Archbishop Francis Cardinal George, King of Chicago, Advised by Loyola Jesuit

The militaristic White Jesuit Papacy functions on obvious maxims. Wherever there is an Archbishop ruling a city, there is a Jesuit university nearby. And that university is, in truth, a military fortress, providing martial direction and orders which the Archbishop must obey. So it is with Chicago, the second most powerful commercial city of the Pope’s “Holy Roman” 14th Amendment American Empire.

The Archbishop of Chicago is Roman “Prince of the Church” Francis Cardinal George. He is the king of that religiously White Roman Catholic and racially equally-split White/Black “windy city” of Chicago.
He is the White master of Black Freemason Louis Farrakhan, an anti-White, hatefully-racist, tribal chieftain of the Black American cult known as the “Nation of Islam.” Cardinal George is also acting overlord of the state’s Jesuit Georgetown University-trained, Irish Roman Catholic Governor Patrick Quinn III, he having replaced former Serbian Orthodox Governor Rod Blagoyevich unjustly driven from office for his public announcement that his administration would refuse to do business with the Jesuit Order’s Bank of America. The Prince is also the director of Chicago’s Irish Roman Catholic Mayor Richard M. Daley governing with the air of an imperial noble lord. The Archbishop is additionally the President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the official leadership body for the American Roman Catholic Hierarchy responsible for maintaining the Pope’s Temporal Power over the Vatican’s American Empire.
Being in control of Illinois’ Democratic and Republican political machines, Cardinal George was in directing Mulatto Barry Davis Obama’s political life while in Chicago and is partially responsible for Obama’s present tenure in the “White House”—the presidential “Executive Mansion” having been re-named in 1901 after Maryland Jesuit Andrew White.
Clearly, the State of Illinois as well as Chicago is in the hands of Cardinal George, and he in turn is overseen and advised by the Jesuits of the nearby Loyola University Chicago. George’s “personal consultant” is Jesuit priest Raymond Baumhart, former president of Loyola University Chicago as seen here. His physician is Jesuit Priest Myles Sheehan as seen here. Thus, surrounded by Jesuits, the financial, cultural, legal, political, academic and religious policy of Illinois is directed by the Jesuits ceaselessly consulting the aging Francis Cardinal George.