Veteran Mike Prysner on Injustice of Iraqi War and Wall Street Bankers

Only if this brave and eloquent, young White man knew that the war he fought in Iraq was just another Papal Crusade for the benefit of the Jesuit/Vatican and not for the betterment of either the Iraqi or American people. Mike’s words are well chosen and delightfully effective.
Since publicly stating the above at the Conspiracy Conference of 2002, your editor has been against this American-led “Crusade” (rightly termed by President George W. Bush) from its very beginning. For the Black Pope’s real target is what little remains of White Protestant/Baptist-born, Constitutional liberty within the Black Pope’s “Holy Roman” 14th Amendment, Corporate-Fascist, Socialist-Communist, CFR/CIA-controlled American Empire (1868-Present).
Would to God every Iraqi war veteran would wake up and realize he has been used! used by those Antichrists in the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI and his Jesuit master, Adolfo Nicolas. To what end? To the furtherance of the Pope’s Temporal Power over every nation on earth, that power to consummate in a world government under the final Pope, murdered and risen from the dead to be “that man of sin”—The Antichrist/Man-Beast.