Invitation to All Federal Agents: Welcome to the Seminar in Dallas, March 22-24, 2012

FBI Headquarters, J. Edgar Hoover Building, Washington, DC
It has come to your Editor’s attention that a certain Dallas FBI agent is investigating the sponsor and one of her speakers for the up-and-coming seminar in Irving, Texas, during which yours-truly will be speaking. The seminar will be covering issues involving American history, the IRS, secured party creditors, emergency war powers, micro-chipping, and martial law. The nephew of one of the speakers has been asked by the investigating FBI agent to sit in on the seminar as an “informant.” So, in your Editor’s shallow mind of mere lineal reasoning, he arrived at the brilliant conclusion that a general invitation to all federal agents should be extended so as to enable any investigating agency to listen to every speaker for himself. Forget the informants, invite the agents themselves! Personally, your Editor would welcome meeting any one of them as he has much to say about their personal servitude to the devil’s Jesuit Papacy via the pope’s Council on Foreign Relations overseen by Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York City. Undoubtedly, there are many patriotic agents believing they are honestly protecting the nation, but it is the pope-serving traitors in Washington overseeing those agencies against whom the agents must be alerted. Let us not forget that low-level FBI agent John O’Neill was murdered by his own commanding officers on 911, they knowing full well John was a true American patriot.
As some of you know, your Editor is quite comfortable in speaking with federal agents. In fact, a general feeling of friendship and respect has been developed with several of them including two IRS agents, one Jewish DOJ prosecutor and one federal judge. Yes, I liked them at the time of our meeting and legal exchanges in court as well as our conversations at IRS offices.

Lourn G. Phelps, Chief of Police, Richmond, California, 1971-74
Maybe this is due to your Editor’s rearing by a policeman, who went on to become the police chief of Richmond, California in the 1970s. Indeed, my father, the late Lourn G. Phelps, earned his masters degree in Criminology at the University of California at Berkeley writing his thesis on “Team Policing.” Due to this pioneering work and later becoming Richmond’s police chief, he went on to become a member of the International Association of Police Chiefs, speaking at several IAPC seminars throughout the country. Dad also spoke at the FBI academy, the experience having served as a release for being unable to be an agent since his apostate Protestant parents were most devoted communists. (My father told me that when a boy growing up in Sacramento, California, he learned the Russian communist national anthem before he learned “The Star Spangled Banner.”)
And when reared by a policemen, specifically an honest policeman as his record reveals, experiences and individuals are imposed into one’s life the outcomes serving to shape personality and dispositions for life. One of those experiences was being locked up inside a pitch-dark “drunk tank” at the Richmond jail for a few minutes, Dad teaching me never to be a drunk. It worked.
Now one of the individuals who made a most lasting impression was a former Richmond police officer turned CIA soldier. His name was Roy Leopard—and was every wit the personification of a real human leopard. Roy went through a painful divorce when his beautiful, gorgeous, Mormon wife turned lesbian. Leaving the police department he joined the CIA and served the agency in Vietnam. Always carrying three guns, he was the epitome of the true assassin. There in Nam he killed over seven-hundred “Vietcong,” shooting most of them at night with a high-powered rifle sporting infrared sights. (Dad sent him both the nine-pound rifle—which he showed me—and a bulletproof vest.) Roy went on to be a bodyguard for one of the royal families of Ecuador, later leaving the country for shooting an assassin twice in the head with his .45 auto which, when on the streets, he always carried locked and cocked under a newspaper with his finger on the trigger.
But we all liked Roy. He had a laugh and confidence that was truly unique, indicating he feared neither man nor beast. Regardless of the situation, he always gained control and had his way—save this one particular incident. Little did we know that the leopard emotionally loved my sister like a father, she being the same age as his daughter of whom he was robbed by his wicked wife. My sister married a man who was a criminal known for exercising no restraint in his arrogant, reckless, domineering demeanor. (The man later rode “choppers” with Sonny Barger, president of the pope’s Hells Angels, and his brother was a member of the motorcycle gang styled “The Inquisitors.” And oh yes, both wicked White brothers were “good Catholics.”) Well, one day, while your Editor was away in the Air Force, this White savage husband knocked Linda down and broke her arm, because of which she later pulled her 44. magnum, cocked the trigger and threatened to kill him if he did not immediately leave the house, he wisely and fearfully obeying. But an unforeseen problem arose. Roy Leopard found out about the beating.
Leaving his office in Langley, Roy showed up at our doorstep in Tara Hills in his immaculate suit asking to see my father. Mother invited him in and the old friendship resumed as if never had there been an interruption. Out of the blue, the leopard stated that he heard my sister had been beaten and was recovering from a broken limb. My mother confirmed. Roy then asked, “Would you like Eddie to just disappear?” Mom virtuously told him “No,” but Roy then stated that if this ever happened again, he would deal with the problem once and for all. Not quite satisfied, Roy went over to my sister’s house and by the providence of God, Eddie was home. The unsuspecting savage answered the door after the bold assassin gently knocked. Roy smiled, laughed and asked, “How you doing Eddie?” The criminal, bully-coward knew his life was about to end save for the intervention of my sister and mother. The gangster was deathly afraid of the leopard and never again faced him due to the ensuing divorce. Roy went on to later instruct your Editor in the safe and lawful use of a handgun for personal and communal protection.

Proposed Flag of ProBaptiCal
All that to say this. Your Editor is indeed a police type. He likes government agents in general. He respects their attempt to administer the law for the punishment of evil and the reward of good in accordance with the Word of God (I Peter 2:14; Romans 13:3-4). He seeks to establish his own White Protestant and Baptist nation (racial Jews also being welcome) in which there will be police, intelligence gatherers and a standing army—all for the protection of the citizens of ProBaptiCal. And when questionable behavior begins to surface, including the White Collar crime of FRAUD, it MUST BE INVESTIGATED, either to punish or praise the works of the scrutinized.
Therefore, your Editor invites any government agent to attend the seminar in question. There will be no need to identify themselves. Upon arrival at the meeting room, any agent can simply state that he wishes to speak with me. Your Editor will be summoned at which time the agent can merely state that he is my friend and wishes to attend and hear the several presentations. He will then be allowed into the seminar with no questions asked and no donation requested. Just wear civilian clothes to fit into the discussion and attempt to discover any fraud whatsoever. If fraud is truly being disseminated, your Editor will be the first to testify on behalf of the government!
Meanwhile, your Editor’s endgame is to prove to every government agent that he, the agent, is indirectly working for the Jesuit Order’s establishment of the wicked Temporal/Political Power of the pope of Rome. This should bring the agent to the conclusion he is working for a subversive domestic government controlled by the Black Pope via Washington (“Rome on the Potomac”) overseen by the Jesuits of Georgetown University—the real capital of 14th Amendment America. May each agent come to this terrible conclusion, repent of his sins, turn to God in faith believing the blessed gospel of the risen Lord Jesus Christ according to I Corinthians 15:1-4.
To obtain your invitation to the seminar contact the sponsor at: