Israel, Regathered in Unbelief, Prepare for the Roman Pope’s “Covenant with Death”

According to the Hebrew Prophets, the racial Hebrew/Jewish/Israelitic people that compose the Nation of Israel have a past, present and future unlike any nation in world history. To Abram was given the unconditional “Everlasting Covenant” that included a specific, geographic, land promise to his physical descendants—physical descendants through Isaac and Jacob—to the exclusion of Arab Ishmael (Genesis 15:18-21; 28:10-15). But because of Israel’s breaking of the conditional Mosiac Covenant and her rejection of Jesus of Nazareth, the promised Messiah ben David (Isaiah 53:8; Daniel 9:26), the city of Jerusalem and the sanctuary of the Second Temple were destroyed and the Jews were driven into their international Diaspora in 70 AD, to be without their land for nearly two millennia (Deuteronomy 28:64-68; Hosea 3:4-5).
But the Hebrew prophets foretold of an Israel to be brought back to their land prior to their restoration to JEHOVAH by the promised Savior, Messiah ben David. Indeed, the Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites would be brought back to their land, re-inhabit Jerusalem, and, as a nation, be in a condition of unbelief knowing not their God (Ezekiel 36:24; 38:8; Joel 3:1). During this time of regathered Israel living only in a portion of her land promised to Abraham through Issac, through Jacob, the Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites would ultimately prosper. The power of “the holy people” (their commercial and military power) would become great (Daniel 12:7). For “my people” (the racial Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites forever under the unconditional, unbreakable and everlasting Abrahamic Covenant) will participate in the universal commercial power of the rebuilt City of Babylon (Revelation 18:4), the center city of the re-established, literal Kingdom of Babylon over which the Antichrist/Man-Beast will rule from his throne in Babylon (Revelation 16:10). (Now we understand the real reason for the Pope’s Crusading “War on Terror” led by his American Empire (1868-Present) under command of Jesuits and their Temporal Coadjutors in the Pentagon!) For Babylon is to be the center of world commerce under the coming slain and risen Pope turned Antichrist/Man-Beast—the King of Babylon (Isaiah 14:4), also called the King of Assyria (Isaiah 10:5, 12)
During this time of national restoration in a part of the promised land to the racial descendants of Jacob/Israel, the nation, yet in unbelief, will prosper and will never be destroyed! The nation is to undergo its national judgment by JEHOVAH called “the time of Jacob’s trouble” (Jeremiah 30:7). Following the completion of her national judgment, Messiah be David will RETURN, to save first Judah (having fled to Petra—Isaiah 16:1-5) and then Jerusalem inhabited with Jews from worldwide invading Gentile armies, Satan bent on Israel’s final annihilation (Zechariah 12:1-10). That final attempted annihilation of the beloved Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites will be led by “the Spoiler” also called “the Extortioner” (Isaiah 16:4), he being “the Beast” (Daniel 7:11) to be personally cast into “the lake of fire” by Messiah Yeshua himself (Revelation 19:20). Indeed, Israel’s Messiah will save his elect remnant of Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites (Joel 2:31-32), he to roar from heavenly Zion upon his return to earth (Isaiah 42:13), he then to trod the armies of the Gentile nations in the fierceness of his wrath (Joel 3:9-16; Isaiah 63:1-4). The One Who does this is the Messiah named “Yeshua” according to Isaiah 62:11:
“Behold, the LORD hath proclaimed unto the end of the world, Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold, thy salvation [Yeshua] cometh; behold, HIS reward is with HIM, and HIS work before HIM.”
But before Israel suffers her terrible judgment and is subsequently restored by Yeshua, Messiah ben David, Jerusalem must enter into an international treaty that will facilitate her supposed final and lasting peace (Daniel 9:27). The Man who brings about this peace is a White Gentile Roman Caesar (Daniel 9:26-27), specifically, a Roman Papal Caesar—for every pope considers himself to be a Roman Caesar! This false peace is called a “Covenant with Death” (Isaiah 28:15, 18) and will be annulled by none other than Messiah, the tested foundation stone and cornerstone (Isaiah 28:16)—the risen and returning Adonai Yeshua ha Mashiach ben David, yes, the Lord Jesus Christ!
All is now in place for this “Covenant with Death” to be implemented. Jerusalem is ruled by the Pope’s Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists. The Pope is in control of all 26 surrounding Islamic nations violently driving the Jews to desperation and into the arms of a future protective Roman Papal Caesar in military command of his Revived Roman Empire! For without the ceaseless Islamic Arab/Jewish Hebrew agitation, there could be no justification for the coming international peace treaty finally to bring peace—a false peace—to Jerusalem and Israel that will last for 1260 days. Thus, Israel cannot and will not be destroyed; for the Devil’s “Covenant with Death” is coming!
But that “Agreement with Hell” will come only AFTER the risen Lord Jesus Christ appears for the bodies of his living and dead believers in-Christ (II Thessalonians 2:3; I Thessalonians 4:13-18) composing his Church, the Body of Christ! Only then can that “Covenant with Death“ be signed which, in turn, will be broken after 1260 days by “that man of sin” (Daniel 9:27)—the risen Roman Pope turned Antichrist/Man-Beast—the future King of Babylon!
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