New York Archbishop Timothy Cardinal Dolan Uniting US Catholics against Obama
New York Archbishop Timothy Cardinal Dolan Uniting US Catholics against Obama
Posted by EJP
on May 17th, 2012 and filed under Gallery, News, Videos.
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Archbishop of New York City, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, 2012
A video has been released titled Test of Fire: Election of 2012? which in turn is promoted by Catholics Called to Witness. It espouses the message that the American Roman Hierarchy, led by the Archbishop of New York City, Knight of Malta Timothy Cardinal Dolan, is behind Marriage, Life and Freedom. This translates into the assumption that the hierarchy is behind Marriage defined as the union of one man and one women in holy matrimony; Life defined as pro-life and thus anti-abortion; and Freedom defined as freedom to conduct ones private life without governmental interference. (As an aside, nothing could be further from the truth, the video espousing Romes open-but-false policy while her secret-but-true policy is to destroy marriage, continue the abortion genocide and destroy every vestige of Protestant liberty birthed via the accursed and so-called Protestant Reformation. Hence, the diabolical American Roman Hierarchy overseen by the Jesuits from nearby Jesuit universities, is attempting to give the impression that it holds conservative, historic White Protestant and Baptist values in a country, prior to 1984, refused to recognize the Sovereign State of Vatican City. The question again is WHY?
It is your Editors conclusion this perfidious American Roman Hierarchy composed of serial adulterers, pedophiles and sodomitesthe very power having ushered mulatto Barry Davis Obama into the White Houseis leading the moral charge against all the socialist-communist policies of the Obama administration secretly led by two Jesuit-directed, White Roman Catholics, i.e., Vice President Joe Biden and adviser, Knight of Malta Zibignew Brzezinski. The importance of this video propaganda cannot be marginalized. It is an unabashed and flagrant attempt to call-to-unity all Whites of every religious persuasion, to unite behind this New Right crusade led by Cardinal Dolan whose predecessor, Knight of Malta Edward Cardinal Egan, was the overseer behind the 911 conspiracy and subsequent cover-up.
This stirring video is a covert call NOT TO VOTE for Obama. It is intended to be embraced by the White Tea Party composed of conservative White Roman Catholics and White Mormons as well as conservative White Protestants and Baptists. This unbiblical, religious unity is to serve as the foundation for the coming unbiblical, political unity of all Whites in general under a New Right presidency and subsequent military dictator backed by the popes New Right, CFR-connected, Council for National Policy. And when Obama is given the election by that great Whore of Rome this November, the Black Popes centennial, conspiratorial road to American fascism will be complete save for the actual implementation of martial law. One bullet to the head of Obama (or his double) will be the crowing blow to what now remains of American Constitutional libertyunless the Risen Son of God providentially intervenes in answer to the prayers of his born again, Bible-believing Christian peopleof every race and nation.