From Brother Damasio: Jesuit Coadjutor Jacob Zuma’s ANC Destroying White Protestant South Africa

The following is a recent email from White Protestant Brother in Christ, Damasio, who lives in South Africa. The Jesuit Counter Reformation continues on the warpath to destroy every vestige of the Risen Son of God’s White Protestant Reformation. Included in that “extirpation of heretics” are the White Protestants and Baptists of South Africa. Your author believes that South Africa, the highest civilization in all of Africa, will be destroyed within fifteen years by the Order’s hatefully racist, anti-White, Black Communists as is the case with the Black Racist Robert Mugabe’s Rhodesia (aka “Zimbabwe”). Read the letter and weep.
Dear Brother Eric,
Thank you so much for replying to my initial message! I know you’re busy with all sorts of matters and it delighted me much to see you taking time out of your day to reply to me. I appreciate it sincerely.
In regards to the Jesuit ruination of our once great Protestant country of South Africa I have to tell you with a heavy heart there seems to be a few bombshells being dropped on the religious community here in regards to legislation. I’m admittedly no lawyer myself, but I have a habit of perusing through Bills and pieces of legislation to see for myself the language being used, and I must tell you that the absolute Communist government here headed by Jacob Zuma is attempting to pass a “Hate Speech and Hate Crimes” Bill. I’ll just give some short excerpts out of the Bill so you can see the word-play and the undermining of religious rights that’s taking place under the guise of “caring for the people” which is the typical game they play. Sell something truly evil and restrictive as something innocuous and protective. I have a feeling this was masterminded by people outside of the government element because it’s the same idea that’s being done across Europe in terms of restriction of our liberties under the guise of not being able to offend anyone anywhere for anything. They normally draft legislations like these with such a wide and encompassing definition of the term “hate” to allow almost anyone to be prosecuted for any reason. This will fuel the fear of people, and the traitorous will feel empowered because if someone simply doesn’t like you, they’ll be able to ruin you by calling in the government to do a close audit of your ideology and, ipso facto, you’re hateful.
Some quotes from the Bill: (here’s a link to it if you have the time to examine it yourself – )
“(1) A hate crime is an offence recognised under any law, the commission of which by a person is motivated on the basis of that person’s prejudice, bias or intolerance towards the victim of the hate crime in question because of one or more of the following characteristics or perceived characteristics of the victim or his or her family member: (a) Race; (b) gender; (c) sex, which includes intersex; (d) ethnic or social origin; (e) colour; (f) sexual orientation; (g) religion; (h) belief; (i) culture; (j) language; (k) birth; (l) disability; (m) HIV status; (n) nationality; (o) gender identity; (p) albinism; or (q) occupation or trade”
“(1) (a) Any person who intentionally, by means of any communication whatsoever, communicates to one or more persons in a manner that – (i) advocates hatred towards any other person or group of persons; or (ii) is threatening, abusive or insulting towards any other person or group of persons, and which demonstrates a clear intention, having regard to all the circumstances, to – (aa) incite others to harm any person or group of persons, whether or not such person or group of persons is harmed; or (bb) stir up violence against, or bring into contempt or ridicule, any person or group of persons, based on race, gender, sex, which includes intersex, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, religion, belief, culture, language, birth, disability, HIV status, nationality, gender identity, albinism or occupation or trade, is guilty of the offence of hate speech.”
“(3) Any person who is convicted of an offence referred to in section 4 is liable, in the case of – (a) a first conviction, to a fine or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding three years, or to both such fine and imprisonment; and (b) any subsequent conviction, to a fine or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding 10 years, or to both such fine and imprisonment.”
There’s a lot more heavy-handed wording that I could quote but in order to keep this succinct I’ll leave it there. We all know the plan, if you preach about sin, homosexuality, the mental disorder that is transgenderism, the evils of feminism, that could be classified under these wide-stroke definitions as hate speech. If you tell other people in a church setting to preach more about sin, that could be classified as conspiracy. I have little to no doubt that this is a stern fist that’s being shaken in the direction of Protestant Christians. A true shame that there aren’t enough people here to truly make a stand against this SIN THAT OUR GOVERNMENT IS PARTAKING IN. They will have blood on their hands if they convict godly men and send them to prison. But I have no doubt of the holiness of God, with tribulation comes purification of the saints. And judgement must begin at the house of God (1 Peter 4:17)
In other news there was a successor named after Archbishop Desmond Tutu, his name is “Dr.” Thabo Makgoba. In 2008 he was awarded the Cross of St. Augustine by none other than the Archbishop of Canterbury. He calls himself an Anglican but we know he’s an apostate Anglican busy being a lapdog for the Pope, as you always humorously say. He’s very rarely in the limelight so I wonder exactly what he’s up to, but I’ll have to do more research before I can say any more about that man.
Another topic is the death of a man by the name of Eugene Terre’blanche. He was killed on the 3rd April 2010, he was a white afrikaans national leader of the political party known as AWB. The AWB was known as an armed division of the white nationalism movement within South Africa to protect and to acknowledge the rights of the European immigrants that came to settle here. He was without a doubt a threat towards the socialist-communist elites here because he advocated racial separation and a nation within South Africa that white people could call their own. Much akin to your call for a ProBaptiCal. He managed to militarize and train white afrikaans people in the event of a civil war, so that people would be prepared should the proverbial paw-paw hit the fan. (Here is an interview with the man himself, he speaks in Afrikaans but it is subtitled in English so I would advise you have a look –
There was a lie sold throughout the mainstream media as to the reason for his death (you can find a news bulletin here:, the claim being that he was a white supremacist and one of the workers on his farm murdered him in a very savage and brutal way. I maintain that he was murdered by a local terrorist group who specifically targeted him because he was managing to marshal the white farm owners into a militant group network to be able to defend themselves against the string of brutal farm murders by racist savage blacks who specifically target farm owners because they’re relatively isolated and easy to assault. With his death, died the entire network and the organizational paradigm that he was trying to build. There are some rumours that it just went underground but that remains to be seen. He was a Bible believing man of God, and he called white people to repentance. He advocated that white afrikaaners return to our God. He also very much advocated the realization of our identity. As you can imagine, with our liberal communist media, they painted him as everything short of the devil himself.
Onto Nelson Mandela, I’m very sure you know of his initiation into the Knights of Malta along with that other wicked sinner Thabo Mbeki who was his successor (who was impeached might I add). There is a connection between a communist Jew by the name of Joe Slovo and the KGB to the training and pruning of the co-founder of the military arm of the ANC known as the “Umkhonto we sizwe” who is none other than the man Nelson Mandela himself. The National Party exiled some of the Umkhonto we sizwe leaders and members which then allowed them to get military training overseas, this is where it’s supposed that the KGB stepped in and gave them this such training. Something worth mentioning here would be the fact that after the Battle of Blood River, where our white Christian voortrekkers made a promise to God that they would honour every year, should they be delivered from the impending Zulu siege. This was called “Gelofte Dag” which is translated loosely as the “Day of the Vow”. One of the first things that the godless Nelson Mandela did when he came into power was he changed the Day of the Vow to what is now called “Reconciliation Day” removing any notion or link between that day and the mighty hand of Providence that saved us from that impending demise. This gives me the impression that this was very precisely planned by people who hate God. Related to this is the strict overhaul of the gun laws in South Africa that are still on-going, almost as if they want to set up the white people here for a massive genocide. The situation here is really tense as you can expect, especially with the white people here. This tension is creating a large divide between the whites that are lulled into going along with this idealist “Rainbow nation” ideal, and the what could be considered more “right” afrikaans people who tend to view this government as traitorous and completely antagonistic. One such example of the government driving white farmers to desperation here is their consistent meddling in the re-appropriation or sale of farmland. They tend to drag out the time of the resale, and if the government shows interest in the farmland, then you are not allowed to sell your farmland to anyone. The government is the one which gives the appraisal of the farmland, which you can expect is way undervalued. When they do eventually re-allocate the farmland it’s to black settlers who do not have the faintest idea of how to farm, so the farm ends up vandalized and completely destitute, and then the settlers dust off their clothes, go to the nearest town, and proceed to live off of welfare.
F. W De Klerk was recently in the news criticizing Jacob Zuma, while he himself will go down in Afrikaans history as one of the biggest traitors. Not too surprising, as he was a Freemason himself, working as a fifth column within the National Party to cede over power into the hands of a black government, and the stooge they chose was Nelson Mandela. Strange to me that a man who was in jail for 27 years (in a cell numbered 46664, by the way) could come out with polished shoes, a nicely tailored Italian suit, and all the skills and knowledge to lead a country. There was a final interview before the death of the last President of the National Party whose name was P. W. Botha (you can see the link here, it’s a 6 part interview but worth the watch, he says some interesting things: wherein he himself spoke about a fifth column element working to undermine and embarrass the NP to create a situation wherein the succession of power could be handed over to Nelson Mandela. F W De Klerk was intimately related with these corrupt negotiations. Another topic P W Botha spoke about was how they were betrayed by America in the involvement in the Angola civil war between Jonas Savimbi and Jose Eduardo Dos Santos. My father was involved in intelligence in this war because he could speak Portuguese so he’d be a radio operative to gather information about their movements and so forth. The soviets via the cubans were arming sides of the civil war and South Africa was asked to step in. None other than Henry Kissinger asked P W Botha to create a resistance with our army. Scared of the communist threat, P W Botha obliged. Bear in mind at the time that we were fighting not only domestic civil unrest thanks to the terrorists of the ANC, but our forces were stretched thin across the South-Western border to what is now called Namibia. The saddest part of this entire situation was how our troops fought and bled and died for the ground in Namibia, only for our government to turn around and hand it over to Swapo. I would recommend you watch the interview with P W Botha, it may clarify some of what I’m trying to explain here.
If there is anything you would like me to elaborate on, please feel free. I’ll freely admit that I do have some confusion here and there regarding our history as I’m only 23 years old, but I’m learning a lot more about our past as time goes on.
Thank you for reading this dear Brother Eric, I pray that you may have a most blessed week doing the Lord’s will.
Kindest Regards,