Troy Space’s Partial List of Vatican-Loyal Suspected 911 Orchestrators & Executors

Here is another excellent example of Troy Space of London’s highly detailed and painstaking work. As your editor has always maintained, it was the Jesuit Papacy, using its various knighthoods, that orchestrated the entire anti-Islamic/anti-American Constitution 911 scenario. The Vatican has now launched its 12th Crusade in the Near East and has unleashed its “Holy Office of the Inquisition” (Department of “Romeland” Security) upon America.
Further, Democratic “President” Barry Davis Obama has continued the policies of Republican “President” George W. Bush. The Crusade in the Near East is still raging; the Department of Homeland Security is now united with Knight of Malta-driven Blackwater/XE in conjunction with NORAD/NORTHCOM “for the Security of the Homeland;” the treasonous Patriot Act remains in full force; and the bankrupting of America continues, the Pope’s Federal Reserve Bank having recently saved bankrupt Greece—a most important nation within Rome’s EU. Both Obama and Bush, installed into the Order’s Jesuit Andrew “White House”—specifically its female “matrix” of the vaginally-shaped, “Oval Office” of the Virgin Mary, continue the Vatican’s CFR-directed plot against Islam and the Jews of the “Holy Roman” 14th Amendment American Empire (1868-Present) guided by the incredible financial, political, religious and academic powers of Pope Benedict XVI’s most obedient American Roman Hierarchy.
The more things “Change,” the more things remain the same.
See the link to Troy’s website Partial List of Vatican-Loyal Suspects.