SMOM’s Newt Gingrich and John Boehner Republican Crusaders for Jesuit Papacy

Knight of Malta Newt Gingrich: Presidential candidate, 2011
According to Count Vittorio in Venice, Republican presidential candidate/CFR-member/33rd Degree Freemason/Bohemian Grover Newt Gingrich and Republican House Speaker John Boehner are Roman Catholic Knights of Malta having participated in rituals both in Washington and Rome. Further, as per a previous post, Gingrich has been the dear personal friend of Roman Catholic Knight of Malta Cartha D. DeLoach, who, in 1963, was third in command at the FBI and overseer of Division Five that participated in the Kennedy assassination and subsequent cover-up.

Jesuit Priest Patrick Conroy, Chaplain, US House of Representatives, 2011
Not to be outdone, Boehner is responsible for effecting the appointment of the first Jesuit chaplain in the House of Representatives, “Father” Patrick Conroy. Further, both Gingrich and Boehner are dear personal friends of former Republican US Senator from Pennsylvania, Knight of Malta Rick Santorum. Remembering that all three knights promote the lie of Muslim responsibility behind 911, the picture begins to dramatically unfold. Pope Benedict XVI and his master, Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Nicolas, are promoting a monstrous international crusade against Islam, first against the Shia of Afghanistan and Iraq, and then against the Sunnis to include a radicalized Turkey.

Knight of Malta James Angleton, Chief of Counter Intelligence, CIA, 1975
This is agreement with a statement from that infamous traitor/CIA/KGB mole involved in the JFK assassination and cover-up, Knight of Malta James Jesus Angelton, who, back in about 1970, called for another crusade against Islam. (Your Editor learned this from one of the speakers at the Conspiracy Conference at Santa Clara, California, back in 2002!) To this design agree the words of Jesuit human devil Francis Xavier who declared:
“Put me some place where there are no Jews or Moslems!”
Ex-Jesuit Dr. E. Boyd Barrett, Rome Stoops to Conquer, (New York: Julian Messner, Inc., 1935), p. 180.

SMOM Grand Master Matthew Festing, 2009
Keeping the above in mind, two powerful foreigners are leading these American knights in the pope’s crusade. They are Grand Master of the Knights of Malta Matthew Festing of England and Knight of Malta King Juan Carlos of Spain. Additionally, Queen Elizabeth II holding the throne ruling Great Britain and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands are also Dames of Malta! Yes, European pawns of the Jesuit Papacy rule America and have de facto ruled America since no later than 1865 and have ruled de jure since the declared ratification of the pope’s wicked 14th Amendment on July 28, 1868! These cronies for Rome ruling the nation include CFR members, Freemasons, Papal Knights and Jesuits all directly or indirectly subject to the Black Pope!

Knight of Malta John Boehner, Speaker of the US House of Representatives, 2011
So what is the Order’s endgame as depicted in these details? First, Knight Gingrich, backed by Rome, will be the Republican presidential candidate for the 2012 “election,” rather, the rigged election, rather in fact, the 2012 Republican party “appointment.” Knight Boehner will back Knight Gingrich in the House! Obama and his Roman Catholic Jesuit-blessed handler Joe Biden may well be given a second term, Obama then to further drive all Whites in general to further desperation (via anti-White Middle Class, pro-socialist-communist legislation), and thus into the arms of the Order’s Republican “New Right” Jesuit fascism. Remember, pro-Nazi Project Paperclip/Knight of Malta J. Peter Grace, the late head of the American branch of the Order, was the real founder and financier of the “New Right” born in the early 1980s during the Knight of Malta-directed “Reagan Era.” For in 1984, Reagan and his pro-Rome US Senate formally recognized the pope’s “Sovereign State of Vatican City” and immediately exchanged ambassadors, the first American ambassador being Knight of Malta William Wilson! Now legally recognized, the American Empire (1868-Present) and the Sovereign State of Vatican City (1929-Present) can enter into a treaty called a “concordat” similar to the one finalized by German Knight of Malta Franz von Papen in 1933 on Hitler’s behalf—a concordat that is still in full force over Germany today!

US Soldier Guarding Ishtar Gate in the Rebuilding of Babylon, 2010
The coming grand crusade against the Muslims peoples will be the bloodiest of all previous eleven crusades—including Napoleon’s crusade against the Egyptian Mamluks 1798 and Masonic British General Allenby’s crusade against the Ottoman Turks in Palestine when he took Jerusalem away from the Muslims in 1917—without firing a shot! When the smoke clears, “the holy city” of Jerusalem will have been made safe for the building of the Third Hebrew Temple (for the pope) and Iraq will have been thoroughly “renovated” for the rebuilding of the ancient City of Babylon and its temple (also for the pope!) Meanwhile, back in White apostate Protestant America and Canada, both nations will be conquered and partitioned by our coming Sino-Soviet-Muslim invaders. The end of the Protestant Reformation will have been completed and the world will be plunged back into the pope’s Dark Ages when “the Vicar of Christ/Horus” was “the universal monarch of the world!”—unless we repent and submit to God in resisting Satan’s “mystery of iniquity.”
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