EJP Replies to Black American Shia Muslim, Sheik Omar, on Messianic Prophecies

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Dear Sheik Omar,

Yes, thank you for the DVD and I shall view it as soon as possible.

Cyrus could never be the Messiah of the Jews for many, many reasons.  First, he was a racial Gentile, not a racial Jew, a descendant of David as the prophets declare Messiah must be (II Samuel 7:12-16).  Further, Cyrus never established a kingdom that filled the earth that would last forever (Daniel 7:14).  Further, Cyrus never rode into Jerusalem on the colt of a donkey and never ruled the world from the Euphrates River to the end of the earth (Zechariah 9:9-10).

Further, Cyrus never built the Hebrew Temple then to sit in that temple and bear the glory of that temple (Zechariah 6:12-13).  The temple Cyrus commanded to be built was not of the dimentions as given in Ezekiel 41 and 42—the Messianic Fourth Temple, Cyrus never fulfilling Ezekiel 43:7.

There are many more reasons why Cyrus cannot be Messiah, for the Jews are still in their international dispersion that Messiah will end (Isaiah 66:20; Zephaniah 3:13-17), Messiah to be rejoicing in the midst of his racial, restored, Hebrew people.

Do you now see why Jesus wept when he rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, knowing the peace that was to be upon Jerusalem but now hidden from their eyes, the Jews to see him no more until they would say “Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord”—at his Second Coming.

Lord Bless dear Sheik,

Brother Eric

Yes. First I would like to tell you that your show is inspirational to us all, The Ummah, or family of Believers.

My Brother Eric, a Jewish colleague of mine remarked quite oddly that because the Persian king Cyrus the Great had allowed for a second temple to be built during the time of the scribe Ezra’s return from the Babylonian captivity, this anointed Cyrus as the Messiah of the Jews, and thus he explained to me, is why he and his fellow associated reject the teaching of Jesus being the Messiah.

I have never heard this argument before, but it is convincing considering the prodigious exploits of Cyrus. I would like to know your opinion of this matter, at it is historical fact that Cyrus allowed for their return and rebuilding of their Temple.

I always value your opinion, and you must have received the DVD I sent in the E-MAIL a while ago. I hope you do enjoy it, as I am in the process of creating a website where truth can be further extolled.

As always, you are in my prayers and I pray that I am in yours.



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