Another Most Excellent Video on Jesuit Power over Freemasonry by Craig Oxley

Antiochus IV Epiphanes (175-164); Biblical Type of the Future and Final Roman Papal Caesar/Pope to be Antichrist/Man-Beast Brought to Power by Satan through his Jesuit Order
English Nationalist and devoted Patriot Craig Oxley has done an excellent job in exposing the powerful Roman bloodline families. Your Editor has much of his work posted on this site. Craig’s new video is one of his very best: simple, accurate and damning in its exposure of Satan’s greatest Second Cause in his rule of the world—the Society of Jesus, more accurately described by former associate M.P. as “the Society of Horus!”
The importance of the Roman Papal Bloodline Families is Ten of them will produce the Ten Kings who will give their power to the slain and risen Pope of Rome then to be the Antichrist/Man-Beast (I John 2:18; Revelation 17:12-17).
View Craig’s video here.