Lord James Blackheath Exposes Pope’s Federal Reserve Bank Graft in Parilament

This story is utterly outrageous. The pope’s New York Federal Reserve Bank, controlled by the Knights of Malta, are involved in a Fifteen Trillion Dollargraft that supersedes the Order’s 2008 Wall Street banking “bailout” scandal. Before you view the video, remember the words of the great Scottish Protestant historian James A. Wylie found in his Second volume, Book Fifteen of his The History of Protestantism, 1878. On pages 398, 404 and 412 we read:
“But, further, these sons of Loyola are the kings of the world, and the sole heirs of all its wealth, honours, and pleasures; and whatever law, custom, sacred and venerable office, august and kingly authority, may stand between them and their rightful lordship over mankind, they are at liberty to throw down and tread into the dust as a vile and accursed thing. The moral maxims of the Jesuits are to be put in force against kings as well as the peasants. . . .This story is utterly outrageous. The pope’s New York Federal Reserve Bank, controlled by the Knights of Malta, are involved in a Fifteen Trillion Dollar graft that supersedes the Order’s 2008 Wall Street banking “bailout” scandal. Before you view the video, remember the words of the great Scottish Protestant historian James A. Wylie found in his Second volume, Book Fifteen of his The History of Protestantism, 1878. On pages 398, 404 and 412 we read:
“Shrewd, practical, and precise are the instructions [Secreta Monita—EJP] of the Jesuits. First of all they are told to select the best points in that great field, all of which they are in due time to subjugate and possess. The great centres of population and wealth secured, the smaller places will be easily occupied [in America, those cities are New York and Washington]. . . .
“The soldiers of Loyola are about to go forth. Before beginning the campaign we see their chief assembling them and pointing out the field on which their prowess is to be displayed. The nations of Christendom are in revolt: it will be theirs to subjugate them, and lay them once more, bound in chains, at the feet of the Papal See. They must not faint; the arms he has provided them with are amply sufficient for the arduous warfare on which he sends them. Clad in that armour, and wielding it as he [Ignatius Loyola] has been at pains to instruct them, they will expel knowledge as night chases away the day; liberty will die wherever their foot treads; and in the ancient darkness they will be able to rear again the fallen throne of the great Hierarch of Rome. But if the service is hard, the wages will be ample. As the saviours of that throne they will be greater than it. And though meanwhile their work is to be done in great show of humility and poverty, the silver and the gold of Christendom [as well as the entire world for that matter] will in the end be theirs; they will be the lords of its lands and palaces, the masters of the bodies and the souls of its inhabitants, and nothing of all that the heart can desire will be withholden from them if only they will obey him.”
One of the several Assistants to Jesuit Superior General Fortis stated in 1825 at the secret meeting in Chieri, Italy:
“All Catholic serfs must take those of Ireland for their models; and the manner in which Ireland behaves towards her cruel step-mother, England, will teach them what conduct to pursue with the Protestant sects and states that encompass and overbear them [the United States in particular]. But I positively declare, that we have no chance of success, except by means of associations [like the Council on Foreign Relations and Council for National Policy], powerfully combined, which shall have their chiefs [such as CFR-presider Knight of Malta Peter G. Peterson, former head of the pope’s New York Federal Reserve Bank], their own peculiar language, an active and well organized correspondence [such as the united American Intelligence Community headed by Roman Catholic “Intelligence Czar” Michael McConnell], and all sorts of stirring writings [Mein Kampf, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, The Communist Manifesto, etc.]. For these purposes, it is not enough to have at our disposal men of talent and men of action—we must have gold to keep them fast to their work. Aye, give me gold—plenty of gold; and then, with such able heads and such resources as the church commands, I will undertake not only to master the whole world, but to reconstruct it entirely. . . .
“I would not have any one despair of the great future success of our enterprise because our beginnings are small. What could be more inconsiderable in appearance than was our Company at its commencement? Yet but a few years had elapsed ere it proved to be full of vigour, and was already become rich and powerful. And, in later times, what throne but owned the mysterious ascendency or our genius? . . .
“We have, then, a herculean task to accomplish: to renovate a triple sphere, as well as the chief who governs it; and when a considerable mass shall have undergone a complete transformation, it is then that a pope who shall bear within him our idea, already ripened and developed, may employ the means and resources which shall have been accumulated by our strenuous exertions during a century, perhaps, or more [now nearly two centuries since 1825]. Again he may launch forth his anathemas, his interdictions, and his omnipotent decrees, to shake thrones, and to humble for ever the pride and insolence of monarchs.” *
In 1935 Jesuit Freemason Nicholas Roerich, aided by U.S. Vice President and Scottish-Rite Freemason Henry Wallace, perfected the Great Seal of the United States bearing the victorious battle cry of the Jesuits in Latin, the language of the Order’s International Vatican Empire: “Annuit Coeptis,” i.e., “Our enterprise has been crowned with success”—so anticipated at the secret meeting in Chieri. By this time the power of the Jesuit Federal Reserve Bank was complete and the nation’s gold had been confiscated, its title having been legally transferred to the Fed by Masonic traitor Franklin D. Roosevelt overseen by Knight of Malta/Jesuit priest Edmund Walsh of Georgetown University. And it is this Jesuit Fed, funding all the wars of the American Empire, that has now committed the crime of conspiracy and international graft to the tune of FIFTEEN TRILLION DOLLARS—to financially further the pope’s international political rule over all nations.
* Leone, The Jesuit Conspiracy: The Secret Plan of the Order, (London: Chapman and Hall, 1848) pp. 133-134, 167, 166.