Pope’s White Power Structure Wants Black-on-White Race War to Justify Fascism

We must ask the all-encompassing question, WHY? The answer is simple. Without rampant Majority Savage Black-on-White crime, there can be no subsequent and successful implementation of “New Right” Jesuit-led, fascist martial law. To further fuel Black-on-White crime, the pope’s White Power Structure (via its Roman Catholic-led CIA and Roman Catholic-led American Mafia) have brought a mountain of street drugs into every Black community in the nation. Hence, money to buy the guns, and the desire to “kill the White man.” Now do you understand why obtaining a concealed carry permit is outlawed in New York City and Philadelphia—two heavily Black cities slated for Black-on-White race war—while their majority White populations are Roman Catholic?A mob of Majority Savage Blacks in Norfolk, Virginia, recently assaulted and violently battered an innocent White couple on their way home from a movie. This crime was not immediately pursued by the police nor was it reported in the local newspaper. The irony of it all was this White couple worked for the very newspaper that refused to report the story. The reason for this appalling inaction against the criminal Black Savages is simple: the Pope’s White Power Structure running this “Holy Roman” Fourteenth Amendment, pro-Black, anti-White, de facto American Empire under Emergency War Powers since March 6, 1933, WANTS Black-on-White crime. The more Black-on-White crime, the better.
The implementation of fascist martial law has been the design of the Jesuit Papacy ruling the American Roman Hierarchy since no later than 1934. At that time there was a failed attempt to impose Jesuit absolutism via a plot to impose the valiant Marine Corps General Smedley Butler as the empire’s military dictator. Fortunately for us all, Butler blew the whistle on the conspirators, two of them being Knight of Malta John J. Raskob (builder of the Empire State Building) and Knight of Columbus Al Smith (former Governor of New York). But the plan is still in full force as recorded in John Roy Carlson’s Under Cover (1943). This is why the national capital has been practically moved to Denver—a plot of fascist design, as Carlson outlined in his epic work.
It is with this historic understanding we now comprehend WHY the Norfolk police and press—heavily Masonic and thus controlled by Rome’s White Power Structure—refused to do their duty in punishing and exposing this horrendous Majority Savage Black-on-White crime, a crime which could have easily ended with the death of a young White couple. This crime, perpetrated by the pope’s White Power Structure against all White people in general, is daily, regular and routine throughout the American Empire. As in post-Reformation Zimbabwe (Rhodesia), as in post-Reformation South Africa, so it is in post-Reformation United States—to the utter delight of the Black Pope and his White Pope in the Vatican.
In ProBaptiCal such designs will be impossible. Hence, Pennsylvania needs to declare its independence from Jesuit-ruled Washington, “District of Catholics,” and then be divided according to race and religion. Your Editor’s beloved idea and dream of ProBaptiCal will then be a reality!