May 13, 2012: EJP Interviewed by Miss Melani from Freedom Central, Netherlands

Just last Lord’s Day (Sunday), your Editor was interviewed by Melani (Mel Ve) from“Freedom Central” situated in the Netherlands. Melani is a White refugee from once White Protestant South Africa, the socialist-communist Majority Savage Blacks doing the bidding of the pope’s murderous African National Congresshaving driven out or killed out the majority of historic White Protestants from the country since 1994. Much important information is covered in this interview lasting over a two-hour period.
There is at least one mistake on your Editor’s part. For he stated that it was Jesuit-ruled King George III who rescued Napoleon in 1814 and returned him to the Vatican. He meant to say George III rescued Pope Pius VII from Napoleon’s captivity of five years (1809-1814) and returned the pope to the Vatican in August of 1814 after which the pope restored to life the wicked Society of Jesus.
Further, your Editor forgot he was on a video recorder and thus put his arms on the back of his head as well as other somewhat overly pedestrian gestures for which he apologizes. At one point he was completely out of the picture having forgotten he was being video recorded. My apologies.
Now, may you learn a few things from the video and may the Lord bless your efforts to further understand the devil’s mystery of iniquity. For that mystery is centered in Rome, “that great city that reigneth over the kings of the earth” (Revelation 17:18).