Building Huge, Inner City, Majority Savage Black Populations for Rome’s Race War

Black American Women Breeding Black and Mulatto Fatherless Bastards for the Jesuit Order’s Impending American Race War, Civil War II

The plot of the Society of Jesus is to overthrow the Protestant Reformation throughout the world—especially in the West beginning with the capture and subjugation of Great Britain.  That conspiratorial overthrow includes the abandonment of the English Protestant Reformation Bible, The King James Version of 1611, to be replaced with a multitude of pro- Jerome Latin Vulgate English “bibles,” especially The New International Version, in accordance with the dastardly, Counter-Reformation Council of Trent.  Further, that conspiratorial overthrow includes the destruction of Constitutional limited governments, born out of the crucible of the Reformation, including the corruption of the Protestant Presbyterian American Constitution and Baptist Calvinist Bill of Rights via the Black Pope’s 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, purportedly “ratified” on July 28, 1868, centralizing power in Washington, D.C.  For the new National Citizenship created for both Whites and Blacks via that amendment, created in fact a new nation with new powers and purposes—for the benefit of Rome!

J. P. Morgan’s White Star Line: Titanic leaving Queenstown, Ireland, loaded with Roman Catholic Immigrants for Ellis Island, America, 1912

Now we arrive to the meat of the matter.  This Jesuit-led, conspiratorial overthrow of Protestantism includes the political disenfranchisement of the majority White Protestant and Baptist populations of America’s major cities accomplished by the Jesuit-led, massive immigration of anti-Reformation Bible, White Roman Catholics and anti-New Testament Jews into the U.S. after the War of Northern Aggression (1861-1865) and the subsequent Socialist-Communist Reconstruction of the Old Protestant South (1865-1977).  From about 1850 to 1920 tens of millions of European Roman Catholics were brought into America via the power of the Order’s cartel-capitalist Robber Barons (J. P. Morgan via his “White Star Line,” Rockefeller, Ford, etc.), which immigrants then were used by the Irish-American Roman Hierarchy to control both the Democratic and Republican party machines.  By 1901, with the Jesuit-led assassination of Freemason and apostate Protestant U.S. President William McKinley, Rome then imposed its first real American Emperor, Theodore “Rex” Roosevelt, the abject slave of Archbishop of Baltimore, James Cardinal Gibbons!  For this Gibbons was America’s first “American Pope” imposing Rome’s designs of “Making America Dominantly Catholic.”

Public School “Pledge of Allegiance” to Flag of the Pope’s 14th Amendment American Empire, 1930s

Rome’s conspiracy in destroying the Protestant Reformation included the murder of historic White Protestant and Baptist peoples of America by inciting anti-nationalistic wars, wars intended to restore the Temporal Power of the Pope of Rome around the world!  Thus, the Company of Jesus ignited the War of Northern Aggression (1861-1865) via its agents on both sides, North and South.  The result was the sanguine deaths of over 600,000 American men, most of them White, most of them Protestant and Baptist.  After the Order had created its “Holy Roman” 14th Amendment American Empire in 1868, it would build its North American Roman Empire “from sea to shining sea,” conducting its Indian Wars of the Great Plains (1865-1890) under the aegis of Jesuit Pierre de Smet! By the beginning of the 20th Century, the Order had mandated all American schoolchildren take an oath to the Flag of its Cartel-Capitalist, secretly-fascist, openly-communist, 14th Amendment Empire titled “the Pledge of Allegiance.”

President Wilson Advised by Irish Roman Catholic Knight of Columbus Joseph P. Tumulty, Oval Office, 1918

With all in place to begin the ceaseless, secretly-intended, White Protestant and Baptist American bloodbath, World War I—the beginning of the Black Pope’s Second Thirty Years’ War (1914-1945)—was entered in 1917 through the plotting of White apostate Protestant President Woodrow Wilson advised by his two-term Secretary and agent for Cardinal Gibbons, Knight of Columbus Joseph P. Tumulty.  Millions of American soldiers would be transported by sea into France, there to effect the final destruction of the anti-Jesuit, Protestant Second German Reich (1871-1918).  Enjoying an intermission of about 20 years after the wicked Treaty of Versailles, World War II—the final act of Rome’s Second Thirty Years’ War—would begin in 1939.  During this unparalleled, epic event of a world war, over 400,000 American White men—mostly Protestant and Baptist—would be lost in a grand holocaust perpetrated upon White American manhood.  This goes without mentioning the terrible holocaust put upon anti-pope, White Anglo-Saxon Protestant British and German men as well as the anti-pope, White Slavic Orthodox Russian men—all of whom are accursed in the Order’s wicked Council of Trent.

Pro-Hispanic Roman Catholic West Side Story, 1957

By 1945, Rome clearly ruled the American government in Washington via her American Roman Hierarchy led by New York Archbishop Francis Spellman, raised to the cardinalate in 1946 by pro-Hitler, Nazi Pope Pius XII.  In continuing the devastation of White Protestant and Baptist American manhood, the Order would begin its Cold War Hoax (1945-1990) thereby promoting its anti-communist paranoia throughout the land.  (Remember, both the Communist USSR and Communist Red China were in a shambles after the war, presenting no threat whatsoever to America!)  This propaganda would justify the slow rise of Jesuit fascism—the secret but true aim for the creation of the Company’s 14th Amendment American Empire way back in 1868!  During this Cold War Hoax, the Company would begin its huge Roman Catholic Hispanic invasion into “heretic America,” promoting pro-Hispanic, anti-White legislation.  The Black Pope’s design of Catholicizing the American Southwest via his most loyal, alien and lawless, Hispanic Roman Catholics, then to move into the Old Protestant South, was resumed remembering the nation’s former Secretary of the Navy, 33rd Degree Freemason Richard W. Thompson, had warned of this plot in his epic work, The Papacy and the Civil Power, way back in 1876.

Jesuit John LaFarge, Father of the Pope’s pro-Black, anti-White Civil Rights Movement, 1930s

In addition to the Order’s importation of millions of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Haitian, Central and South American Roman Catholic Hispanics, the Jesuit Order’s pro-Black Civil Rights Agitation led by Cardinal Spellman’s Jesuit John LaFarge, would begin with the Brown decision of the Supreme Court decreed in 1954.  That bombastic decision imposed forced integration of the public schools largely financed by Whites, which schools at that time, were still teaching the AV1611 Reformation Bible.

Socialist-Communist Freemasons: Mao Zedong and W. E. B. Du Bois, China, 1959

Hence, we have the final blow against White Protestant and Baptist Culture and manhood being released via the Order’s Jesuit Georgetown University-advised Masonic Supreme Court headed by White Apostate Protestant Earl Warren, Masonic Civil Rights Movement led by Black Freemason A. Philip Randolph, and Masonic NAACP led by the Pope’s Mulattoes including W. E. B DuBois.  This dastardly amalgamation movement, masqueraded with a false Black Moral Supremacy thereby empowering ignorant Blacks while imposing a false Universal Guilt of “White Racism” thereby shaming history-ignorant Whites forcing them into moral retreat, would succeed.

Knight of Malta William F. Buckley, Jr, Advocate of pro-Black, Reverse Discrimination Against Whites, 2008

This Satanic amalgamation plot, federally financing American Blacks oppressed by “racist and prejudiced” Whites, would be used, via the imposition of reverse discrimination policies as advocated by Knight of Malta William F. Buckley, Jr., to further destroy the “heretic” White Protestant culture of the Old South as well as “liberal” White Roman Catholic culture in the Northeast and West.  (Remember, in contrast to White Protestant and Baptist peoples who abolished the British and American slave trade, the Jesuit Order was the greatest Slave Trader in world history evidenced by Jesuit Don Pedro Blanco and his right hand man, Theodore Canot, the owners of the infamous slave ship, the Amistad! For the Company has no love for the Black man other than to enslave him or kill him!)  The civil discrimination and financial oppression put upon all Whites in general (income-excise taxing Middle Class Whites to give to the lower-classed Blacks) would serve as a sort of cultural ecumenical movement, uniting both White Protestants and Baptists—as well as White Roman Catholics—into a huge, fascist, anti-Jew movement in fulfillment of the Order’s dream in ending every vestige of the White Protestant Reformation in the West that will include the Second Jewish Holocaust here in North America—as warned by Rabbi Meir Kahane for which he was assassinated in 1990 immediately after he issued his warning to a group of New York Jews!

Empower the People (1998); Author, Mulatto Pro-Roman Catholic, anti White Protestant Tony Brown

The end game is a Civil War II, as foretold by anti-White Protestant, pro-Jesuit Papacy, PBS Mulatto broadcaster Tony Brown in his Empower the People (1998), a massive Black/White race war that is to be used to justify martial law—fascist martial law—justifying the suspension of the White Protestant Constitution further fulfilling the Order’s Counter Reformation quest!  The war would begin with Blacks, led by the Order’s Black and Islamic, Black Boule Society-connected Freemasons, embarking on a rampage of murdering Whites in the major cities, 26 cities housing over one half of the U.S. population.  This is the secret but true purpose of the Masonic Black Nation of Islam as well as the Masonic New Black Panthers—the Uncivil Race War ending with an “ecumenical White victory,” all Blacks to be either killed in urban warfare (for which U.S. troops are practicing in Iraq), guillotined on the spot or arrested and bussed to the Empire’s concentration camps.  To be able to incite such a war, the Black urban populations had to be sizably increased via limitless amounts of federal money.  That would transpire by encouraging young Black women to fornicate with Black men thereby birthing numberless Black babies with no fathers at home, the mothers needing financial support, including free “health care,” to raise their bastards (your Editor using the world “bastard” as properly defined and not in a cursive, crude sense). Thus, birthing bastards would serve to provide a lavish lifestyle.  As a young Black girl said to a dear, older White sister-in-Christ living in Oklahoma: “I gotta gets me a baby!”

Papal Drug Traders: President Reagan & Knight of Malta DCI William J. Casey who worked with Albert Vincent Carone, 1980s

Enter Welfare! Over the past 50 years, in excess of 40 trillion dollars has been given away to Black fornicating mothers to “raise” their illegitimate, multitudinous, Black children with different fathers to be haters of White men, lawless, drug-dealers, unskilled, illiterate, ceaseless basketball players and easily incited to “kill Whitey.” (Indeed, Women cannot raise men into virtuous manhood without the father-authority figure in the home!)  They would be given over to the gangster mindset of serial fighting and fornication, “kicking yo mother f—ing ass” and “gettin’ our Johnsons [penises] wet,”—by any means necessary.  This would justify the building huge, ornate, Federal and State prisons, mandating the income-excise taxing the targeted White Middle Class in order to incarcerate these hundreds of thousands of Black criminals, many of them manufactured by the dastardly Jesuits as a result of the Pope’s Roman Catholic CIA/Mafia Drug Trade imposed upon the nation’s Black Communities. (Two papal Knights of Malta involved in that Drug Trade were CIA Director William J. Casey and NYPD/Mafioso Albert Vincent Carone!)  While in prison, many of these Majority Savage Blacks (as opposed to the Minority Civil Blacks) would be inducted into the hatefully-racist, Black Nation of Islam or the New Black Panthers, thereby building the Jesuit Order’s Black army for the impending race war, that army of the Nation of Islam known as “the Fruit of Islam.”

Knight of Malta & Jesuit of the First Vow, Bob Guccione, Sr.: Penthouse Founder, Porn King, 2000

Additionally, to further weaken and destroy the White Protestant and Baptist American peoples—no matter how many White Roman Catholics would be affected, Rome’s Mafia-directed pornographic industry overseen by such Knights of Malta as the late Roman Catholic Bob Guccione, founder of pornographic Penthouse Magazine, would heavily promote Black men violently copulating with White women, making a fetish out of the Black man’s penis generally larger than the penises of White, Hispanic or Asian men.  This design of Rome and her Knights of Malta would instill in Black men an inordinate appetite for White women while simultaneously instilling the desire for the Black man’s penis in the minds of White women—all of which is generally offensive to self-respecting, White men and Black women!  Many a Black man today knows that a host of these wicked White women regard him as nothing more than a walking, talking dilldoe to be played with as a toy, for their own lustful enjoyment!

Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors: Mulatto Barry Davis Obama and White Roman Catholic Joe Biden, 2008

This unlawful, ungodly, interracial sexual intercourse, fornication and adultery would result in the birth of millions of Mulattoes, they always giving their first allegiance to Black America—just as in the case of Mulatto American President Barry Davis Obama!  Further, Jesuit-ruled Hollywood would radially promote Black Supremacy, White Subordination, interracial marriage, interracial sex and interracial culture in further and finally amalgamating once White Anglo-Saxon Protestant and Baptist culture effecting the calculated destruction of the White race used by the one true God—Who created the races to keep mankind separate—to bring about His Grand and Glorious White Protestant Reformation.  Hence, with no White nations to resist the Pope’s International White Power Structure based in Rome, by default, the Reformation will be destroyed and all nations will be subject to the tyrannical Temporal Power of that White Antichrist in Rome!

This “brief overture” brings us to our present article.  Two examples are given illustrating the Federal Governments deliberate creation of massive, Majority Savage Black populations (as opposed to the Minority Civil Blacks) throughout the Order’s American Empire, while the occult reason for this crime against both races is kept out of public view!  The first involves one Black Woman who has given birth to EIGHT Black bastard children via several Black mates.  Every child receives 1500.00FRN debt notes (i.e., “dollars”) per month from the Jesuit/CFR-ruled feds.  Our second example involves a young Black man of 25 having fathered NINE Black bastard children and dubbed an “entrepreneur” in his obituary.  Thus, the Federal Government is rewarding sinful behavior!  The captions speak for themselves.

In conclusion, all of this has created a seething White rage that is bursting at the seams to be vented and addressed—and rightfully so.  That rage will be manifested in the justifiably angered and outraged White Tea Party Movement of which your Editor would be an active member not knowing it is a trap for ignorant Whites to be duped into the camp of Jesuit Fascism.  Robbed, raped and pillaged via confiscatory excise/income/privilege taxation coupled with reverse discrimination in all fields of endeavor, White men—the low men on the totem pole—are starving while Blacks on the Federal dole enjoy thousands of dollars/federal reserve notes, including every other social benefit (food stamps, etc.).  The time “to pay the piper is approaching.” Review the following examples and weep for what is about to unfold.

“Black Bread Winner—Making Black Babies”

“I was speaking to an emergency room physician this morning. He told me that a woman in her 20s came to the ER with her 8th pregnancy. She stated, “my momma told me that I am the breadwinner for the family.” He asked her to explain. She said that she can make babies and babies get money for the family. The scam goes like this: The grandma calls the Department of Child and Family Services and states that the unemployed daughter is not capable of caring for these children.  DCFS agrees and states that the child or children will need to go to foster care.

The grandma then volunteers to be the foster parent, and thus receives a check for $1500 per child per month in Illinois. Total yearly income: $144,000 tax-free, not to mention free healthcare (Medicaid) plus a monthly card entitling her to free groceries, etc, and a voucher for 250 free cell phone minutes per month. This does not even include WIC [Welfare for “Women, Infants and Children”] and other welfare programs. Indeed, grandma was correct in that her fertile daughter is the “breadwinner”  for the family.

This is how the ruling class spends our tax dollars.”

Sebastian J. Ciancio, M.D. Urologist, Danville Polyclinic, LTD


“It took me a couple of minutes to get it, but imagine,
he’s 25 and has 3 sons and 6 daughters NINE welfare recipients collecting $1500 each…..

That equals $13,500 a month !!!  Now add food stamps, free medical, free school lunches, on and on and on.

Now that, to me, is a real “Entrepreneur.

Now they will collect social security until they are 18!!!!!!!

Do the math, that’s over $156,000.00 a year.”

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