Racial Separation unto Nationhood: A Key to Progress and Excellence

Flag_American_13-Colonies_Washington-300x232The greatest achievements of human history have always been accomplished by men sharing a common language coupled with racial and national allegiance to a specific people composing a historic nation.  Deprive a man of his racial and religious heritage, his common language and national origin, you reduce him to a mere integer, a cog in the wheel of absolutist, statist totalitarianism—regardless of the brand.  Maintain a people’s common race, language and national history coupled with a unique social culture, you then reinforce true, Biblical nationalism serving as an impenetrable bulwark against governmental oppression as well as imperial internationalism.

To prove the point, we need look no further than the Black-American Tuskegee Airman, the Indian-American Code Talkers and the Japanese-American 442nd Army Division having distinguished themselves during World War II—the latter half of the Jesuit General’s Second Thirty Years’ War (1914-1945).  All three groups were born out of an apostate, Av1611 Reformation English Bible-rejecting, White Protestant American culture—infested with and usurped by second and third generation White Roman Catholic immigrants of several nationalities abjectly loyal to the Spiritual and Temporal Powers of the Pope of Rome.  The White hateful racism (apostate Protestant and especially Roman Catholic) shown to Black, Indian and Japanese Americans prior to and during the “Crusade in Europe” (as Knight of Malta General Dwight D. Eisenhower called it!) drove these men of color to standards of unparalleled accomplishments contributing to the Allied victory over the Fascist Axis Powers—sadly, for the covert benefit of the Vatican!  Their sole purpose for such sacrificial combat tactics was to prove to the White American officers they were just as good as any White fighting force.  This unity of purpose, supplemented with commonalities incumbent upon men aspiring to be recognized as MEN worthy of respect rather than mere “Niggers, Redskins, and Nips,” instilled a drive, a will, a dauntless yearning to prove themselves regardless of the cost in blood.

A few words in favor of each group will suffice.  The Black-American Tuskegee Airman were such outstanding fighter pilots that they were requested by White pilots of the American B-24 bomber crews when assigned their nearly suicidal missions over Germany.  Flying the color of red on the tails of their P-51 Mustangs, the Tuskegee Airman lost few bombers to enemy fighters: they were under orders that if any man lost a bomber, not to come back.  This is tantamount to the mothers of Spartan sons imploring a victory or to return slain on their shields.  By the end of the war the Tuskegee Airmen had amassed 150 Distinguished Flying Crosses—and just recently, a Medal of Honor.

Navajo_Code_TalkersThe American-Indian Code Talkers were invaluable to the Allied victory in the Pacific.  Never did the Fascist Imperial Japanese break the code—the language—of these Navajo IndiansThe Code Talkers participated in every Marine assault in the Pacific from 1942-1945, and according to certain White American officers, had not the Navajo Code Talkers been at Iwo Jima, the battle would have been lost.  These men, of a certain race, language and culture denoting their ancient nationhood, distinguished themselves more so than if they had been integrated into an Imperial Army with multiple nationalities vying for supremacy at the cost of necessary discipline and military order.

Lastly, the Japanese-American 442nd Regimental Combat Team of the American Army fought in Italy, France and Germany against Hitler’s Nazis.  Though many of these Japanese Americans had relatives unjustly confined to internment camps in the mid-west, they enlisted to fight only in Europe and specifically not in the Pacific against their racial Japanese brethren.  For they knew if captured by the Japanese, they would be horribly tortured, looked upon as traitors to their race and worthy of only the most despicable death.  Thus, they fought with uncommon valor, so much so, 21 Medals of Honor were awarded to their 442nd.  Once again, these men with a common race, language and national origin—though citizens of White Caucasian America—fought as “a nation within a nation” against the nation of their origin at war with their adopted homeland.  And that national homeland of the United States of America, secretly ruled by Rome’s New York-based Council on Foreign Relations; that nation whose Jesuit masters stole the California farms of their kinsmen and incarcerated their mothers and fathers, used these Japanese-Americans to fight the Pope’s Crusade in Europe eliminating White Protestant Prussians and ending the Risen Son of God’s Bible-based, Protestant Reformation on the continent—in preparation for the Jesuit Papacy’s Neo-Nazi European Union!

The point of the above is simple: men of a common race, language and national origin, when working together or fighting a common foe, accomplish infinitely more than if they were amalgamated into one indigent mass of unidentifiable human beings.  Indeed, “Diversity is perversity.” If Black Americans, Native Indian Americans, Asian Americans as well as White Americans are ever to excel as a race, we must separate into distinctly different cultures within North America intending to begin our own sovereign nations once again.

With such new nations in place, the benefits will be immense!  There will be no more interracial crime, interracial jealousies, and interracial war.  We can then honestly trade with one another rendering mutual respect for our neighboring nations.  Racial separation accomplished great things in the past, and can do so again.

May the God and Father of the risen Lord Jesus Christ give us the leaders to peacefully form new communities, peacefully secede from Washington, D.C., then to build our new nations based upon a common race, language and cultural heritage, all the while centering the Reformation Bible as the heart of our benevolent Biblical nationalism.  Indeed, the Reformation Bible will be the bedrock upon which our new republics will rest.

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.”  Psalm 33:12

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