Pagan Roman Jesuit Papacy: Font of all Pornography and Sexual Perversion

Romes paramount preoccupation with sex is evident. The Popes unabashed displays of the female Vagina and the male Penis are ubiquitous throughout Roman Catholic art. But the ultimate sexual perversions of sodomy (homosexuality) and pedophilia (adults engaging in sex with children) are rampant, in fact, institutionalized within the priesthood and Roman Papal Hierarchy. Let us forever abandon the nonsensical notion that Roman Catholicism is Christian. The Papacy, since its foundation in 606 AD, is nothing more than the continuation of idolatrous, Mystery Religion having first originated in Babylon after the Great Flood. And the glue holding the worshipers of Satans Mystery Babylon Religion is immoral sexual addiction practiced by the priests of Baal in service of that Antichrist in Romethe White Pope overseen by the Black Pope and his High, Ten-Man, Jesuit Council representing Romes most powerful royal bloodline families.
For a most vivid 30-minute documentary, see this link.
San Damiano Crucifix, Erect Penis, Worshipped by St. Francis of Assisi
Crucifix Bigallo Penis Highlighted