The Black Pope’s Unfolding International Fascist Crusade: Destroy US, Build EU

Things continue to worsen here in the Black Pope’s “Holy Roman” 14th Amendment, Cartel-Corporate-Fascist, Socialist-Communist, Masonic American Empire (1868-Present). Yet the worst is to come with another four-year term for Islamic Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor and Prince Hall Rite Freemason Barry Davis Obama. By the end of his impending second term, the White people of this empire will be so desperate they will welcome the Order’s fascist military dictator with open arms and thanksgiving. He will use the very military industrial complex, built supposedly to fight communism, against the very American peoples by whom it was erected and financed. Indeed, the Bible-rejecting peoples of America have garnished their own tombs!

The Muslims will be the first to be blamed. Without this common domestic enemy deliberately brought here by the Black Pope in control of Washington via Jesuit Georgetown University there could be no scapegoat upon which to blame the coming CIA/FBI/DIA/NSA detonations in Washington, District of Catholics.
Then finally the Jews will be blamed. They are the real target! For it will be the pope’s “Court Jews” within the New York Archbishop’s Council on Foreign Relations that will be easily blamed for their visible collusion in bringing the Muslims into the US. Hence, all Jews in general will be scapegoated and sent to the hundreds of concentration camps now being manned by agents of the Jesuit Order’s Department of “Romeland” Security. Then the S & M will begin in dead earnest!T

Providentially, Jesuit Francis Xavier’s cry will come to pass, uttered during the 16th century.
“Put me some place where there are no Jews or Muslims!”*
Little did he know it would be applied to apostate Protestant/apostate Baptist North America. The enforcers to bring this bloody design to pass will have the attitude of the papal crusader above. And they will know that without the purposed Muslim agitation justifying crusading Jesuit fascism, there would be no reason to persecute American and Canadian Jews in general. The “Ends” are a North American Jewish Holocaust (burnt offering to the pope). The “Means” are the Muslims brought into the country for the last 40 years whose bombastic, Masonic leaders are secretly working for Rome’s Unified International Intelligence Community overseen by the Jesuit General.

The Crusade is on, as Skull and Bones President George W. Bush has publicly stated! And the Crusaders are here including Blackwater/Xe led by the Knights of Malta. May the Risen Son of God help us Reformation Bible-believing Protestant and Baptist men in-Christ to stand against this plot. May we, if necessary, die well, refusing to worship the golden image of Babylonian Rome in our midst leading the devil’s “Mystery of Iniquity.”
After this, Rome’s 12th Crusade, America and Canada will be defeated and partitioned, they having murdered all of their resident Jews. America and Canada will be under the curse of Genesis 12:1-3. But Europe will be united and the pope’s EU will be the protector of his Revived Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem—Israel. Thus, the Lord’s blessing of Genesis 12:1-3 will be upon the pope’s EU, it to be the most powerful economic and military force in world history while overseeing the building of Babylon—for Rome!
*Barrett, E. Boyd, Rome Stoops to Conquer, (New York: Julian Messner, Inc., 1935), p. 180.