Young Canadian Hebrew Christian Pianist Needs Funding for Musical Studies

For you, Luciano!
Dear Brethren and Friends,
Tatiana, my dear Hebrew/Jewish/Israelitic, born-again, AV1611 Reformation-Bible believing Sister-in-Christ, has requested that your Editor make a need known for her son, Luciano. For Luciano is a gifted pianist at the tender age of sixteen and is seeking to perfect his wonderful musical skills as a top-notch, concert pianist.
In meeting this need, set forth in accordance with the biblical principle of pledge-promise giving as per II Corinthians 9:5-15, we are furthering the fine arts born out of the Risen Son of God’s grand and glorious Protestant Reformation—so despised by Rome and her Counter Reformation, Jesuitical agents! For the greatest musician who ever composed a piece of music was none other than the notorious White GERMAN Lutheran Protestant, JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH! In furthering the Fine Arts ultimately to be employed for the Glory of God and His Risen Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, we do further revive and continue the once dominant, high White Protestant/Baptist culture in America(1648-1968) born out of the German, Dutch and English Bible-based Protestant Reformation.
And with the preservation of this culture riddled with beautiful music performed by Reformation-Bible believing men and women of God, the political blessing bestowed in the past by Protestant nations upon their resident Jews will continue. This human blessing given to resident Jews within our highly advanced, yet presently dying, apostate Protestant/apostate Baptist White cultures, will, in turn, bring the blessing of God upon any nation as per Genesis 12:1-3.
This Constitutionally-safeguarded protection for the racial Jews will be the national policy of your Editor’s new White Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Protestant and Baptist nation of ProBaptiCal that, by the grace of God and with no bloodshed, will be created in the near future. Yes, the Jews will be welcome to reside in ProBaptiCal, who in turn will bring their abilities in commerce, the arts and sciences furthering the wealth and intellectual acumen of all Protestant and Baptist citizens of ProBaptiCal, they to enjoy a common White race, the common White language of English and a common White Protestant/Baptist history. These cultural advancements in the end will be for the continuance of true biblical nationalism, the Reformation and for the Glory of our God and Father and the blessed Son of his love, the risen Messiah of Israel, the Lord Jesus Christ to be enjoyed forever by his saints composing the Church—the Body of Christ.
Amen and Amen!
A message from Luciano’s Family
Please consider a sponsorship donation, any amount will be greatly appreciated!
Luciano’s fundraising page: