Building a White Baptist-Calvinist Church: Foundation for “Republic of ProBaptiCal”

Oliver Cromwell, 1653
Your Editor is now in the process of building a racially White, Male-led, Baptist Church here in apostate Protestant/apostate Baptist Pennsylvania, our major cities being 85% White Roman Catholic/Spanish Roman Catholic, Majority Savage Black and pro-Sodomite. (Clearly, the iniquity of Pennsylvania has come to the full!) This Church will be for the furtherance of the Gospel of the risen Lord Jesus Christ now reigning over his Spiritual Kingdom of God (Colossians 1:13; Luke 19:12). Our mission will be for the increase of the Church of Jesus Christ, its members having been elected to salvation before the foundation of the world, and for the glory of the One Triune God to Whom be honor and glory now and forever. AMEN!
This Baptist Church will be a White Baptist Church. It is a ministry to the suffering, post-Reformation, White Gentiles whose race, middle class, once high national cultures and glorious Protestant and Baptist histories are now being destroyed by the Black Popes mega-rich and powerful International White Power Structure. For we Whites in post-Reformation Protestant and Baptist countries are brutally persecuted (disrespected, discriminated against, insulted, robbed, raped, ravaged and murdered) every day primarily by the foremost tool of the Black Popes White Power Structurethe Majority Savage Blackshaving been brought into our nations, encouraged to massively and immorally reproduce at the expense of the White taxpayers, and then imbibed with the wicked mindset of hating Whitey. This miserable scenario directed by the Black Pope is now the norm within post-Reformation America, Canada, England, Scotland, Sweden, the Netherlands, South Africa and Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). When we cry out against this persecution by naming these criminal Blacks (in addition to the Hispanic Roman Catholic Alien Invaders here in post-Reformation America) as our antagonists, we are called racists and bigots. We are not allowed to defend ourselves in the forum of public opinion or even with deadly force in self-preservation. Hence, the only place of refuge where we White Gentiles can escape this daily, emotional stress and ceaseless persecution is within the walls of our own homes and this, our local church. Thus, even as the ministry of the Jewish Apostles Peter and James were to the racial Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites (the circumcision and the twelve tribesGalatians 2:7; James 1:1), your Editors ministry is to White, post-Reformation Gentiles. Those brethren of other races may attend the church and even join it as members at the discretion of the Elder Bishop (for many agitators have been sent out by agents of the Jesuits to disrupt us!), but it is with the above understanding, as to the purpose of the Church including the maxim of no interracial marriage and the founding of the Republic of ProBaptiCal, a new White Protestant/Baptist nation within North America, that those of other races will be admitted to membership. They must help usnot hinder usduring our great struggle, our Kulterkampf (cultural struggle) as Prince Bismarck called it, with Satans Jesuit Papacy. For without a common Reformation English Bible, common race, common language, common culture, common history and common goal of nationhood, we righteous White Men in-Christ shall never be able to stand against our wicked papal foes now using the other lower cultural races against us to terminate our existence!
Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites having professed faith in Christ Jesus may also be members, but, once again, intermarriage between Jews and White Gentiles is forbidden. The reason for this prohibition of intermarriage between racial Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites and us White Protestant and Baptist Gentiles of all nations to compose the Church and later the Republic of ProBaptiCal is to prevent the destruction of the Thirteen Tribes of Israelthe Thirteen Royal Bloodlinesyet to inherit their racial land promise given to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the descendants of his twelve sons! If Ezekiel 48, describing the division of the promised land to the Thirteen Tribes, is to be fulfilled after the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:15) and return of Messiah Jesus (Matthew 25:31), these Royal Bloodlines Must Be Preserved! Both the Church and Nation will seek to further this wonderful, prophetic end!
The Church will also be teaching the history of the Great White Race (specifically, its Reformation/Counter-Reformation history for the last 500 years). Church teachers will document our epic inventive genius, our discovery of new lands, our blessing upon the Jews during their miserable international Diaspora, etc., the temporal earthly ends being, with the necessary blessing of God, the PRESERVING our Great White Race, our incomparable White Language of English, our White History (pagan, Antichrist Roman Catholic and New Testament Christian), as well as our White Protestant and White Baptist Cultures, which cultures have been the most moral and advanced in world history. If there are Black Baptist Churches, African Methodist Churches, etc., seeking to benefit their own Black people and promote their own Black history and culture, then the same practice can beand should beinstituted today by White, AV1611 Bible-believing men in the midst of this pro-Black, anti-White, hatefully-racist, anti-White male, pro-female, anti-Reformation Bible, Jesuit-ruled, racially amalgamated, foreign nation-mixed, American Empire (1868-Present) destined to the same fateful dissolution of the demoralized Roman Empire! It is not a matter of hateful-racism on our partof which we are ceaselessly and unjustly accused; it is a matter of non-hateful Biblical racism/racialism, i.e., we Whites upholding the God-imbibed PREFERENCE for our White Race over all other races. For this God-imbibed, biblical preference among all peoples sustains Gods purpose of the Three Major Races He created in Genesis 9the separation of Man in preventing world racial and national unification under the coming, Risen Phoenix-Man Horusthe final Roman Papal Caesar of Jesuit making, slain and risen from the dead to be the Antichrist/Man-Beast of Revelation 13:3-10, 18.
The name of the Church is Reformation-Bible Puritan-Baptist Church, its purse and property-holder being Reformation Bible Foundation, an integrated auxiliary (as per 26 USC 508) of the Church. (To review the 80-page doctrinal statement elaborating the purpose of RBPB Church, click on The Church in the heading above.) Your Editor, the Elder Bishop, owns nothing and is under an Oath of Poverty, seeking only the building of a White New Testament Church that is free of this Laodocian (voice of the people), contemporary apostasy. For the vast majority of White Baptist Churches within the popes Holy Roman Fourteenth Amendment Corporate-Fascist, Socialist-Communist American Empire (1868-Present) have departed from the AV1611 English Bible and Luthers German Bible born out of the Lords Grand and Glorious German and English Protestant Reformation. Then, there are other Baptist Churches who teach that the English AV1611 translation has superseded Gods Inspired and Preserved Hebrew and Greek Scripturesthe very foundation of the blessed AV1611. Thus, Gods blessed English translation corrects the Greek and needs no clarification from its underlying Greek and Hebrew textsa most rank heresy in opposition to the writings of the 2nd to 6th century New Testament church leaders as well as in opposition to the Reformers and contrary to several Confessions of Faith. Then, there are Baptist Churches that believe the AV1611 is not inspired but believe it is the Word of God and the Scripturesa truly bedeviled position fraught with fatal loopholes rendering the holder subject to successful collateral attack. For how can a translation be considered the Word of God and thus the Holy Scriptures, yet not be inspired? The obvious answer is that, indeed, the AV1611 is the Word of God and the Holy Scriptures and therefore must be inspiredINDIRECTLY by way of translation, that issince it is a translation from the DIRECTLY Inspired and PROVIDENTIALLY Preserved Greek and Hebrew Texts! Then, there are those Baptist Churches that utterly refuse to address the present day plight of the Church of Jesus Christ suffering at the hand of the devils greatest second causethe JESUIT PAPACY! Lastly, there are those Baptist Churches, though free of the above heresies, utterly refuse to envision any hope for the Church in America, believing all is lost and we should just wait for the inevitable! Yes, these Baptist Churches utterly refuse to enter the political arena with the truths of Gods Word, and with references to Reformation history, while envisioning the creation of a new White Protestant and Baptist nation somewhere within our now doomed Western Civilization. For:
Where there is no vision, the people perish; but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
Proverbs 29:18
To this present plight, Reformation-Bible Puritan-Baptist Church is the answer. Now, all White men who are true Reformation-Bible believing Protestants and Baptists can contribute to the ministry of the Church, a ministry in which no other Protestant or Baptist Church dares to engage for fear of the epithets racist, bigoted and sexist. Those of other races may contribute to this ministry, for they have enjoyed their highest standard of living and education as a result of Reformation Bible-based White Protestant nations blessed with the middle class. Now is the opportunity for the financing of your Editors ceaseless efforts in continuing the Lords vindication our AV1611 English Reformation Bible, our White Protestant and Baptist history for the last 500 years, and to discover how the White men of God in the past opposed White political tyranny springing ultimately from Rome under the control of those damnable Sons of Loyola! The struggles of colonial Virginia against the tyranny of the Jesuit-controlled, Stuart British Crown during the 1660s-90s are ours today: the pope via the British Crown used the Indian Savages to kill off White Protestant and Baptist Bible-believers (just as the Roman Catholic Mexican Alien Invaders are being used today against all Whites in general). Further, Romes British Crown freed the colonys Black slaves, this grand theft intended to incite the Blacks to violence against their White masters (even as the Majority Savage Blacks are being used today against all Whites in general); disarmed the White population and imposed ultra-excessive taxation driving the targeted White Protestants to desperation (exactly as is the case today, Jesuit/CFR-ruled Washington taxing the Whites to then give federal money to the Blacksand now to the Hispanic Roman Catholic Alien Invadersas Obama has stated); destroyed the commerce and shipping via corporate monopolies (as repeated today via NAFTA, GATT and British Free Trade); and secretly controlled its colonial leaders trading with the enemy in building up the Savage Indian Nations intended to be used for the Orders extirpation of heretic Virginia Protestants (just as Jesuit/CFR-ruled Washington today is engaging in massive trade with the enemythe Black Popes murderous Red Chinese communist governmentit to order its American-made Chinese Army and Navy for our extirpation via a future Sino-Soviet-Muslim invasion)ad infinitum!
Your Editor, the Elder Bishop of the Church, needs your support for the church property in the amount of 2,000 Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs, erroneously called dollars) a month. When the 50,000 Federal Reserve Note mortgage is paid off, then the support will only be 1,200 FRNs a month. Twenty White Men can easily support this ministry with 100.00 FRNs per month. Presently, there are two having made the pledge. We need eighteen more. The information put out by the Church can be used by any historic White Protestant and Baptist people aspiring to national sovereignty and nationhood in seeking their preservation via the omnipotent hand of God, and his blessed SonGod manifest in the flesh (II Timothy 3:16)! Arthur Bowser, our dear White brother, Bible teacher and History Professor, will be our Church historianaided by yours truly!
Now is your opportunity, dear White Brothers in Christ. Stop cursing the darkness and spread the light. Stop bemoaning our destruction and commit to our survival and preservation. Make a monthly financial pledge. Be part of the solution, for inaction is part of the problem! Do what you can. Give as the Lord prospers you and with a cheerful heart (I Corinthians 16:2; II Corinthians 9:6-7). For the Lord will bless you as you cast your bread upon the waters (II Corinthians 9:8; Ecclesiastes 11:1). You will reap blessings from the Lord as you have sown blessing to his Church (Galatians 6:7). You will receive from the hand of the Lord (through providential circumstances involving the good will of men) more than it costs you to give (Luke 6:38). Many of you men are not members of any local church and therefore do not give to any Church ministry: this needs to change as you should and need to give to such a ministry. The Church now gives to one missionary couple and will begin to give to two others, one couple in Europe!
There will be other advantages for you supporters. Videos will be posted for only your viewing. Advice in basic health matters as well as the free use of the Churchs medical devices (Ozone in a sauna and a hyperbaric chamber) shall be a few of the advantages for your support in the ministry of the Church. Most important of all you will be growing in the grace and knowledge of God as well as in knowledge of contemporary political matters. You will learn what works against Jesuitical tyranny, and what does not work, true history being our great teacher! This knowledge will arm you for the defense against the Jesuit Orders international Crusade and Inquisition about to unfold against all of the once White Protestant and Baptist nationsespecially here in North America. Their target date for the imposition of martial law is by the end of 2012; may God the Holy Spirit use us to restrain their success!
You may email me at or to make your pledge. You may call me at the Church at 610-340-0734. You may send your letters of support to:
Reformation Bible Foundation
P.O. Box 306
Newmanstown, PA, 17073.
For those of you who desire to support this ministry by bank wire, the coordinates are as follows:
M & T Bank
400 North Third Street
Womelsdorf, PA 19567
Phone: 610-589-4566
Domestic Wire
Routing Number:
Account Number:
International Wire
Swift Address:
If you desire to use Paypal, click on the blue-lettered DONATE tab on the right of this post.
Now is the time to act dear White Brothers in Christ! You have no other Biblical alternative ministry to support as they are either theologically in error or in historical error leading to wrong beliefs and thus wrong action including persecution of the Jewsa most fatal mistake to the detriment of any nation or people! Further, no other ministry has such a visionthe vision of creating a new White Protestant and Baptist nation within North America in the face of the American Empires impending doom! Such a vision has succeeded before! It can be done againwith the blessing of the Risen Son of God!
I eagerly await your response!
Lord bless,
Brother Eric Jon Phelps