Manning Johnson: Negro American Patriot and Racial Separatist Attacking NAACP Integration

Manning Johnson (1908-1959) was a “Negro” Reformation Bible-believing Christian man who loved his own Black race enough to defend it against the Communist “Civil Rights” designs of the pope’s international White Power Structure. He attacked forced racial integration of American public schools shoved down our throats and enforced with Federal bayonets via the wicked Supreme Court case we all know as Brown v. Board of Education (1954). As your author has taught, that Communist “Civil Rights” design of forced amalgamation covertly purposed to destroy the White Protestant and White Baptist peoples of North America, was spearheaded by the pope’s Scottish Rite Freemasonry of which Thurgood Marshall, the anti-White mulatto and attorney for Brown, was a member. (The photo above captures the Black Pope’s Masonic Conspiracy behind forced integration led by two Masonic “brothers,” President Lyndon Johnson and A. Philip Randolph whose White master was Jesuit John LaFarge. Manning Johnson—for whom there is no photo to be found on the net—opposed these wicked men of Satanic power for which he paid with his life.)
Every White man and every Black man, who truly believes the One Triune God of the AV1611 Reformation English Bible has created the racial differences within Adam’s race composing “the nations” for the good of mankind (Acts 17:26; Deut. 32:8), should be well versed in the life of this great American, Manning Johnson. Shortly after Manning gave his last speech his car was run off the road into a ravine, but he survived by the grace of God. Not long after he died of a “heart condition” which is cover story for a CIA-induced poisoning overseen by the great Civil Rights agitators, those sons of Satan, the Jesuits. Manning Johnson also warned that this extreme power of the Federal Government (i.e., the military government imposed by Jesuit Edmund Walsh directing FDR—32nd degree Scottish-Rite Freemason and apostate Protestant Episcapolian “Franklin Damnable Roosevelt”—on March 9, 1933) would degenerate into a military dictatorship with the loss of all rights to all Americans, White and Black. Manning Johnson was ahead of his day, and his warnings against socialist-communist, forced race-mixing imposed by federal district judges and the US Army have come to pass. Listen to Brother Johnson’s last speech here.