Jesuits Direct Pope Benedict XVI’s Alien Roman Catholic Latin Invasion, Pt. 3 of 3
We ended our previous discussion with the Orders forced miscegenation policies imposed on Southern Whites foretold by Presbyterian minister Robert L. Dabney. The White Protestant South was to be destroyed by means of a Five-Step plan. The plan would be in accordance with the Companys Counter Reformation Council of Trent enforced by Jesuits under Extreme Oath of the Fourth Vow.
First its peaceful and prosperous culturethe Confederated South being the 5th wealthiest nation in the worldwas to be disrupted and destroyed via the War Between the States (1861-1865). Over 60,000 Blacks (left) would fight for the national sovereignty of their Confederacy attempting to repel the Yankee invaders having incited the War of Northern Aggression via Romes British Crown-led Anti-Slavery Agitation. One third of Southern Blacks were accursed heretics who hid their daughters from the rapacious, marauding, Irish Roman Catholic drunken bummers having filled the ranks of the Federal Crusaders led by General Benjamin Butler the beast, General Ulysses Grant who converted Southern Protestant churches into horse stables, and the infamous General William T. Sherman who burned the White Protestant cities of Atlanta, Georgia, and Columbia, South Carolina, to the ground! Shermans son, Thomas Sherman, became one of the Empires most influential Jesuit priests, advising Masonic President Teddy Roosevelt to reenact General Shermans shameful March to the Sea.
Secondly, its White race was to be neutralized: mulattoization via forced miscegenation during Reconstruction was the secret intent of the Order. Further, Jesuit Coadjutor Thaddeus Stevens Freedmans Bureau would justify socialist-communist congressional spending, giving monies to uneducated and irresponsible freed Blacks at the expense of White American taxpayers (cartoon at left). Sound familiar? Further, Radical Red Republican Jesuit Coadjutors Thaddeus Stevens in the House and Charles Sumner in the Senate sought to incite a Black-on-White race war as did the Jesuit-led, socialist-communist, French Jacobins in 1791, a race war that decimated White French Roman Catholic Hispanola, the island now divided into Black Haiti and Spanish Dominican Republic.
Thirdly, its Protestant/Baptist Reformation Bible-based religion was to be compromised and thus absorbed into the orb of the Popes Spiritual Power via the introduction of pro-Jeromes Latin Vulgate, English Bibles intended to destroy confidence in the AV1611 Reformation English Bible. In England, it would be the English Revised Version of 1885; in America it would be the American Standard Version of 1901 (left). Strikingly, in 1901, the year the Orders Masonic Protestant leaders began to impose Romes counterfeit bible on American Protestants and Baptists, White Protestant and Freemason President William McKinley was assassinated by a Roman Catholic anarchist sent by the Jesuits who then enthroned Freemason Theodore Rex Roosevelt14th Amendment Americas first actual Holy Roman Emperor! As goes the Church, so goes the Country! Roosevelt would be the utter slave of the Archbishop of Baltimore, James Cardinal Gibbonsthe first American Pope!
Fourthly, the South would be resubmitted to a Second Republican Party Reconstruction (1954-Present) via the Orders socialist-communist Civil Rights Movement led by Black Freemason A. Philip Randolph (left) directed by his White master, Jesuit John LaFarge (left). For the Radical Red Republican Partys First Reconstruction (1865-1877) had failed to maintain Black Supremacy/Domination over Whites, racial amalgamation, the continued pro-Black, socialist-communist, financial domestic policy intended to result in the creation of huge Majority Savage Black, bastard-born (illegitimate), crime-ridden, drug-addicted, government dependent populations (in opposition to the Minority Civil Blacks) within every major city. For the courageous White men of the South had rightfully threatened another Civil War if the thieving, rapacious and murderous Reconstruction was not ended. Therefore a compromise was made and Rutherford B. Hayes was put into the Executive Mansion who in turn evacuated the federal dogs of war occupying the Souththe Old Protestant South having been under martial law for twelve long years!
Cunningly resumed in 1954 via Masonic Chief Justice Earl Warren directing the Supreme Courts amalgamating Brown v. Board of Education decision, this dastardly miscegenation plot had been deemed by the Vatican to be absolutely necessary if the Orders Masonic, hatefully racist, anti-American Jew, anti-White, Black cult leaderssuch as Malik Zulu Shabazz (above left) leading the New Black Panthers and Louis Farrakhan (above right) ruling the Black Nation of Islamwere to be used in the future to incite and ignite an inner city, Black-on-White a race warCivil War IIwhich, in turn, would justify a White Roman Catholic/apostate Protestant backlash ending with the imposition of White Fascist Martial Law.
Fifthly and finally, the Souths, as well as the Norths, limited, constitutional, White Protestant/Calvinist Democratic Republic was to be overthrown via alien Roman Catholic Mexican/Latino illegal immigration. For, this final,
fifth stage, a violent, lawless, hatefully-racist, foreign invasion facilitated by Washington (as well as by the greed of American businessmen in fear of opposing the financially devastating, taxing policies of Washingtons IRS bureaucracy) was absolutely necessary if the Order was to use its Latino Jesuit Coadjutors to incite a Mexican/Latino-on-White American race war justifying the suspension of the Constitution and a subsequent declaration of National Socialist Martial Law. This cherished race war is being incited by Jesuit-ruled Hollywood with a new release titled Machete, one of its leading White actors being the race-mixing, extremely violent, Italian-American Roman Catholic Knight of Malta Robert De Niro!
Indeed, a Fascist Military Dictator would then assume the reins of absolute power (someone like Jesuit-trained, White Roman Catholic Army General David Petraeus, Commander of U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOMabove left), or White Roman Catholic USAF General Victor E. Renuart, Commander of U.S. Northern Command (NORAD/USNORTHCOMabove right)), to rule with an iron fist in a velvet glove over the ruins of an amalgamated, Africanized, morally degenerate, apostate Protestant, AV1611 Reformation Bible-rejecting, pornography-ridden, abortion-crazed, Jesuitized, White apostate Protestant culture cunningly corrupted by wicked Masonic White menin secret obedience to the dictates of Rome! (Let us not forget that, according to Venetian Count Vittorio Vivaldi III, in the 30th Degree of the Scottish Rite titled Knight Kadosh, the initiate is told the Pope of Rome is the ruler of Scottish Rite Freemasonry!)
All five stages were directed by Jesuits advising the White Popes American Roman Hierarchy, Satans Jesuit-directed total onslaught to culminate in the complete destruction of not only White Protestant American Southern culture, but, in fact the entire accursed heretic and liberal American nation? For 17th, 18th and part of 19th century White Protestant American culture was one of several historically White Protestant cultures having founded the most socially, morally, intellectually and technologically advanced nations in world historyWhite nations born out of the Risen Son of Gods Grand and Glorious, German, Dutch, Scottish and English, Puritan/Calvinist-led White Protestant Reformation (flag above). Praise God!!!
In review, following the Black Popes Reconstruction Era (1865-1877), White cultural rule was restored though segregation enforced by the Jim Crow laws. The Jim Crow Era, enforcing anti-miscegenation, racial segregation laws in the South, began in 1876 and ended in 1967 with the Orders Masonic/Warren Supreme Court deciding Loving v. Virginiawhich case overturned every state law prohibiting interracial marriage. Now the Jesuits could impose their socialist-communist religious doctrine of universal equality of all races and cultures upon both the Whites and Blacks of Romes 14th Amendment American Empire. The problem, however, with Americas AV1611 Reformation Bible-based, racial separation policies involved two injustices calculated to incite a pro-socialist-communist, pro-miscegenation reaction led by New York Archbishop Francis Spellmans Jesuit John LaFargethe Civil Rights Movement:
1. The Jim Crow laws merely oppressed the Blacks, keeping the niggers down, the Blacks being unable to advance in their individual abilities. (The phrase Free, White and 21? was born during the Jim Crow Era.) Blacks were merely to serve the interests of Whites: the term White Supremacy came to mean unjust, brutal, White oppression identified with anti-Jew Nazism. This evil and oppressive policy was encouraged by the Order, via their White Masonic coadjutors (Birmingham, Alabamas Eugene Bull Connor, of 1960s fameleft), to justify the Popes impending Jesuit-led, Masonic Civil Rights Movement. For that movement was not for the long-term benefit of Blacks, but for the immediate and long-term destruction of high White Protestant culture and White race via Satanic miscegenation historically first imposed after the Great Flood by Black Nimrodthe Antichrist of the Old Testament.
2. No policy of either repatriation back to Africa or the creation of a new Black Nation within North America was ever pursued. Clearly, the Vatican blocked every attempt for Blacks to repatriate to their new African nation of Liberiacreated and financed by White American Protestants. This is why Black nationalist Marcus Garvey was deported from New Orleans back to his native Jamaica in 1927. And clearly, no Black man would ever be allowed to honestly lead in the establishment of a new Black Nation in North America as advocated by your editor. This is why mulatto Freemason W. E. B. Du Bois, head of the Rockefeller-financed NAACP in 1910, utterly hated Garvey calling the Jamaican a traitor to the Black race. Garvey wanted Biblical separation of the races; Du Bois, who later became a full-fledged socialist-communist evidenced by his intimate friendship with communist mass-murderer Mao Zedong (left) and his move to Ghana, wanted un-Biblical miscegenation of the races.
During the height of the Civil Rights Movement, while Cardinal Spellmans War was raging in Vietnam, the Black Pope began to set in motion his Roman Catholic Mexican invasion of the American southwest. Thus, we have the beginning of the poverty-stricken, lower classed, Alien Roman Catholic Latino Invasion in dead earnest.
Now there would be two, virulent, anti-White, anti-Jew, socialist-communist factions whose Black and Latino leaders would be used by the Jesuit-advised,
American Roman Hierarchy to drive all Whites to desperation into a racially White, religiously united, Council for National Policy-backed, anti-Jew, neo-Fascist backlash. Arizonas recently passed anti-alien invasion law opposes the Popes Temporal Power and will be used by the Jesuit Order to further its Roman Catholic Mexican/Latino Alien Invasion agitation. Heart and soul of this conspiracy is none other than Pope Benedict XVIs most obedient servants: Roger Cardinal Mahoney (above left), Archbishop of Los Angeles advised by Jesuit Loyola Marymount University; Francis Cardinal George (above right), Archbishop of Chicago advised by Jesuit Loyola University Chicago; and Timothy Dolan (lower left), Archbishop of New York City advised by Jesuit Fordham University in the Bronx. And since the Roman Hierarchy rules the Popes 14th Amendment American Empire via the Council on Foreign Relations, no president, Republican or Democrat, will ever seriously oppose the Vaticans plot to impose New Right Jesuit Fascism. For Roman Jesuit fascism is indeed the endgame for which the Black Popes agitating, criminal, lawless, alien Latino invaders are of essential importance. Indeed, the Society of Jesus has laid bare its crucial maxim for all to behold: the ends justify the means.
End of Part 3