Morris Dees: Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor & Founder of Southern Poverty Law Center: Update

Recently your Editor was attacked by the infamous Southern Poverty Law Center created in 1971, its founder being the immoral and evil Morris Dees. You may view his attack here.
In this libelous post Papal Court Jew Arthur Goldwag makes the following charge that betrays the SPLC’s true loyalty:

That the Jesuits had nothing to do with the JFK assassination. Forget that David Ferrie was trained by Jesuits and that Clay Shaw was a Knight of Malta along with a host of other knights involved in the “executive action.” Yes, just forget that Roman Catholic Secret Service director James J. Rowley—the man who oversaw his SS agents in Dallas—had a brother Francis who was a Jesuit Priest! And forget the truth that Roman Catholic Rowley and Roman Catholic Knight of Malta Assistant FBI Director Cartha D. DeLoach met with Jesuit Daniel Power at Jesuit Georgetown University after the assassination! All these facts are irrelevant when attempting to discredit any man opposing Rome’s New World Order!

He then goes on to seek to paint with the brush of insanity any belief that the Jesuit Oath of the Fourth Vow (which your Editor quotes from Six sources in his VAIII) is a lie. He, like his brother Papal Court Jew Nat Hentoff, author of John Cardinal O’Connor, denies the veracity of this oath that has been proven to be a reality upon which the high, ruling Jesuits have acted for over the last 400 years.

Goldwag then mistakes my offer of The Black Pope by ex-Nun turned Bible-believing Christian M. F. Cusack for another book with a similar title, The Black Pope; Or, The Jesuits’ Conspiracy Against American Institutions authored by O. E. Murray. (Thanks Arthur, I shall read that one also and make it available!) He then goes on to write about the bogus encyclical of Pope Leo XIII published in 1893, on which point my opponent is correct!

It was a hoax published by the pope’s Masonic American Protective Association which, in the end (just like the pope’s Masonic second KKK founded in 1915!), never really dealt a blow to the Jesuit Power ruling Washington at the time. Goldwag then seeks to discredit every book your Editor freely offers with his VAIII ebook—as though none of them have any merit whatsoever!
Goldwag then quotes one of my enemies, the Roman Catholic Ken Adachi (his alias), in reciting Adachi’s accusation that your Editor is a “Zionist” (without defining which kind of “Zionist”) and possibly an “FBI informant.” Now why is Goldwag so desperate so as to quote Adachi? Why not just cite a credible history to disprove the theory that the Jesuits have given us a chain of evidence so as to justify the conclusion that the Society of Jesus/Society of Horus really rules the papacy and thus the world?

The reason why is clear: the wicked Southern Poverty Law Center is funded by the Vatican—according to my source in Italy. It is one of the pope’s tools in continuing to fester the pro-Black/anti-White agenda here in Rome’s Fourteenth Amendment American Empire. And why? By continuing to keep the “White racism” canard active and disconcerting among Blacks the goal is achieved of inciting them to Black-on-White crime (“Whitey deserves it!”) further driving all Whites in general to desperation and finally into New Right Jesuit Fascism-–the very endgame which the SPLC claims to oppose!

That’s right! Papal Slave Morris Dees and his Papal Court Jew Arthur Goldwag are indirectly creating New Right Jesuit Fascism. Like the Jesuit Papacy, the multi-million-dollar SPLC has an open-but-false policy—to stop White hateful racism against Blacks. But its secret-but-true policy is to drive all Whites into New Right Jesuit Facism—and Dees is succeeding! Never can Whites ever be united around a common race, common White language, common White Protestant/Baptist history, a common country and a common political concern not to be mass-murdered by the Jesuit Papacy. No, Whites must be kept disunited, ashamed of their White Protestant and Baptist history—which history proves their benevolence to the Jews, by the way—then finally driven into the pope’s American Inquisition led by the Order’s Department of “Romeland” Security to attempt the “extirpation” of all six million North American Jews.
And the pope’s Southern Poverty Law Center will be guilty of that innocent Jewish blood to be shed by the White Fascist American minions of the Vatican, minions cleverly created by the wicked and evil, pro-Black/anti-White, socialist-communist, Southern Poverty Law Center—funded by the Vatican!
Simon writes:
Hi Eric,
I just read your post about the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).
Lecia Brooks (Director of Outreach, SPLC) was Jesuit-trained at Loyola Marymount University.
Monica Ramirez (Director of the Immigrant Women’s Initiative, SPLC) was Jesuit-trained at Loyola University Chicago.
Sheila Bedi (Deputy Legal Director for Children at Risk, SPLC) was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University Law Center.
Jim Knoepp (Senior Staff Attorney, SPLC) was Jesuit-trained at Loyola University in LA.
Further, their chief investigator is a former police-intelligence operative. One of their directors is a former Air Force officer. Who knows how many Knights of Malta are among its ranks!
I know people who have been devastated by this organization. How solid is the information about their Vatican funding? Is your source on the inside? I am very curious about this detail.
[No less than Count Vittorio in Venice is the source for this information of Vatican funding of the SPLC—EJP]
According to Media Matters, the William E. Simon Foundation has contributed money to the SPLC.
Simon (CFR) is a notorious Knight of Malta who was very powerful in the 1970s. In Vatican Assassins, you discussed his involvement in the $1.2 billion loan to the Chrysler Corporation.
The foundation even discusses his Vatican/Jesuit connections on their website:
As a man of faith and an active Knight of Malta, Mr. Simon considered the opportunity to serve those less fortunate than he a God-given privilege and responsibility. In the last years of his life, he served as a eucharistic minister to patients, many of whom were destitute and terminally ill, at several hospitals. He called this work “the most important thing that I do or have ever done.” Mr. Simon was the first recipient, in 1996, of the Blessed Hyacinth Cormier Award for Outstanding Catholic Leadership. In May 1999, he received the Ignatian Medal from Gregorian University in Rome, as well as an honorary doctorate from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas.
Of course, Gregorian University in Rome was the first ever Jesuit college!
The foundation is, today, co-chaired by his sons, William E. Simon, Jr. and J. Peter Simon. William E. Simon, Jr. was Jesuit-trained at Boston College. He formerly served as the Vice Chairman of Catholic Charities in Los Angeles. Early in his career, he held senior positions at Morgan Guaranty Trust at the same time that Martin F. Shea (Knight of Malta) was an executive vice president there.
Elizabeth Palla (Program Officer, William E. Simon Foundation) was Jesuit-trained at Gonzaga University.
So, at the very least, we know that a foundation with clear ties to the Roman Catholic Church and the Jesuit Order has been contributing money to the SPLC.
James sent a video on the wicked life of Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Morris Dees:
Doug sent the court case revealing Morris Dees’ wicked and immoral life:
Morris Seligman Dees – divorce papers, adultery and sexual perversion here.