EJP Replies to Black Brother-in-Christ Offended at Term: “Majority Savage Blacks”

Savage Black Cafeteria Brawl: Alabama State University, February, 2011
Dear Brother Joseph,
I find it most telling that you utterly refuse to agree with me on one point of my general analysis by merely stating you are entitled to your opinion. This is not mere subjective opinion, but factsobjective, irrefutable, evidential facts you refuse to acknowledge. Indeed, I have a right to be angry over all the epidemic Black crime in every major city of this country. And I have a right to be angry at YOU, my Black brother in Christ, YOU who refuse to openly and verbally resist it. You could have written that this brawl is despicable and that you hate and stand against this wickedness, but no, that cannot be done, can it? You have united with your Black race, right or wrongwhich is most typical of most Minority Civil Blacks, and this is Sin on your part.
I shall pray for your repentance before it is too late and the White rage I am seeking to redirect against the Jesuits does not consume you in the approaching Civil War II as warned of by Mulatto Tony Brown in his Empower the People which social destruction the Order has planned for all of us.
Thank you for this conversation.
Lord bless,
Brother Eric
Mr. Phelps,
As I said previously you are entitled to your opinion. You are right that MANY who are privileged to attend accredited Colleges and Universities do not appreciate it. Same goes for many whites as well! At my school I have seen activity similar to this but not as violent with White students as well. I think your anger should be more so directed to my generation. I really truly believe that the root of all of this is Parenting and the Media/Entertainment Industry. I pray that when you say White rage is growing, you are referring only to the People in general and not YOU included!
Peace and Blessings,
Joseph Oden
Dear Brother Joseph,
I apologize for my previous email of a few minutes ago. I did not see your response below.
As you know, 70% of all Blacks are illegitimate (the biblical term is bastard). No nation can be built on a bastard population. Whose fault is that, the White Protestant and Baptists? The school system is lacking in funding. Whose fault is that, the White Protestant and Baptists? Since when is funding the primary necessity for an education? The White Protestants and Baptists of this country up to about the 1950 received their education on ONE ROOM SCHOOLHOUSES. An older White lady who worked for me for years had to make dresses out of burlap bags or feed bags (dyed, of course) to have clothes for school. Her parents could not afford to buy meat so she was raised on potatoes and other carbohydrates. This led to her diabetes. Poverty and lack of educational funding did not prevent Lois from being an intelligent and well-spoken Christian lady.
You speak of funding. The socialist-communist property tax on this property that I live on is over 3,000 Federal Reserve Notes a year. And what does this fund? It funds the public schools that teach a host of lies; public schools that have banned the AV1611 Bible, and public schools that practice, as a matter of policy, reverse discrimination against Whites. I get to pay for this! I cannot send my White children to these public schools because they will be assaulted by Blacks and Mexican/Puerto Ricans/Hispanics. So we home-schoolat great cost and time expense to usso our White children will not be beat up or even killed by the Black and Hispanic children whose parents pay no socialist-communist property tax. We White Protestants and Baptists (I care not for the White Roman Catholics who hate us and have destroyed this once Protestant, Bible-based culture) are trapped. We are in the exact same predicament the Blacks were in the day of Malcolm Xwho I defend in my book and on my website.
Thank you for admitting there is no justification for these actions. But what is the solution? For us White Protestants and Baptists, our only solution is racial separation. When we discipline a Black student or laborer for his misbehavior or laziness or non-performance, why we are called racists. It is now a matter of race, not performance. It is a matter of the color of his skin and not a content of his character. I witnessed this same wickedness in the USAF (1972-1977) as the White officers refused to discipline Blacks for fear of being branded racists and thus not being promoted. I met only one White officer who did in fact discipline unruly Blacks and will never forget his nameUSAF Col. Bobby Hughes.
You state that you object to my categorization of Blacks as the Majority being Savage. I was raised among Blacks in the North Bay region of California. I was in the county jail with Blacks. I went to school with Blacks. I was in the military with Blacks. My personal experience (the best teacher) is that indeed the Majority of Blacks are Savageabout 80% Savage, 20% Civil. They hate all Whites in general and never acknowledge that the greatest friend to the Blacks for the last 500 years have been the White Protestant and Baptist peoples. This paramount racial hatred for Whites is the foundation for Black Savagery. Were not all the Blacks who had to time to march over the Jena Six agitation in fact Black Savage racists? Why did they seek to protect six Savage Blacks who, with one kick to the temple, could have killed that White young man they ganged up on like the dogs they were. Nooses were hung from a tree which was wrong, but does that justify the attempted murder of the White? I have condemned the White Roman Catholic Savage behavior of the Los Angeles police beating of Black serial criminal Rodney King. (My father, who had been the Police Chief of the Richmond PD told me he would have fired every one of those cops.) Have you condemned the criminal beating of the Savage Black Jena Six so championed by that hateful racist, Masonic Mulatto Al Sharpton?
You address the Drug Dealing. When are you going to attack the Popes CIA/Mafia collusion in bringing the drugs into the Black communities? The answer is not more police and most definitely not surveillance cameras on every street corner! Why would you welcome a police state in order to fight the Drug Trade? This is exactly what the Jesuits want! The answer, dear Joseph, is bringing the Popes White Roman Catholic CIA and White Roman Catholic Mafia to justice as well as executing all drug dealers. Simple solution. Baltimore is, as I perceive it, a Majority Savage Black city. The Middle Class Whites have fled to the suburbsas is the case in nearly every White city in the US. Why? Is it because Whites are inveterate, hateful racists refusing to live around Blacks in general? No. It is because Black crime has driven them out of their homes in the city and, in order to escape that crime, they have resettled outside the cities (which includes taking out loans to buy homes they cannot afford) away from the war zones. This has further destroyed the White Middle Class born out of the Reformation. The one redeeming attribute of the Roman Catholic, Jesuit-ruled city of Baltimore was Preacher Brown, the great Black Preacher Joseph Brown who inspired me every time I heard one of his fiery sermons. I dearly loved the man, as I have stated many times on my broadcasts.
Finally, as to racial separation. God created the races so as to keep mankind separate. Before the Great Flood of Noah there was only one race (neither White nor Black), a race that was probably Brown or olive-skinned. As you know, it was a only Ten generations from Adam to Noah, a mere 1656 years, during which Man became totally corrupted, and united against God. So He created the races via Shem, Ham and Japheth; He instituted languages as a judgment for Babel, and He divided the earth into continents for one primary purpose (Genesis 10:25)to keep mankind divided. But Rome has forced integration and amalgamation upon the Whites of historic White Protestant nations. This has been done by socialist-communist legislation and legislated equalitarianism that is both against the Word of God and against the nature that God has created. It cannot last. But if you wish to live under these maxims, then may you do so in your own country with others who believe likewise. But for those of us who believe that forced miscegenation is a sin against God calculated to result in the destruction of the White Racewithout which there is no political freedom on earth, we now have no country in which to live. This is why I advocate the creation of a new White Protestant and Baptist nation in a portion of North America, particularly in a portion of Pennsylvania. (Racial Jews may live among us that we might receive the blessing of Genesis 12:1-3.) This is a choice that should be facilitated by those who believe in freedom of choice, but hence, we WASPS and White Baptists have no freedom of choiceto the delight of the Jesuit Papacy.
I would agree that we should be in prayer for this sin-hardened, and heartless generation. Meanwhile, crime should be punished when it is now condoned and people should have the legal right to live among their own racethe the exclusion of all othersas a matter of religious conviction. When the races wisely agree to separate into their own nations and keep the Reformation Bible in their public affairs; when secret societies are outlawed and the Roman priesthood and Jesuits are expelled (Baltimore without Jesuits?!), then crime will drastically decrease as was the case in early White Anglo-Saxon Protestant and Baptist-Calvinist America (1789-1868).
Again, please delete my previous post of a few minutes ago. I did not know you had sent such a detailed response.
Lord bless dear brother Joseph,
Brother Eric
Mr. Eric,
You said a lot here so I will break it apart piece by piece. The point in my argument was in no way intended to make any kind of excuse or justification for such actions. No, I would never walk in the way of sinners anymore, but I once did. Thankfully God delivered me from reckless partying, drinking, and fornication. It just seems to me that your statements are a bit cold-hearted. I blame parenting and the media/entertainment industry for most of the damage my generation is facing regardless of race. You are entitled to your opinion, but please consider this. Most of these young individuals have grown up without a father, in a broken household, in an environment where drug-dealers are the only successful role-models, and where the school system is severely lacking adequate funding. Thankfully I have grown with both of my parents who instilled the importance of prayer at an early age. I believe that rather than condemning, we need to stay in prayer for this heartless generation. I consider some of these people my friends because I can see the pain in them, and how their spirit is thirsty for a way out of their situation. Many of them have tried Church, but were met with people who have the same views you do. Yes, there are some older Black (you are right, African American is not the proper term here) men and women who feel the same way you do about these people. Consider this, A drug-addict can leave his addict friends, and attend Church. If he relapses and leaves the Church, his drug-addict friends will accept him with open arms. However, if the Believer leaves his Church-Going friends for the evil of this world and then returns to Church, he is met with stoning and out casting. This should not be!
I laughed a bit when you said they would call me an Uncle Tom or Oreo. Maybe Preacher or Reverend, but I clearly do not fit Uncle Tom characteristics. My only problem with your Majority Black Savage comments are the fact that you coin the MAJORITY of us Blacks as SAVAGE. This is not true even in inner-cities. The drug-dealers and killers are only the select few. To be honest, Drug Dealing is declining because Police are doing a very good job at cracking down. In Baltimore, there are police cameras on almost every street corner in rough neighborhoods!
One more thing I would appreciate if you elaborate. You stated also on your website that races are best if kept separate. I would strongly disagree with you on that! Howard County/Ellicott City/Columbia MD was deemed the second BEST place to live in the country. The diversity there is amazing. There are Blacks, Whites, Asians, and Arabs all living there together and it is a beautiful living condition!
Thank you Again for Your Time and God Bless,
Joseph Oden
Dear Brother Joseph,
Thank you for contacting me.
First, I am delighted that you are a Black man in-Christ Jesus. Your eternity is quite settled (I Peter 1:3-5). We shall enjoy heaven together forever with Christ our Savior and God our Father (Revelation 5:9).
However, I find your response to my carefully worded articles concerning the Majority Savage Blacks to be highly offensive. How can you, whom I term as a Minority Civil Black, have any identification with these anti-White, hatefully racist, lawless, constantly fighting-and-fornicating, Majority Savage Blacks? Have you ever been an innocent, unsuspecting victim of Majority Savage Black crime as I have been? They make no cultural contributions; they take, take, take, and only destroy what is left of what was once a high White Protestant culturenow thoroughly Roman Catholic. And do not blame the living conditions as the reason for the actions of these Majority Black Savages. Nowhere in the Word of God are you permitted to employ such a justification for crime. Criminal activity is a choice, and not the result of povertya poverty these Majority Savage Blacks have created for themselves via their ludicrous, fighting and fornicating lives. I have lived in poverty and never once robbed, raped or murdered anyone. NO, these criminals need to be PUNISHED for their savagery. And some of these Black Savages are your friends? Do you not believe the Holy Scripture when it commands us believers-in-Christ not to stand in the way of sinners (Psalm 1:1)? Where in the Scripture are we to UPLIFT such hardened, violent and vicious Savage Black criminals? Should I UPLIFT the members of the White KKK as well as the White Hells Angels, or seek punishment for their crimes?
To the contrary, the Scripture commands their punishment for doing evil (Romans 13:3-4). Further, we are to warn them that God is not mocked: that whatsoever they sow, they shall reap (Galatians 6:7). And what they are going to reap, unfortunately for all of us, is a huge race war. The plundered Whites of this country are fed up with pro-Black, anti-White governmental discrimination as well as ceaseless Black-on-White crime. And because of general White rejection of the Word of God, we (I speak as a White man) shall be as putty in the hands of the Jesuits in creating and manning the New Right Fascist Movement. When that happens, the blood is going to flow in rivers on both sidesto the delight of the Jesuit Order! And key to the success of this plotted race and religious war (Black/Muslim v. White/ Christian) will have been the despicable Majority Black Savagery that has plagued this country for the last 50 years, since the Black Popes wicked, Socialist-Communist, Civil Rights Movement led by serial adulterer and Bible-denier, Martin Lucifer Kingthe Black slave of Francis Cardinal Spellmans master of the Civil Rights Movement, White Devil Jesuit John LaFarge.
I challenge you, my Black American brother-in-Christ, stand up to these Majority Savage Blacks. Tell them to stop hating, robbing, raping and murdering the White man as they shall reap what they have sown. Tell them to stop killing White men just to steal their I-Phonesas was done just a few months ago in Black/White Roman Catholic Philadelphia. And just watch how they will respond to you: they will call you a honky, an oriel cookie (black-on-the-outside and white-on-the-inside), an Uncle Tom, and threaten to do you bodily harm! As the profane, Black comedian Chris Rock said in all seriousness, We hate the White man!, all the Savage Blacks in the audience giving their loud, boisterous approval. Yes, join me in naming them for what they are (while defending the Minority Civil Blacks who also deplore the Majority Savage Blacks) when I call them Majority Savage Blacks evidenced by their daily works of hateful, anti-White racism. Join me in warning them that if they will not repent and turn from their sinful, evil ways, they are going to be violently rounded up and sent to the concentration camps via the hands of merciless, Savage White Fascists addicted to the octagon gladiatorsmost of whom will be White Roman Catholics of Irish and Italian descent. Do you have the courage to do so my Black brother-in-Christ? The answer is YES if you have the faith of Christ within you (Galatians 2:20).
Lastly, I am greatly offended by that damnable term known as African-American. Do you not realize we Whites hate that term and are greatly aggravated by its continual use? Do you not know this is a Jesuit design to further the division and hatred so necessary for the impending race/holy war so the Jesuits Department of Romeland Security can come and rescue all the Whites by carting off the Blacks to the camps? I never use the term European American and would never stoop to use that wicked designation to describe my White Anglo-Saxon Protestant and Baptist people here in America. I am a White American and you are a Black American. So please, stop the agitation by refusing to call yourself an African-American.
To further understand my point as to the lawless and violent behavior of the Majority Savage Blacks, view the following video taken of a recent brawl at the Alabama State University. Now do you understand why the Whites during the Uncivil Rights Era fought against forced integration? Additionally, the majority of these brawling Blacks are on scholarships (while we Whites get nothing)educational welfareand appreciate nothing!
See the video here.
Again, thanks for your thoughts and I am humbled that my work has benefited anyone. To God be the glory!
Lord bless,
Brother Eric
Hello Mr. Phelps,
I would like to say that it has been a blessing to read some of your articles on your website. I am pretty young (22-years-old) and proudly and boldly declare that I am a spirit-filled believer in Christ. I came across your web-site in doing research on the Jesuit Order, as I recently discovered their existence. I was amazed at what I found on your site, and have relentlessly been sharing what I have found with friends and family.
However, I couldnt help but find your Majority Black Savage section highly offensive. I am African American myself, and have seen the miraculous works of God in the lives of many that you may feel fit the savage description. Many of which are my friends! I have even read some of your responses to some irate African American viewers in which you state that the savages DESERVE the worst. I couldnt help but think He that is without sin, may cast the first stone. I do believe that many are harsh individuals, but rather than CONDEMN, we are called to UPLIFT as true Christians! I also feel that one cannot make such harsh accusations without first considering the living conditions that such individuals endure.
I want to thank you for your time. And again, God Bless! Some of the info I have read on your site has been food for my soul!
Peace and Many Blessings,
Joseph Oden