Brother Chris White Debunks the Lie: Ashkenazi Jews of Israel are Gentile Khazars

This is an excellent refutation of the grandiose lie that the Jews of today are racially Gentile Khazars. Your Editor devoted an entire day validating this point in previous article. Only the rulers of Ninth century Khazaria converted to Judaism and for political reasons only. Thus, the final conclusion of Arthur Koestler’s The Thirteenth Tribe (1976) and Kevin Allen Brook’s The Jews of Khazaria (1999) holding the Hebrew/Jewish race has ceased to exist is a flat out lie.
The Hebrew/Jewish/Israelitic racial people consisting of Thirteen tribes (lighter-skinned tribes Ephraim and Manasseh springing from the tribe of Joseph—as Joseph had been given a White Egyptian wife by Pharoah) have been preserved. For the racial Jews composing National Israel will continue to be preserved until they nationally repent (Zechariah 12:10; Isaiah 66:8) and inherit the millennial kingdom with Jesus of Nazareth, the promised Son of David and returned Messiah, sitting on the restored Throne of David (Isaiah 9:6-7). God has preserved both his written Word (Psalm 12:6-7) and his racial Hebrew people yet to inherit the land promised to Abraham (Ezekiel 48). Praise the Lord!