Louvre Museum Pyramid: Linked to 666, Number of Future Risen Pope/Man-Beast

The number of the future Antichrist/Man-Beast is to be 666? as stated by the Prophet John (Revelation 13:18). We see this Satanic number everywhere, from the universal product code, to the number encoded on the door of St. Peters at the Vatican (as demonstrated by your editors Con-Con Power Point of 700 slides), to the explanation of the hexagram (as explained by Brother Marco Ponce in his video concerning Satan Week, the Hexagram, 666 and the Coming Antichrist posted on this site), to the explanation of the seal of the Jesuit General (as explained in your editors VAIII), and now to the glass-paned pyramid in the square of the Louvre Museum in Paris featured in the Orders Hollywood production, The Da Vinci Code.
We cannot forget that the three greatest museums in the world are The British Museum in London, The Louvre in Paris, and The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. We must also remember that London, Paris and New York City are squarely in the hands of the Jesuits ruling those cities through the popes Archbishop of Westminster, the Archbishop of Paris, and the Archbishop of New York City, they in command of all subordinate Masonic and Papal Knighthoods required to administer those cities.

A most excellent article linking the Louvre pyramid to 666 may be read here. Although there are not 666 glass panes, the article clearly proves that upon further consideration the edifice reflects 666 in a number of different ways. For this pyramid is indeed the Masonic capstone, the great chief cornerstone, bespeaking of the coming risen Pope, that man of sin of Satans mystery of iniquity (II Thessalonians 2:1-10). The pyramid symbolizes the coming of the risen Babylonian Tammuz, who is the risen Horus of Egyptian mystery religion, he being the risen Mithras of pagan Rome renamed Jesus Christ by Emperor Constantine at the Council of Nicea, 325 AD (as again proven in your editors Con-Con Power Point). And in anticipation of the risen Pope turned Antichrist/Man-Beast moving his world political and commercial capital to the rebuilt Kingdom of Babylon to include the rebuilt City of Babylon, the Jesuit Order has erected another ornate pyramid in Dubai!
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