President Trump: Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors are on the Attack from Within Your Administration

Dear President Trump,
Certain Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors have set out to foil your attempts to implement invigorating, nationalist policies intended to build our epic nation created by the Constitution for the United States of America. These men and women, both directly and indirectly, are slaves of Jesuit Superior General Arturo Sosa, he being the secret master of his subordinate, Jesuit Pope Francis I. Yes, the Society of Jesus rules the pope of Rome who in turn rules the United States via a host of organizations and brotherhoods. By far, the most powerful “Roman Senator” in the nation is the Archbishop of New York City, Timothy Cardinal Dolan—the man you sat next to at the Cardinal’s annual Al Smith Dinner prior to your election. This “prince of the church,” overseen by powerful Jesuits of Fordham University within the Order’s New York Province, oversees the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in New York City. The CFR is the Cardinal’s trusted third party. Its purpose is to enforce the pope’s Temporal/Political Power over America, America then to wage economic and martial war on selected nations targeted by the military “Company” of the Society of Jesus. The nations most targeted today are Syria and Iran.
Apparently the Jesuits have ordered their left-wing, socialist-communist, anti-American press (including CFR-controlled MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, etc.), certain socialist-communist politicians (New York Senator Charles Schumer, California Governor Jerry Brown, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, etc.) and socialist-communist, anti-American Academia to wage a concerted, frontal attack against you. Meanwhile, you are under siege by certain traitors within the Intelligence Community secretly directed by Jesuit Coadjutors within the NSA, CIA, FBI, DIA, etc. Two of the men seeking to sabotage your administration are named here. They are former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. And what do these Obama holder-overs have in common? Both Roman Catholics are connected to Jesuit universities: Brennan is a creature of Fordham in New York City and Clapper was a professor at Georgetown in Washington, D.C.—the two foremost Jesuit universities in the country.
In addition to having real AV1611 Bible-believing Men of God who know the risen Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior and are serious men of effectual fervent prayer and fasting, I suggest you add to your present bodyguard AV1611 Bible-believing Men of War who know how to pray and fight. This is exactly what the great Oliver Cromwell did after he became the Protector in Great Britain from 1653-1658. This savior of the English Reformation, being at war with Papal Rome and the Jesuit Counter Reformation, did the following after he dissolved the treacherous Parliament in 1653:

“No sooner was this parliament dissolved, then he commenced arresting the ringleaders of the conspiracy. Summoning his followers about him, he explained how matters stood, and if asked if they would permit the enemies of the Commonwealth to overthrow it? They answered, ‘We will stand and fall with your Highness—we will live and die with you.’ A hundred and sixty brave fellows, selected from his different regiments of cavalry [Cromwell’s invincible Ironsides], divided into eight companies, became his bodyguard; ten of whom were always on duty about his person. On these he could rely; and unflinching and bold must be the man, and quick the assassin’s knife, that could reach him then.” J. T. Headley, The Life of Oliver Cromwell (New York: Baker and Scribner, 1848) p. 421.
If you truly are the man you appear to be, then may God the Father of the risen Lord Jesus Christ protect you from present left-wing, socialist-communist, Jesuit onslaught waged on both you and the American people who put you in office. The Society of Jesus, being the true authors of Communism, know how to use this bloodied arrow to bring down their target. May the Lord be your shield and exceedingly great reward (Genesis 15:1) as you seek to preserve the nation that is the last bastion of gospel-preaching and Reformation Bible distribution in the world.