Biblical Timeline from the “Appearing” to the Second Coming, Part 3 of 5

Dear Troy,
We now can begin to enumerate the series of events that must shortly come to pass. The listing of these specific prophetic events will be listed chronologically to the best of my present understanding of the Word of God as of December, 2009. Our overriding hermeneutic will be the literal approach to reading the Word of God. We will not redefine words, but rather read them in context as well as in light of parallel passages utilizing the same words or phrases. Figurative language (visions, parables, etc.) is explained by the Holy Scriptures themselves in related passages: there is no need whatsoever to violate the Word of God by attaching a private interpretation to said language. The AV1611 King James Reformation English Bible says what it means and means what it says. If there is a word or phrase that needs clarification (as opposed to correcting the Holy Bible) we shall then consult our English Bibles underlying texts, the Ben Chayyim Hebrew Old Testament and the Textus Receptus Greek New Testament. These texts are our final authorities as to what God hath said. No other texts claiming to be the Bible, be they Hebrew, Greek or English, will be consulted. No speculative writings of fallen, sinful men, will be consulted. In warring our good warfare with the prophetic sword of the Spirit, the paramount maxim of the Risen Son of Gods Protestant Reformation will be maintained: Sola ScripturaOnly the Scriptures! We shall now proceed to list the series of prophetic events on the horizon.
1. The Appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ for the dead and living bodies of his believers in Christ is imminent or momentary. This has been the case since the Day of Pentecost in 32 AD. This is no new doctrine as it was also believed by certain English Reformers. The popularized teaching of the Rapture is a similar doctrine but is Jesuit in its origin evidenced by its Latin word root. For it pulls attention away from the Antichrist dynasty of the Jesuit Papacy out of which will emerge the final Pope, murdered and risen from the dead to be The Antichrist. The vast majority of free-will, Arminian dispensationalists hold to this heresy derived from the Biblical doctrine of the Appearing. Thus, we born-again believers in Christ daily anticipate the Appearing of Christ (I Thessalonians 4:13-18; I John 3:2) at which time we will depart from this world (II Thessalonians 2:3; I Corinthians 15:50-54) and receive our new bodies on that day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30). This present evil age (Galatians 1:4) will close as well as the dispensation of the grace of God (Ephesians 3:2) during which time the gospel of Christ was preached (Romans 1:15). Remember, an age is a period of time; a dispensation is the stewardship ( i.e., the Great Commission) that is carried out in obedience to the command of God during the age in which the dispensation exists.
2. There will be an interval of time between the Appearing of Christ and the Popes confirming of the covenant beginning the 70th Week of Years. That interval of time could range from one day to six months. It is the personal belief of the writer that there will be a period of at least 40 days between these two prophetic events. There is usually a period of 40 days between the end of one age (during which a specific dispensation/stewardship has been committed to certain men) and the beginning of another age. Moses spent 40 days on Mt. Sinai prior to the giving of the Law to National Israel. Christ was 40 days in the wilderness before he began preaching the gospel of the kingdom to National Israel anticipating the re-establishment of the Kingdom of David. And the disciples spent 40 days with the risen Lord Jesus Christ, including an additional 10 days, before the Churchthe Body of Christwas born on the Day of Pentecost. Therefore, the belief in the existence of an interval of time between the Appearing and the beginning of the 70th Week of Years is based upon Biblical precedent.
3. The last and final Roman Papal Caesar/King of Rome will confirm an international covenant for seven years. This key event begins the 70th Week of Years as foretold by the Prophet Daniel (Daniel 9:27). This treaty, bringing a false peace and seeming benefit to National Israel, is termed a covenant with death (Isaiah 28:15). That covenant will be broken by the same Roman prince who confirmed it (Daniel 9:27). When the covenant is broken and thus annulled, the Great Tribulation, termed the overflowing scourge, will be upon the Nation of Israel (Isaiah 28:18). It is during this time, the time of Jacobs trouble (Jeremiah 30:7), that the Jews of Israel and the City of Jerusalem will be trodden down for a time, times and half a time (3 1/2 years) or 42 months (Revelation 12:14; 11:2).
4. On the day the Roman Prince/Roman Papal Caesar/King of Rome (being one or the titles of the Pope) confirms the covenant beginning the 70th Week of Years, two witnesses will begin to prophesy in that great city Jerusalem where our Lord was crucified (Revelation 11:3-13). These two witnesses are two olive trees (Rev. 11:4), the same two olive trees that are spoken of in Zechariah 4:11. The two witnesses are two prophets (Rev. 11:10), also called anointed ones (Zechariah 4:14). The two witnesses are mortal, as they will be killed by the murdered and risen Roman Papal Caesar turned Man-Beast/The Antichrist (Rev. 11:7).
The two witnesses, clothed in sackclothdenoting a call of repentance to National Israel, will have supernatural powers during the 1260 days in which they prophesy. If any man attempts to hurt or kill them, fire will proceed out of the mouths of these two prophets by which the assassins will be devoured. These two prophets will have power to shut heaven thus preventing rainas did Elijah (I Kings 17:1). They will also have power to turn the waters to bloodas did Moses (Exodus 7:19-21).
Therefore it is the opinion of the writer that the two prophets are in fact Moses and Elijah returned to Jerusalem to finish their ministries cut short due to personal sin of frustration with the people of Israel. Moses, angry with the unbelief of the people, should have spoken to the Rock out of which flowed water (a type of Christ, the living water); rather, he hit the Rock twice with his staff (breaking the type of Christ) for which he was denied entrance into the land of Canaan (Numbers 20:12).
After the the LORD buried Moses (Deuteronomy 34:5-6), Satan came for the body over which he contended with Michael the Archangel (Jude 9), the Protector of National Israel (Daniel 12:1). Michael prevailed and brought Moses body into the Third Heaven to be united with the spirit and soul of Moses. Elijah, also angry with the unbelief of the people, desired to end his ministry prematurely (I Kings 19:10, 14). God answered his petition and the prophet was taken into the Third Heaven without suffering physical death (II Kings 2:11).
Both prophets, Moses and Elijah, remained in the Third Heaven in the presence of the pre-incarnate Son of God (the Lord of the whole earth Zechariah 4:14) for centuries until they were sent to speak with the Lord Jesus Christ on the mountain of transfiguration where the Son unveiled his radiant glory. There, witnessed by Peter, James and John, Moses and Elijah spoke with Yeshua the Messiah concerning His decease (exodus) that He should accomplish at Jerusalem (Luke 9:31-33). It is most intriguing that Peter recognized the long dead Moses and Elijahas will the Nation of Israel upon the return of the two prophets. Further, Malachi 4:5 plainly states that Elijah the prophet will return before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord, before the second half of the 70th Week of Years. The Lord Jesus Christ implicitly states that Elijah will surely first come and restore all things (Matthew 17:11). Therefore, it is settled in the writers mind that the two witnesses are the two prophets, Moses and Elijah. They will be seen and heard on the streets of Jerusalem the very same day the Seventh Roman Caesar/Kingthe Pope of Romeconfirms the international covenant/treaty thereby beginning the 70th Week of Years.
5. When the Roman Prince/Papal Roman Caesar occupying Caesars Palace (the Vaticans St. Peters Basilica) confirms the international covenant beginning the 70th Week of Years, then animal sacrifices and oblations of the Levitical priests in Jerusalem will be offered unimpaired. For if there is to be a functional priesthood offering sacrifices, there must be a Hebrew Temple on the Temple Mount. This Third Hebrew Temple is mentioned by Christ Himself (Matthew 24:15) as he references the prophecy of Daniel (Daniel 9:27; 12:11). This Third Hebrew Temple is also mentioned by the Apostle John (Revelation 11:1-2). Therefore, for the 70th Week of Years to be fulfilled, there must be a functional Third Temple in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount at the beginning of the 70th Week of Yearsjust as there was a functional Second Temple on the Temple Mount for the previous 69 Weeks of Years. Indeed, a Third Hebrew Temple must be built on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in order for the 70th Week of Years to begin, the final Papal Roman Caesar confirming an international covenant resulting in a short-lived, Middle East peace.
End of Part 3 of 5
Part Four