The Pentagon: Jesuit Military Fortress from Spain, to Italy to the American Empire

The Society of Jesus was founded by a Spanish Basque nobleman, Don Ignatius of Loyola, with the blessing of the Farnese Pope Paul III. Loyola, prior to the founding of his Order of the New Templars first called “the Knights of the Virgin Mary,” had been in command of Spanish forces in a battle with French forces at Pamplona, Spain. The fortress from which Loyola waged his defense was—you guessed it—in the shape of a Pentagon! Knight of Malta King Juan Carlos commemorated Loyola’s Spanish Pentagon with a stamp issued in 1988.

At the time of the admission of the Military Company of Jesus into the protection of the Farnese Pope of Rome, he was given a command post from which to “wage relentless war” against the Lord’s Grand and Glorious, White Northern European Protestant Reformation. That War-Room/Command Post was the Farnese Villa of Caprarola, Italy. And, as was Loyola’s fortress in Pamplona, the villa was in the shape of a Pentagon—a prominent symbol of the Biblical Satan/Egyptian Set in history. For the Company of Loyola was created by the Devil out of the midst of a Spanish pentagon-shaped fortress, Satan using his most obedient, Roman Papal bloodline noble families in financing and protecting the Order, to:
1. Prevent another Babylonian Captivity of the papacy (accomplished);
2. Take the rule of Jerusalem away from Ottoman Turks and Arab Muslims (accomplished);
3. Re-establish the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem (Israel) lost to the Muslims in 1291 AD (accomplished);
4. Destroy the Bible-based Protestant Reformation throughout the world (nearly accomplished);
5. Purge Europe of its Protestants and Jews—and Muslims once they have been used to effect European unity (nearly accomplished);
6. Re-unite a Roman Catholic Europe via a Fourth Reich/Holy Roman Empire centered in Germany (presently using the controlled enemy of Muslims in every European nation) purged of its Jews and Protestants (nearly accomplished with the European Union);
7. Remove the Temple Mount Mosques in Jerusalem (about to be accomplished with the Pope’s present 12th Crusade against Islam to be waged by the combined military forces of the North American Union and the European Union);
8. Rebuild Solomon’s Hebrew Temple on the Temple Mount (planned by the Knights Templars/Scottish Rite Freemasonry for centuries);
9. Rebuild the ancient City of Babylon with surrounding cities (being accomplished, Dubai, Baghdad, etc.);
10. Destroy Rome/Vatican City after which the final Pope, murdered and risen from the dead to be The Antichrist/Man-Beast, will move his capital to rebuilt Babylon City, the commercial capital of the World (to be fulfilled after the first three and one-half years of the 70th Week of years—the last seven-year period of the Prophecy of the 70 Weeks of Years given to the Prophet Daniel by the Angel Gabriel (Daniel 9:24-27)).

Centuries passed. As the Jesuit Order was waging its Second Thirty Years’ War (1914-1945), it needed a new secular city to base its War Room/Command Post from which it would restore the Temporal Power of the Pope around the world. That city was Washington, “District of Catholicism,” surnamed “Rome on the Potomac.” That War Room/Command Post was “The Pentagon,” overseen in its building by Knight of Malta John J. McCloy, the brother-in-law of Roman Catholic Knight of Malta Konrad Adenauer, post-war Chancellor of the Federal Republic of West Germany.
To review an excellent article authored by Craig Oxley on this topic, further exploding the Order’s use of the Pentagon, see The Unhived Mind post here.