Satanic Jesuit Triumvirate: Adolfo Nicolas, Peter-Hans Kolvenbach & Pope Francis I

The three most powerful men in the world are Jesuit priests. The order of their power is as follows: First, “the Black Pope” and Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Nicolas; secondly, former Black Pope and Jesuit Superior General Peter-Hans Kolvenbach; and lastly, “the White Pope” and Vicar of Christ/Vicar of Horus Pope Francis I. Pope Francis I is the first pope who is openly a member of the military order of the Society of Jesus. As to national identity, Black Pope Nicolas is a Spaniard; ex-Black Pope Kolvenbach is a Dutchman; and the present White Pope Bergoglio is an Italian. These three arch criminals under bloody oaths rule the world on behalf of Satan, “the god of this world” (II Corinthians 4:4).
What this means is these three men rule all the governments of the nations through the Black Pope’s perfected international intelligence community directed by the Jesuits from Rome through London and Washington, D.C. All central banks are ruled by the agents of these men. All the armies of the most powerful nations (US, Russia, China, Germany, etc.) are ruled by these men. All the secret societies are ruled by these men. All mafia families conducting every sort of organized crime are ruled by these men. All entertainment and news outlets are ruled by these men. There is nothing outside of their immediate temporal power, i.e., the power ruling the governments of all nations today.

The only One Who can set back their Satanic power is the Lord Jesus Christ seated at the right hand of His Father on High, and given all power in heaven and in earth (Matthew 28:18-20; Psalm 110:1). The Body of Christ, being the true Church/Assembly of the Risen Son of God, also has the power to set back Satan’s “mystery of iniquity” imposed by the Jesuit Triumvirate. For those in Christ Jesus, it is now time to act in obedience to the Word of God. As was done by our Puritan-Calvinist fathers in Holland, Great Britain, France and America, so shall we do today.