From Brother Damasio: Jesuit Coadjutor Jacob Zuma’s ANC Destroying White Protestant South Africa
The following is a recent email from White Protestant Brother in Christ, Damasio, who lives
The following is a recent email from White Protestant Brother in Christ, Damasio, who lives
Yes, the pope’s De Facto “Holy Roman” Fourteenth Amendment, Socialist-Communist, Cartel-Capitalist, pro-Socialist-Fascist, pro-Labor Zionist,
This is indeed a wonderful, insightful quote that only a Man of God (the sole
This post is for all the American Bible-Believing Patriots now fighting the Pope’s Crusade in
The following exchange is between Omar and your Editor as to how a new Black
Daniel Interprets Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream, Babylon, 580 BC Brother Eric, Here is a recent exchange I
Jesuit Nicholas Roerich, Bolshevik Adviser to Cheka Inquisitor Felix Dzersinski, 1920; Creator of the Great
Dear M.P., Here is my following critique. As you know, the Mahdi/12th Imam is the
The Shia Mahdi, 12th Shite Imam: Divine Antichrist of Islam Yet to Come Dear Brother
Dear Andreas, Yes. Look as what Voltaire and Diderot did. Voltaire played cards with his