The Forbidden Book: The History of the Holy Bible; Inspired, Preserved, Translated

AV1611 Reformation English Bible

The video above is most excellent though there are some bones contained therein.  Jerome had nothing to do with God’s Book as Jerome is the father of the pope’s corrupted Latin Vulgate declared to be “the scriptures” by the Black Pope’s Council of Trent (1545-1563).  But there are many profound facts given including the statement that Archbishop of Canterbury Richard Bancroft consented to the printing of the King James English Bible only if the wicked, pro-papal doctrine Apocrypha was inserted between the Old and New Testaments in the first edition.  This is more evidence that Bancroft was an agent of Rome to frustrate the work of completing the Lord’s epic English Bible.  For God used that Bible to unite England, Scotland and Ireland into Great Britain later to build the Protestant British Empire that would take the Book to the ends of the earth containing the gospel of the Risen Son of God—the Lord Jesus Christ!


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