EJP Responds to Nur, a Muslim Blaming Israeli Zionists for War on Shia Nations
Map Iraq Babil Province City of Babylon

Map of Iraq, Babil Province in which is to be the Rebuilt City of Babylon for the Future Replacement of Rome
Dear Nur,
Thank you for contacting me.
Please allow me to help you with adopting a basic premise of truth: Rome, Vatican City’s Jesuit-ruled Papacy, presently rules the world (Revelation 17:18). This includes the Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists running Israel, Rome’s “Revived Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem.”
Rome has controlled the UK since no later than the beginning of the reign of King George III (1760). This is why the Jesuits ruling Knight of Malta King George V and Freemason Sultan Mehmed VI of Turkey both worked together to give Jerusalem to the British—without firing a shot—and to disband the Ottoman Empire at the Conference of Versailles (1919). For if there was to be a revived “Kingdom of Jerusalem” and a revived commercial “City of Babylon”—as plotted by the Jesuit Papacy, the Ottoman Empire must cease to exist. So it did.
Rome has controlled the Pope’s “Holy Roman” Fourteenth Amendment American Empire (1868-Present) from the time of the end of the Protestant and Baptist Calvinist Republic of the United States (1789-1868) predicated with the Jesuit Order’s assassination of Abraham Lincoln (1865). In 1868 the new Empire became the flunky, the slave of the Jesuit Order via its re-unification with the British Crown in London. Jesuit Coadjutor Queen Victoria giving “the Resolute Desk” to Jesuit Coadjutor President Rutherford B. Hayes in 1880 was the token of that re-unification!
Thus, the Order rules the world via its Anglo-American/UK-US Empire that destroyed the Buddhist Chinese Empire (1912), the Orthodox Russian Empire (1917), the Islamic Ottoman Empire (1922) and is presently waging war on Islam, the Shia in particular. (This is how we understand Israel’s invasion of Lebanon in 2006—kill the Shia civilians but let the Pope’s Hezbollah killers—backed by the Knights of Malta—go untouched.)
Once the Shia people are reduced in being forcefully united with the Vatican-controlled Sunni-Emirs (Sunni Kuwait, Sunni UAE and Sunni/Wahhabi “Saudi” Arabia financing this Anglo-American crusade against the “infidel” Shia), the Order is planning for a huge Sino-Soviet-Sunni Muslim Invasion into North America—our just deserts for over a century of financing and fighting for Rome in restoring the Pope’s Temporal Power around the world. The bombing of Christian Orthodox Serbia in 1999 is yet another example of the Jesuits using the UK/NATO/US, in addition to the Albanian Muslims, as its hammer in reducing nations that are enemies of the Vatican.
During the Second Thirty Years’ War (1914-1945) Rome controlled both Axis and Allies via the Jesuit General’s new-born, International Intelligence Community. That criminal, treasonous enterprise, which in fact is the “Revived Holy Office of the Inquisition,” was perfected during the Pope’s Cold War Hoax (1945-1990). The CIA (“Catholics in Action”) worked together with the British SIS, Soviet KGB and the German BND post-war. Pius XII’s “Vatican Ratlines” were used to allow the saving of murderous Nazis to be used within that International Intelligence Community, East and West.
In 1951, the CIA and BND together created the Mossad, another arm of the Jesuit Papacy. This Mossad was used to resist the truly nationalist Irgun, as the Irgun was against Rome’s quest to make the Jewish State into a “Kingdom of Jerusalem” with “the holy city” to be internationalized. Freemason Rabin, who also resisted that papal design, was rewarded with assassination by brother Freemason Peres, Rabin refusing to make Jerusalem an international city for Rome.
The invasion of Afghanistan was a criminal act on the part of the American government controlled by Rome through the Council on Foreign Relations overseen by the Archbishop of New York City, then Edward Cardinal Egan. This reprobate sinner oversaw his Knight of Malta DCI George J. Tenet coordinate the bringing down of the WTC and missile attack on the Pentagon. Tenet’s rhetoric in blaming the CIA-creation of “Al Qaeda” was the catalyst that secured the attack into Afghanistan, invaded on October 7, 2001, the same day on which the terrible Battle of Lepanto was fought in 1571, Sultan Sulieman the Magnificent losing his navy to the Knights of Malta under the command of Habsburg Emperor Maximilian II. Thus, this is Rome’s 12th Crusade against Islam. Knight of Malta Tenet is now a professor at Jesuit Georgetown University in Washington—working for his masters! The president of Georgetown University is yet another CFR-member and Knight of Malta, John J. DeGioia. These men are Crusaders, my Muslim friend, and they hate you with an everlasting hatred as does the Pope of Rome. Knight of Malta James Jesus Angleton, the Counterintelligence Chief at CIA, called for a war against Islam way back in the early 1970s!
My encouragement to you is to begin to attack the Jesuit Papacy as the real culprit behind this evil war on Afghanistan and Iraq, soon to go into Iran. There are no Muslim supporters with me in this quest and you can be the very first. You rightly attack the Labor Zionists, but you fail to realize that these Masonic Jews are mere puppets of the Chief of Illuminized World Freemasonry, Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Nicolas. The first Zionist was Napoleon Bonaparte I, advised by Jesuit Abbe Sieyes (the Second Consul), Napoleon openly advocating that Palestine should be a homeland for European Jews. Napoleon attacked Egypt, killing off the Mamluks, that being the Jesuit Order’s payback for the Mamluks driving the Knights Templars from Acre and ending the Kingdom of Jerusalem in 1291. Thus, the Jesuits are the real movers behind the anti-Jew, Labor Zionist movement. Yes, the Pope’s Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists hate their own Jewish people almost as much as they hate you. The Order was behind the Dreyfus Affair out of which arose the Labor Zionist movement in the late 1890s. And it was the father of Labor Zionism, Theodor Herzl, who was given an audience with Pope Pius X in 1904 for his blessing in furthering this Jesuit plot!
Lastly, you must defend the right of the Hebrew/Jewish/Israelite people to live in their land promised to their fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I know of a Muslim scholar in Jerusalem doing this right now using the Koran. We are all warned that if we fight against the Jews in attempting to live in their land of promise, we will be punished as a people within our nations as per Genesis 12:1-3 and Jeremiah 30:16. Two 20th century examples of this Curse extending to nations are the apostate White Protestant nations of Germany and Britain. We must aid the Jews in the possession of their land while resisting the government that presently rules them—for the benefit of the Jesuit Papacy!
If you continue to blame the Zionists, the Mossad, etc., as the power behind this war and your present plight, you will never succeed in your quest to stop the mass-murder of your people. According to the Risen Lord Jesus Christ, Jerusalem is under Gentile control and will remain so until his physical Second Coming to Jerusalem (Luke 21:24). Thus, the Jews do not even run Jerusalem, not to mention this wicked war in Iraq. Blame Rome, and I will do all that I can to help you my Muslim friend. If you will be a Saladin and fight against Rome’s Knights Templars and Knights Hospitallers as did he—beheading 230 of them, I shall defend you as did Spain’s El Cid, and we together can alert our peoples to their grave threat of annihilation at the hand of our mutual enemy, the Jesuit Roman Papacy!
Lord bless,
Brother Eric