More Majority Black Savagery in Maryland: This Time Fighting over Nike Sneakers

Via a comment in a recent post, your Editor has been questioned by a Black Power individual (evidenced by his posted logo of a raised Black fist of the hatefully-racist, savagely anti-White, New Black Panthers) as to why I would regularly report this kind of news as such reporting is allegedly “hate-filled.” How can reporting naked FACTS be hatefully-racist? Certain men and women committed certain crimes: FACT. And these certain men and women are of a specific race: FACT. That race is the Black Race: FACT. My question to certain Blacks is why are you offended when I report the FACTS?
Now let’s be honest (truly a novel mindset for the hateful Black racist, agitators like Dick Gregory and others). The reason why certain Blacks are offended at my reporting the FACTS is because they are themselves of the lowly, beastly ilk that I expose and will continue to expose: the MAJORITY SAVAGE BLACKS. Civil Black men commend me for this reporting as it is entirely FACTUAL. (Minority Civil Blacks, many of whom are Bible-believers, do not like being victims of Majority Savage Black-on-Black crime. And when decent men like Bill Cosby or Pastor James Manning cry out against it, the Black Savages seek to shut them up, calling them “Uncle Toms.”) So when those of you Black men call this Editor a “hateful racist” (which hijacked term “racist” implies) when the mere reporting of FACTS is displayed for all to read, you expose yourselves as also being MAJORITY SAVAGE BLACKS seeking to silence a White man who is merely telling the naked TRUTH. If you do not appreciate reading about the racial TRUTH in the Black Pope’s pro-Black, anti-White, “Holy Roman” Fourteenth Amendment, Corporate-fascist, Socialist-Communist American Empire (1868-Present) then this website is not for you.

One more thing: this pro-Protestant/Baptist-Calvinist Christian is not a practicing Freemason; never was a Freemason and never will be a Freemason. (Your Editor was once in De Molay for a few meetings, but found it to be comical and left the boys’ club.) If any of you Black men are truly concerned about the blight of Freemasonry on once White Protestant and Baptist American culture, then may you look to those anti-White, hatefully-racist, Majority Savage Black leaders who are Freemasons licking the boots of “that white devil,” the pope. Those to be blamed are men like NOI tribal chief Louis Farrakhan, “King” Samir Shabazz, tribal chief of the New Black Panthers, Jesse Jackson, darling of the pope’s CFR and co-conspirator in the murder of Martin “Lucifer” King, and mulatto agitators Al Sharpton with Obama’s Jeremiah Wright—just to name a few. For these Black spiritual bastards (as God Himself calls them “bastards” in Hebrews 12:6 since they are not His born again sons in-Christ)—are the Masonic “boys” of the pope doing the bidding of Rome! These Jesuit-ruled, hatefully-racist, Black Masonic sinners are fomenting the pope’s Black-on-White, American Mau-Mau race war (now raging and yet to be full blown) once the intelligence community of the pope’s White Power Structure kills Mulatto Freemason Barry Davis Obama (or his double), or when the State of Georgia refuses to place Obama on the ballet for the 2012 election.

Meanwhile, your Editor will continue to report the FACTS leading to the TRUTH. That TRUTH is the Majority Savage Blacks in this dying country commit the vast majority of violent crimes. They have been taught to “Hate Whitey” and are constantly looking to assault, rob, rape and murder any victim they can find in the moment, whether that victim is Asian, Hispanic, Black and especially White. This is how the phenomenon of Twentieth-Century “White Flight” from the cities is understood, a flight that has cost us Whites mega property loss (both real and personal) due to a forced abandonment of our homes. This is why White, ne0-Nazi, bloody Jesuit Fascism is coming. And when the White military dictator arrives to do the dirty work of the pope of Rome, American Blacks, both Savage and Civil, will know that this AV1611 Bible-Believing White man in-Christ gave them fair warning:
“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”
Galatians 6:7

Now to our brief report.
Majority Savage Blacks decided to cause a violent maylay over a shortage of Nike sneakers. These sneakers cost 200 Federal Reserve Notes (not “dollars”) apiece. And where did these criminals get the money to buy these shoes? Why from their mamma’s welfare checks! And that is the TRUTH!
For the news report, see the link here.