polish nationalists who would fight to the death resisting their invaders. Thus, we have the Katyn Massacre in 1940, the murder of at least 21,000 Polish military officers, police and intellectuals in the Katyn Forest of Russia—a work of both the SS and the NKVD! And while the Order’s NKVD was busy with eliminating “enemies of the state,” it murdered idealistic Jewish communist Leon Trotsky in Mexico that same year—the same Trotsky who objected to the Order’s Hitler-Stalin Pact and Stalin’s invasion of Poland!
Once Roman Catholic Poland had been conquered, occupied and its manhood destroyed—a manhood that had successfully resisted Stalin’s Soviet Bolshevik Red Army in 1922, the Order’s “Final Solution to the Jewish Question”—centered in Poland—could be implemented. Hitler, aided and supplied by Stalin from 1939 to 1941 (Jesuit Stalin later to be resupplied with Jesuit FDR’s $11.3 billion Lend-Lease giveaway), would attack “heretic” Orthodox Russia and the Black Pope’s SS would begin its systematic destruction of all Jews within the “Pale of Settlement.”
To realize the Order’s Satanic “Burnt Offering” of the Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites condemned by the Jesuit Papacy’s Canon Law, a death factory had to be created; hence, the construction of extermination camp Auschwitz II-Birkenau, commenced in October, 1941, nearly four months following Hitler’s attack on “heretic and accursed” Orthodox Russia. That attack, named after the Roman Catholic German Holy Roman Emperor and leader of the Pope’s Third Crusade was called “Operation Barbarossa.” Now we understand why Jesuit Hitler refused to allow his German Armies East to capture Jesuit Stalin’s Moscow (the “Third Rome”), but rather ordered the Army to proceed south to Kiev—to further attack the historic “Pale of Settlement—paving the way for the Order’s SS Einsatzgruppen!”
Auschwitz became the byword for rape, torture, murder and genocide for the Jews of Europe, remembering the camp’s first victims were Czechoslovakian White Protestants! (During the Crusade Pius XII’s death camp was occupied by the Order’s SS; after the bloodbath it was manned by the Order’s NKVD—called “the headhunters.”) It stands as a warning today of what both Nazi Socialist-Fascism and Bolshevik Socialist-Communism can accomplish together—directed by the Jesuits in Rome. This is the same dialectic being played off against the ignorant and docile, socialist-communist, White American people, many of which will meet their deaths in “the Auschwitz of North America”—a one million-acre concentration camp located in southeast Alaska.
In light of this history and in memory of the Order’s most successful “Eurasian Jewish Holocaust,”—the annihilation of the Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites who were herded into the Jesuit-created “Pale of Settlement” by the Order’s Russian absolute monarchs Catherine II, Nicolas I, Alexander III and Nicolas II to be extirpated by Grand Inquisitors SS Chief Heinrich Himmler and NKVD Chief Laventry Beria—please review The Auschwitz Album here.