Wicked Sin: The Black Pope’s American Military-led Crusade in Shia Iraq: Update
This article will not be popular but it is necessary medicine if we White American men are to turn to the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World. For we must begin with a godly sorrow and truly repent of our sins, believe the gospel of the saving grace of God in Christ Jesus. Then, by the faith of the Son of God given to us—that faith being a fruit of the Spirit—we must utterly refuse to continue mass-murdering the Shia Muslims of Iraq. Gentlemen, we have been duped into fighting the 12th Crusade of the Pope of Rome: we must wake up before it is to late for us, our families and our country. We have innocent blood on our hands, and we are deserving of national judgment if we repent not.
About a year ago, your editor reviewed the noted documentary film, No End In Sight. Just yesterday he reviewed the recently released movie Green Zone. Both movies tell the same terrible story. The highlights of those painful films are these:
1. Upon General Tommy Franks’ invasion of Iraq, U.S. Forces discovered no Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs). Iraq’s program intending to develop WMDs was abandoned in 1991, over ten years before the bombing of Baghdad. This means the primary reason for the American invasion of Iraq on March 19, 2003, was premised upon a LIE! a damnable, diabolical, depressing LIE! To this day, no WMDs have been discovered in Iraq and President George W. Bush even joked about this bitter reality before the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, March 24, 2004. The man who championed the 911 attack as a work of “Al Qaeda” and who later stated that the fact of Iraq having WMDs was “a slam dunk” was Jesuit Georgetown University-trained Knight of Malta and DCI George J. Tenet—the altar boy of Knight of Malta Edward Cardinal Egan. For this great show, President Bush gave Knight Tenet the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

DCI Tenet, General Franks, President Bush and Iraqi Governor Bremer Awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom, White House, 2004
2. After the successful “overthrow” of (Jesuit/CIA-creation) Saddam Hussein, American “Governor of Iraq” and CFR-member L. Paul Bremer III disbanded the Iraqi Army, rendering every former soldier, especially those in the Republican Guard, a criminal if he dared to wear a uniform. This was done over the objections of several high-level American officers. Therefore, we are forced to conclude Washington FULLY INTENDED to create chaos and the subsequent civil war in Iraq between the Sunnis, Shia and Kurds furthering the “Urban Renewal” of the country. And why? Green Zone character Clark Poundstone (the actor being a “spitting image” of L. Paul Bremer III) stated: “We’re doing a good thing here. We are going to rebuild this place.” (This leads to another question of Biblical proportions: WHY?) For their obedience to the Pope’s dictates, crusaders Franks and Bremer were also given the Presidential Medal of Freedom. At this moment, Rome’s Iraqi Crusade has obligated the American peoples for over 100 Billion Dollars, which are in fact 100 Billion Federal Reserve Debt Notes created out of thin air by the Pope’s Federal Reserve Bank.
3. The outlawing of the Iraqi Army, a force that could have brought stability to the nation and the early departure of U.S. Forces, created “The Insurgency” within one week after Bremer made his “decree.” This criminal act of the calculating and cunning L. Paul Bremer III ignited a civil war and solidified organized military resistance to American Forces in Iraq. Every bullet or IED that has killed or maimed every American soldier has been fired or set off by the very Iraqi soldiers outlawed by L. Paul Bremer III, that agent for Skull and Bonesman, President George W. Bush. Further, the more resistance to U.S. Forces, the more justification is provided for Rome’s American-led, open-ended occupation of “coalition forces”—because—“We are going to rebuild this place.” Again, we ask WHY?
Since the above three facts cannot be refuted, for they are part of admitted public record, we must conclude the following:
1. Every Iraqi that has been killed since its invasion of March 19, 2003, has been MURDERED by the military forces of the Pope of Rome, which forces have been led by the U.S. Government based in Washington, “Rome on the Potomac.”
2. Every American soldier hurt, maimed or killed since the invasion of March 19, 2003, has been MAULED or MURDERED by “The Insurgency” created by the policies of the Pope of Rome through his agent, the U.S. Government. American soldiers are not “American heroes;” rather, they are “Roman crusaders” as was your editor when garrisoned in West Germany for nearly four years.
3. Every dollar spent in financing this Jesuit War furthering the plan of the Pope of Rome in defending his “Revived Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem” (Israel) and his rebuilding of the “Revived Kingdom of Babylon” (Iraq) has been spent ILLEGALLY by the U.S. Congress also having consented to the CRIMINAL INVASION of Iraq. Every American paying the income/excise/privilege tax in financing this 12th Papal Crusade is a party to the CRIMINAL INVASION of Iraq and MASS-MURDER of the Iraqi people who were never a threat to the American people.
And WHY this invasion of powerless Iraq? Because Rome intends to use the blood, treasure, engineering and high technology of the “accursed heretic and liberal” American peoples to rebuild the entire region into a “Revived Kingdom of Babylon” hosting a rebuilt “City of Babylon.” From Dubai to Baghdad it is to be fashioned into the commercial epicenter of the world (Revelation 18:9-14), the crossroads between the continents, North, South, East and West. At first to be a restored Sunni Caliphate with its capital in Baghdad (after U.S. Forces have been betrayed from within and defeated from without), for which secret but true reason the massive U.S. Embassy has been built, it will be absorbed into the Revived Roman Empire (the Pope’s completed EU—Revelation 13:1-2; Daniel 7:7-8) of the Antichrist/Beast-Man in the middle of the yet future 70th Week of Years (Daniel 9:27).
The Seventh Roman Caesar/King (Pope of Rome) will be murdered and rise from the dead to be the Eighth Roman Caesar/King (Revelation 17:10) just days before the first three and one-half years of the coming seven-year period has elapsed. The Ten Kings of the risen Pope turned Antichrist/Man-Beast will destroy Rome and Vatican City (Revelation 17:16-18). Following that destruction, the risen Pope turned Antichrist/Man-Beast will move his political/commercial capital of the world to the rebuilt City of Babylon, he to be “the King of Babylon,” (Isaiah 14:4) the city to be “the throne of the kingdom” of the Man-Beast (Revelation 16:10).
His religious capital of the world will be Jerusalem in which will be situated the rebuilt Temple of Solomon (II Thessalonians 2:3-4; Matthew 24:15; Revelation 11:1-2). In the middle of the 70th Week of Years (after the first three and one-half hears, 1260 days) the risen Pope turned Antichrist/Man-Beast will break the seven-year international peace treaty (Daniel 9:27) and go down to Jerusalem. He will enter into the Hebrew Temple of God and demand to be worshipped as God (Thess. 2:3-4). Subsequently on that same day, the Man-Beast’s Hebrew False Prophet will erect a statue of the Antichrist/Man-Beast inside the Third Hebrew Temple that is able to speak. All who do not worship this “image of the beast” televised around the world will be put to death (Revelation 13:11-17).
Meanwhile, the Antichrist/Man-Beast will depart for his treasure city of rebuilt Babylon there to control the commerce of the world, his Jesuits assigning his name, mark or number (666) to most of the people in the world! Hence, there will be a formidable link between Jerusalem and Babylon—the two most important cities of Satan’s revived Roman Pope turned Man-Beast ruling the world for 42 months. Immediately after those dark days of “the Destroyer,” the risen Lord Jesus Christ will return to earth, this time as the “Lion of the Tribe of Judah.”
White men, and especially White Brothers in Christ Jesus, it is time to repent of our sins of commission—the murder of a people that had nothing to do with 911 and whose government had no WMDs! It is time to repent of our sins of omission—the refusal to face ourselves and think, then act in righteousness in resisting the occult Masonic forces having brought this stupendous shame upon our nation and people. For those forces involving every secret society are subject to the Society of Jesus whose Superior General rules the Pope of Rome, the American Roman Hierarchy, the secret societies in control of the CFR-directed government of 14th Amendment America and nearly every detail of our very lives. We must repent, we must return to the reading of the AV1611 Reformation English Bible, we must realize our duty to God and man and then we may be restored to the old paths of righteousness in Christ by the intervening power of the risen Lord Jesus Christ.
Then God the Father, through the intercession of his beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, will fight for us and put the Satan’s Jesuits to flight!