Gulf of Mexico Oil Disaster: Another 911 Overseen by Jesuit Agents; To What End? Update VII

Your editor has deliberately held off in his analysis pertaining to the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster continuing to fester out of control. At first, considering the explosion and resultant fire that sunk British Petroleums Deepwater Horizon (Horus Rising) Oil Rig to have been a genuine accident, time was spent listening to others who were actually on site as well as investigative journalists more adept in this field of expertise. But after over two months of research with aid from other honest advisers, your editor has concluded the following points below. Remembering the great maxim of the Society of Jesus, The Ends Justify the Means, nothing should come as a surprise to the student of the dastardly and diabolical Military Company of Jesus as it destroys the final vestige of the Risen Son of Gods Bible-based, Grand and Glorious, Protestant Reformation here in North America:

1. Jesuit Hollywood Theater foretold in its 2009 release Knowing, featuring Knight of Malta Nicholas Cage, there would be a massive fire on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. The number 666? is also on a piece of paper seen on the clip, which number is unique to the Papacy, as 666? in three distinct symbols is on the bronze door of St. Peters Cathedral in Rome. (Notice the six hexagrams on the extreme right seal. See also your editors Conspiracy Conference Power Point, 2008, updated to 700 frames available under Store on this website.) The brief video clip of this segment of Knowing is all over the internet and posted above.

2. A short time prior to the downing of the oil rig, Goldman Sachs sold short in the stocks it held with British Petroleum. Thus, Goldman Sachs, Wall Street pundit Jim Cramers former employer, made a wondrous killing of a profit, the style of which parallels the insider trading depicted in another Jesuit Hollywood release, Wall Street. Remembering that Pope Benedict XVI had recently stated that Goldman Sachs was doing Gods business, and remembering that your editor had proven Romes Knights of Malta have been running Goldman for years (via, Knight of Malta Geoffery T. Boisi and others) in his book VAIII, this is the second detail evidencing Romes involvement in the fiasco. The current manager of Goldman Sachs International is Peter Sutherland, another Papal Knight and a chief financial adviser to the Pope.

Peter D. Sutherland, KCMG, serves as the Managing Director of Goldman Sachs International. Mr. Sutherland serves as an Advisory Director of Goldman Sachs Group Inc. He served as the Director General of GATT and Group Secretary and General Counsel of World Trade Organization from 1993 to 1995. Mr. Sutherland served as an Attorney General of Ireland and also served as European Commissioner from 1985 to 1989 where he was responsible for competition policy. He serves as Chairmanof Goldman Sachs International of Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Mr. Sutherland has been the Non-Executive Chairman of BP Solar International, Inc., since 1997. He serves as the Chairman of British Petroleum, BP Amoco PLC and United Kingdom. From 1989 to 1993, he served as the Chairman of Allied Irish Bank. He served as the Chairman of Yorktown Virginia Refinery since 1997, and BP PLC from May 1997 to October 2009. He has been a Director of Bergesen Worldwide Limited since July, 2009. He has been a Director of BP Trinidad & Tobago LLC since 1995, and BP Solar International, Inc., since 1995. He serves as a Non-Executive Director of Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson. He serves as a Director of Goldman Sachs International. He has been Member of Supervisory Board at Allianz SE since January, 2010, and serves as a Member of its International Advisory Board. He also serves as a Member of Advisory Council of TechnoServe, Inc. Mr. Sutherland served as a Non-Executive Director of BP PLC since July 1995. He serves as a Member of Foundation Board of World Economic Forum. He served as an Independent Non-Executive Director of National Westminster Bank PLC since January 2001. He served as an Independent Non-Executive Director of The Royal Bank Of Scotland PLC from January 2001 to February 6, 2009. He served as a Non-Executive Director of Yorktown Virginia Refinery. In addition, he serves on the board of Allianz, Koc Holding A.S. [involved in the Gaza Flotilla fiasco] and is a member of the advisory board of pharmaceutical giant, Eli Lilly. Mr. Sutherland served as Non-Executive Director of BP PLC from 1990 to 1993. He served as a Director of LM Ericsson Telephone Co. since 1996, Ericsson SPA since 1996 and Investor AB since 1995. He served as a Non-Executive Director of Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC from January 2001 to February 6, 2009. He served as a Member of International Advisory Board of CNOOC Ltd. since March 20, 2003. He holds various board and advisory positions with several global corporations and organizations. He is Chairman of London School of Economics, and UN Special Representative for Migration and Development. He was awarded an honorary KCMG in 2003. Mr. Sutherland holds Bachelor of Civil Law from University College Dublin.3. British Petroleum had been irresponsible in its drilling operations. The Deepwater Horizon was not fitted with a safety mechanism that, in theory, would have prevented the accident. Why? Surely the cost of the safety device would have been worth the investment had it prevented such an event now out of control. Futher, a dominant chairman within the BP apparatus is none other than Peter Sutherland. Now we have complicity at the top of both Goldman and BP centered in a financial adviser to the Pope of Rome! Sutherlands bio is as follows given by researcher Brian David Anderson:
But most importantly Peter D. Sutherland has the title of Consultor of the Extraordinary Section of the Administration of the Patrimony of the ApostolicSee which means he is officially the chief financial advisor to the Vatican. But in reality his Vatican title means he is a high ranking foot-soldier for the Jesuits and the Pope.
4. The day the oil rig exploded and caught on fire was April 20, 2010. This is most intriguing as that day is Hitlers birthday. Could this have been a statement that another Hitler is coming, this time to be a fascist military dictator of the American Empire? The Order has warned of its intent to impose fascism in the U.S. as per another Hollywood movie, JFK. This is now our fifth piece of evidence pointing to Rome as the culprit behind what appears to be the greatest natural disaster in historyapart from the Great Flood of Noah.

5. As seen in the picture above, the oil rig is sinking on April 22, 2010two days after the initial explosion. Notice the gaping hole in the helicopter pad at the top right of the initial photo above. The metal surrounding the hole is convex in shape, turning down, not up. Thus, the evidence is clear: something hit the oil rig from above, maybe a missile, a bomb or a high powered laser. Regardless of the weapon, this means the Unified American Intelligence Community orchestrated the event. Yes, this is another inside job as was 911. And the present individual now overseeing the Popes American Intelligence Community is a darling of the Jesuits of Santa Clara University, Roman Catholic Director of Central Intelligence Knight of Malta Leon Panettawhose daughter recently visited Venezuelas Hugo Chavez. And Chavezthe servant of Knight of Malta King Juan Carlosis now permitting the Soviet Navy and Airforce to base in his country. This leads us straight to Mulatto President Barry Davis Obama, the creation of Bilderberger and former National Security Director, White devil Zbigniew Brzezinskianother darling of the Jesuits of both Georgetown University and Fordham University.

6. The questions that arise are Why Did the Vatican do this? What is the endgame of this sordid scenario? As it appears to your editor, the answer must be the Military Company of Jesus commanded by the Jesuit Superior General is now moving in for the kill, to extirpate all of us heretic and liberal peoples of the American Empire. Our White Southern-born, Protestant Presbyterian Constitution and Baptist-Calvinist Bill of Rights are now to be scrapped in favor of a White fascist, anti-Jew, military dictatorship. Therefore, we can expect the situation to worsen with HAARP-induced tropical hurricanes and possibly a huge explosive detonation at the well-head in the attempt to stop the flow. Whatever course of action pursued will justify radical emergency powers to be wielded by Romes left-wing Council on Foreign Relations / right-wing Council for National Policy agents ruling Washington. There may well be a monstrous evacuation ordered, as Mass Evacuation buses are visible on the highways in the South as seen here.6. After the sinking of the oil rig on the 22nd, the muck has been permitted to flow without ceasing. No real effort has been made to stop the gusher. Toxic chemicals have been dropped in the millions of pounds further polluting the Gulf, rather than employ tested, safe, biological solutions. Foreign help was refused. Why? These decisions lead us to the Obama White House and its secret but true master, Roman Catholic Vice President Joe Bidenthe real President of the United States. Yes, this beloved tool of the Jesuits overseeing their presidential creation is a darling of the Company running their Scranton University and St. Josephs University right here in Pennsylvania. Had enough yet? One last thing: the Republicans in the Senate are blocking the conferring of powers to launch a full investigation of the disaster as seen here. But lets stop reciting the facts serving as circumstantial evidence leading to an easy conviction.
Most likely, the Empires over 800 concentration camps will be opened to receive all those having been first relocatedthe exact same scenario the Popes Nazi-SS put upon the Jews, heretics and liberals of Europe. Those first relocated to holding centers (possibly the Wal-marts) by bus will, in time, be sent to the camps by train. But the end is not yet.

The purpose of evacuating the coast of the Southfrom Louisiana to Floridais to facilitate the Orders impending Sino-Soviet-Muslim invasion. That is the ultimate endgame. This is why Chavez has hosted the Orders Soviet Russian military. This is why Jesuit-trained Fidel Castro is an old friend of the Soviets, as well as having been a most obedient slave of the Pope. This is why the Orders Red Chinese military is manning intelligence stations in Cuba. This is why Red China is in control of the Orders Panama Canalthanks to giveaway Freemason Jimmy Carter and his lodge brother, Zbigniew Brzezinski. And this is why Red China is in control of the largest container facility in the Western Hemisphere located in the Bahamas.
We have been encircled. This was done to the Protestant Second German Reich before Jesuit Coadjutor Kaiser Wilhelm II attacked France beginning World War I in 1914. History is now repeating itself since it is the same Jesuit Order being permitted to impose the same encirclement policy. Now a massive military beachhead is being prepared for the tripartite coalitions future attack into the last bastion of Protestant and Baptist liberty in the worldthe apostate Old White Protestant South! There can be no other explanation, considering all of the above coordinated events during the last two months, indeed during the last sixty years!
Update: See this link.
Update: See this link.
Update: See this link. Shattering Denial: Gulf Oil Rig Prepares Path for Invasion of US, Part 1.
Update: See this link. Shattering Denial: Gulf Oil Rig Prepares Path for Invasion of US, Part 2.
Update: See this link. Shattering Denial: Gulf Oil Rig Prepares Path for Invasion of US, Part 3.
Update: View the following by Lenny Bloom and Mrs. Steele:
FINANCIAL – first, consider the coincidences of these financial transactions before the event:
1. BP knew about the cracks in the drill casing 2 weeks before (direct witness testimony).
2. BP sells half its own stock before the explosion (public record).
2. BP CEO Hayward sells over a million in his own personal stock a few weeks before the explosion (public record).
3. Goldman Sachs sold 44% of their BP oil holdings in the 1Q 2010, earning 266 Million on the Sale (public record).
4. Halliburton (former CEO, Dick Cheney) buys Boots n Coots (an oil spill cleanup company!) 11 days before it happens (public record).
5. Nalco, maker of Corexit, the toxic chemical being sprayed by BP has controlling interests co-owned by Al Gore, George Soros, Barack Obama and others (public record).
SECRECY – BP sealed off the area from all outside access and instituted a complete media blackout ((Why? – only those that have something to hide do their deeds in secret):
1. BP hires Goons, UN Troops and Gulf Police to patrol the waters and coastline, forcing a lockdown and blackout on any public scrutiny, under threat of arrest. (Why?)
2. Reporters and anyone caught talking to reporters is threatened with immediate arrest. Coastal residents are in a state of fear, not from the oil, but from BP Goons.(Why?)
3. The entire area is decreed a no-fly zone. (Why?)
4. BP has full control of all released data. No independent scientists or other professionals are allowed access to data that is not first filtered through BP. (Why?)
TOXICITY – not only is toxicity pouring into the gulf from the undersea volcano, but the BP is deliberately spraying the highly toxic Corexit into the air and over populated areas. Hurricane season is coming up, destined to carry the poisonous gases inland over the eastern US.
1. This is not only an oil spill, they hit a volatile volcano, emitting toxic poisons (4) benzene, methane, and others into the water and the air. The levels of these poisons are now up to 3,000 times more toxic than EPAs safe levels.
2. BP is using toxic chemicals to clean-up Corexit made by Nalco to ariel spray over the oil. This poison contains mercury and arsenic. It is far more toxic and less effective than any of the other oil disperssants that could have been used. (why would they use this when there are safer and less harmful alternatives ?)
3. Govt tells BP to quit spraying and but they continue anyway. (Why?)
4. Cleanup workers are getting sick and dying BP offered no protection for any of these workers cleaning and helping. Workers requests for respirators are denied by BP. (Why?)
VOLITILITY – it is not just pollution from the oil that is the greatest threat:
1. An eruption of this undersea volcano will result in a tsunami, caused by superheated steam, estimated by scientists to be up to 80-200 feet high effectively wiping out anything in its path up to 200 miles inland this includes most of the state Florida, the highest point of which is only 60 ft above sea level.
2. A Bubble of High Pressure Steam is emerging at the point of drilling. The pressure under this bubble is building continually. This could result in a huge erruption unless the pressure is somehow eased. Satellite imagery withheld by the Obama administration shows that under the gaping chasm spewing oil at an ever-alarming rate is a cavern estimated to be around the size of Mount Everest. This information, he says, has been given an almost national security-level classification to keep it from the public. (Wayne Madsen Reports)
3. The gulf stream will eventually take the oil into the ocean along the east coast over to Europe, theres is no stopping this. (this is happening now, the oil has travelled up as far as North Carolina).
DESTRUCTION TO LIFE – Two months after the event and subsequent clean-up, we see:
1. Birds falling dead out of the sky.
2. Animals picked up on shore dead in mass accumulation.
3. People living along the coast getting sick, vomiting, and the air smells like oil.
4. Crops are dying inland of the coast. Farmers are reporting plants covered with white and yellow spots and acres upon acres rotting vegetation.
5. Its now raining oil on various communities along the coast.
6. Once beautiful white-sand beaches in Pensacola Florida are now covered with an ugly black toxic sludge (see photo above).
7. There is NOTHING being done that is slowing or stopping the pollution. In fact, BP has accelerated the problems by poisoning the air with chemicals.
MARTIAL LAW PREPARATION – The President seems curiously unconcerned:
1. President Obama has TURNED-DOWN several attempts by experts and professionals from other nations to help solve this problem. (Why?)
2. Obama has been down there with a bus load of his own people, (not real coastline people) and tells us everything is okay, that when they are done with their cleanup the gulf will be better than before when they are done, and then sends down 17,000 national guard. Does anyone out there actually still beLIEve this pathological liar? (Why?)
3. 4,000 white transport vehicles are transported to an empty airfield near Jacksonville, FL, and lie waiting for the eventual evacuation. Theyve been there long before the event. It is obvious, someones been planning a scenareo like this for some time.
4. Federal govt is readying FEMA camps, bought up blocks of hotel rooms, will use post offices and military bases to evacuate. There are now over 800 FEMA (concentration camps) in the United States, many of them outfitted with modern guillotines and gas chambers. Dont believe it? Its true. Theyve been systematically building them for the last 25 years.
1. The event occurred on April 20th, Adolf Hitlers Birthday – This is the same date as 3 other manipulated events within the last two decades, including: the Ruby Ridge Massacre, the Oklahoma City Bombing False Flag, and the Columbine Massacre. Does anyone out there really think this is just an odd coincidence? It is a fact that the controlling global elite operate through black magic and dark occult practices to preserve and expand their positions of power. April 19-20 has long been identified as one of their black power dates.
CONCLUSION– This is an event of such long range devastating impact on the environment and all life on this planet that there may be no way for mankind to stop or reverse its consequences. We will have to wait and see, but it appears that the forces this ignited are way beyond anything man can do to mitigate it. It seems our global karma is now in our face, to the point where we cannot ignore it any longer. What makes it even most heinous is that fact that there is much to indicate it was a planned, staged false-flag event with foreknowledge and orchestration by those who are now reaping profit and greater consolidation of power as a result of the disaster (Much like Larry Silversteins lucrative insurance policy taken out of the World Trade Center shortly before their demolition).
This is a manipulated event and not just an accident But, why would someone want to do this? There are lots of reasons, and to understand events on the global scale, one simply has to ask who benefits?
So, when we ask that question, we get these answers:
1) Barack Obama– now has the perfect situation in which he intends to force his planned Cap and Trade tax down on the Americas people. This will further tie a weight around the neck of Americas taxpayers, who are already going under, losing their homes by the millions and forming tent cities all over the country. Unless people wake up to the reality of what is really happening and demand REAL CHANGE, it will mean the final death blow to the nation. Broke, demoralized, suffering ill-health and disempowered the people of the United States will be reorganized into the emerging global totalitarian government which has long been planned and to which we have been marching towards, step by step, for several decades.
2) Corporations theres lot of money to be made from the destruction and death caused by wars and disasters. (Just ask Dick Cheney.)
3) Those who promote Population Control clearly, the geographic location of this event is no accident, (as was Katrina was no accident). The communities along the Gulf of Mexico has a high percentage of people either living on welfare or social security, and are predominantly afro-american and the retired elderly. These economic and racial groups are prime targets for population reduction as has been publicly stated as the one of the highest priorities for those pushing the Globalist NWO agenda (Kissingers useless eaters).
The immediate purpose for this, the Jesuit Orders designed BP/Goldman Sachs/Halliburton Oil Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, is mass-evacuation of the south coast, from Texas to Florida. The far-reaching, future purpose of this disaster is to prepare the beachhead for the Vaticans coming Sino-Soviet-Muslim Invasion. As the newer and larger Panama Canal will not be finished until after 2015, the invasion is subsequent to the completion of that maritime monster. The Communist USSR (deceptively called The Russian Federation) and Communist Red China have been built by the Orders CFR in control of Romes Holy Roman Fourteenth Amendment American Empire (1868-Present) since the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. All is proceeding according to Vatican plan, and this travesty of treason in the Gulf is part of the Black Popes plot!
Update: According to Texe Marrs (and he does post some important truths in spite of his blame the Jew Jesuit rhetoric) an unexploded, undersea bomb washed up on the Alabama shoreline and was discovered by BP cleanup workers. Maybe this is one of the reasons no independent press is allowed to walk and photograph the shoreline!
Update: The Oil flow has now been capped. It was never out of control. The Gulf has been isolated from independent reporters and photographers. The attached video has several important points to consider and is worthy of serious reflection. See this link.