General Patraeous, the CIA & the Muslim Brotherhood: Creatures of Jesuit Papacy

Army General David Patraeous is a Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor. He is beloved by the Jesuits at Georgetown University at the nation’s capital in Washington, District of Columbia Catholics. General “Betray-us” has spoken at Georgetown several times! Additionally, the CIA was a creation of the Jesuits in 1947 via the National Security Actsigned into law by 33rd Degree “Dirty Harry” Truman! Since then, the American, British, Soviet/Russian, German, French, Canadian, Israeli, Interpol and all the other intelligence agencies around the world have been working together to form the pope’s modern day Holy Office of the Inquisition!
Thus, the Jesuits at Georgetown University and the CIA have an obvious, undeniable, adulterous relationship, the Military “Company of Jesus” via its Military Order of the Knights of Malta ruling “the Company” known as the CIA—also patterned after the Order. But what about theSunni Muslim Brotherhood? Well, in 1928 the Jesuits created the Brotherhood via its Jesuit Provincial of the Middle East governing Syria, Lebanon and Egypt. Thus, the cities he ruled wereDamascus, Beirut and Cairo. And in Cairo is the most important Masonic lodge within the Muslim world. Herein was the Muslim Brotherhood created to the end that one day all the Middle Eastern Arab nations would be under its control. Yes, the Muslim Brotherhood, like Opus Dei created in Spain in 1928, is merely the creature of the Jesuit Superior General, Black Pope Adolfo Nicholas!
Therefore we are not surprised to see this invaluable report coming out of Lebanon! Yes, the“Arab Spring” was a work of the Jesuit Papacy overseeing its Muslim Brotherhood as it attacked Libya, reducing the Berbers to subordination to Knight of Malta King Juan Carlos’ Mediterranean Union! Knight of Malta Maummar Gadaffi betrayed his patriotic troops into the hands of the Brotherhood and then escaped the country as did Saddam Hussein in Iraq. Both Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors were loyal to the designs of Rome and therefore were secretly removed from office, their deaths being faked for the world to see—and believe!
In conclusion, whatever the Muslim Brotherhood may do, know this: its orders come from Rome; its master is the Jesuit General.
To read this most important article out of Lebanon, if you understand Arabic, then view it here.