Newt Gingrich: Prince Consort of the Knights of Malta, Spellman’s Killers of JFK

Knight of Malta Cartha D. DeLoach and Scottish-Rite Masonic Congressman Newt Gingrich, 1980s
Well, Newt Gingrich has thrown in his hat for the presidency of the United States. Feigning honesty, loyalty and patriotic devotion to the Constitution, this White Devil is one of the ten most dangerous, Jesuitical politicians of the Pope’s “Holy Roman” Fourteenth Amendment, Cartel-Corporate-Fascist, Socialist-Communist American Empire.
To begin with, Newt is a traitor to the Protestant Reformation and, most importantly, to his Southern Baptist baptism-by-immersion and profession of faith in Christ while a graduate student. He was inducted into the Jesuit Order’s Scottish-Rite Freemasonry later to become an oath-bound member and devotee of the highest of OPEN rites, the 33rd Degree. In addition to joining Rome’s Council on Foreign Relations, He also became a “worshiper” at the Order’s Bohemian Grove situated 70 miles north of the Company of Jesus’ University of San Francisco, its Jesuits ruling the city via Rome’s Archbishop of San Francisco. And finally, Newt recently converted to Roman Catholicism as a matter of pubic record, the despotic religion of his new wife.

JFK Assassins: Masonic President Lyndon B. Johnson & Knight of Malta Cartha D. Deloach, Oval Office, 1964
But there is more. Masonic/Knight Templar “Brother Newt” has been an old friend of the three American Branches of the Sovereign Military Order of St. John of Jerusalem, the Knights of Malta. During his rise to political prominence, Newt Gingrich became the dear friend of Cartha D. DeLoach—a most devoted Knight of Malta! “Deke” had been third in command at 33rd Degree Freemason J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI during the Kennedy Assassination ordered by Jesuit Superior General Jean-Baptiste Janssens. DeLoach protected Masonic President Lyndon Johnson from any probing questions that would arise from the Black Pope’s cover-up “Warren Investigation” managed by 33rd Degree Freemason Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren. Yes, Cartha D. DeLoach is a co-conspirator in the murder of Knight of Columbus John F. Kennedy, “Deke” merely following orders from New York City Archbishop Francis Cardinal Spellman directed by his Jesuit advisers at Fordham University in the Bronx.

Jesuit Priest Frank Haig Speaking at Brother Alexander’s Funeral, 2010
During the Reagan Administration, when the Knights of Malta openly ruled the White House via several known Knights, “Brother Newt” was a congressman and personal friend of the president. Gingrich was also an admirer and student of Reagan’s Secretary of State General Alexander Haig as well as CIA Director William J. Casey—both of whom were powerful Knights of Malta. The ties of these Roman Catholic Knights to the Jesuits is obvious: Haig’s brother is the Jesuit Francis Haig, professor at Baltimore’s Loyola University Maryland, and Casey’s Jesuit masters were from his Alma Mater (“Virgin Mary”), Fordham University.

Newt Gingrich, 2010
All of the above is extremely important if we are to understand the Pope’s Newt Gingrich. For he may be the last presidential “Commander-in-Chief of the “democratic” Socialist-Communist Fourteenth Amendment American Empire, intended to morph into a Jesuit-led, “New Right” Fascist Military Dictatorship—if Rome is to win the day. The early political connections of “Brother Newt” Gingrich included powerful Knights of Malta, one of them being Cartha D. DeLoach, a co-conspirator in the assassination and cover-up murder of President John F. Kennedy. We can now understand why Roman Catholic Newt keeps the cover-up of the Archbishop of New York’s JFK assassination alive. We can also understand why he said that anyone who believes 911 was an act perpetrated by the US government is “out of their mind.”