“What If?” Judge Napolitano Stating Truths Set forth by EJP for the Last Ten Years

Well said Roman Catholic Judge Napolitano at Jesuit-ruled Fox News! The video above is right on target. But why has the judge done this? Is it to drive the perishing and angry White Middle Class into the arms of a “New Right” Military Dictator imposing Jesuit Fascism? Your Editor believes this is exactly the case.
What is the answer to this, anti-Christ, anti-Bible, socialist-communist, cartel-capitalist, national despotism? The answer is found in both the AV1611 Reformation English Bible and the American Declaration of Independence!
If we still enjoyed the limited Calvinist Republic of these Sovereign United States of America first created in 1787, every State could resume the powers delegated to the limited federal government at the time they ratified the Constitution. That is called SECESSION!
But since the Calvinist Federal Republic was destroyed by the War Between the States (1861-65) and on its ruins was imposed the pope’s “Holy Roman” Fourteenth Amendment, Corporate-Fascist, Socialist-Communist American Empire (1868-Present), every state, now in fact a province (as the judge states!) must declare its independence as did the Protestant American Colonies back in 1774-1775.
That is called REVOLUTION!
See the video below also describing the loss of parental rights to raise their children: