Mystery Babylon Religion Based in Rome: Heart and Soul of Jesuit-Authored, Illuminized Freemasonry Now Ruling the Nations for the Benefit of the Pope of Rome

High-Level, Jesuit-authored and directed, Illuminized Freemasonry is the Devil’s “Invisible Empire” ruling the governments of the nations for the benefit of the Pope of Rome. Both Pope Benedict XVI and his master, Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Nicolas, are themselves Illuminized Freemasons of the highest rank. Such as been the case for both the White Pope and the Black Pope since no later than 1900. Further, the world headquarters for Scottish Rite Freemasonry is next to the Jesuit Order’s first and oldest “Church” in Rome (Chiesa del Gesu) located within the Jesuit Order’s Piazza del Gesu (“plaza of Jesus”) in the city that sits on seven hills—”the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth!”
For more information on “the Craft” see this website.