Grand Master of Knights of Malta Matthew Festing Meeting with Pope Benedict XVI

This video illustrates the power structure in Rome governing the world. First, “the Black Pope” rules “the White Pope,” i.e., Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Nicolas rules Pope Benedict XVI. (This is why the Order had the pope decreed to be “infallible” in 1870 at the First Vatican Council—to control the entire Papacy via the Pope!) The Pope then rules the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Grand Master Matthew Festing of England holding the status of a “Cardinal,” he rendering homage to his master, Pope Benedict XVI.
When “an order” comes down from the Jesuit Superior General as advised by his Ten Assistants in Council aided by the “High Jesuit Council of Ten” representing the Ten most powerful Noble Roman Bloodline Families, the Pope must obey. In obeying, he then turns to his Vatican Roman Hierarchy which in turn commands of all the Religious and Knightly Orders. The Order goes to the leader of the Order most fitting for the task. He then gives command to a chosen individual to carry out the Black Pope’s Order. This is how the Jesuit Superior General rules the world via the Roman Hierarchy in control of his International Intelligence Community—at the beck and call of Satan, “the god of this world” (II Corinthians 4:4).
Enjoy the video and for more information see this link