Peres Confronted for Handing Jerusalem Over to the Vatican Jesuit Papacy in 1993

Pope Benedict XVI with Masonic Court Jew Shimon Peres, Israel

The attached video concerns Masonic Papal Court Jew, CFR-connected Shimon Peres being confronted for his handing over East Jerusalem to the Vatican—the Vatican ruled by the Black Pope.  Author and lecturer Barry Chamish is the foremost authority as to the real news transpiring in Israel, he being fully aware of the Vatican connection with Israel’s Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists ruling the country for the benefit of Rome—not for the benefit of the Abrahamic Covenant-bound, beloved Hebrew/Jewish/Israelitic people living in their land.  This was the purpose for the 1948 re-establishment of Israel in the first place; for it is nothing more than Rome’s Revived Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem.  And why its re-establishment? to build the all-important Third Hebrew Temple for the final Roman Gentile Papal Caesar who shall be murdered and rise from the dead to be The Antichrist/Man-Beast, then to be aided by his Hebrew/Jewish False Prophet.



Pope Benedict XVI with Grand Master of the Knights of Malta, Festing, with Knights, Vatican City, 2009

Pope Benedict XVI’s Knights of Malta presently rule Jerusalem, including every religious site regardless of its religion.  This includes the two Temple Mount Mosques as well as the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.  Foremost in this rule is Knight of Malta/Knight of the Holy Sepulcher King Juan Carlos, “King of Jerusalem.” The concept of the Knights ruling post-war Jerusalem is not new.  Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln wrote in their The Messianic Legacy (New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc., 1986) on page 357 concerning this very plot:

“In the immediate aftermath of the Second World War, before the creation of the state of Israel, there was actually some talk of entrusting the Knights of Malta with sovereignty over Jerusalem.”

Indeed, “the holy city” of Jerusalem will be an international city ruled by the Jesuit Papacy with a Third Hebrew Temple in its midst!  Thus, the Oslo Accords of 1993 facilitated this end.  And indeed, the Jesuit-ordered, Peres-directed assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995 facilitated this ends—for the patriot, according to Chamish, refused to participate in making Jerusalem an international city!

Yes, in order for the Scriptures to be fulfilled, Jerusalem must be the seat of the coming Risen Roman Papal Caesar turned Antichrist.  That seat must be a Third Hebrew Temple to be administered by the Jewish False Prophet.  Jerusalem also must be “a cup of trembling” for all nations to which the Messiah of Israel will come, the One to save his racial brethren of Jerusalem from being totally destroyed, that very One “whom they pierced” (Zechariah 12:10).

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