Radio Posts: Information for Listeners of “Biblical Truth in History and Prophecy”

Your Editor will not be posting the broadcasts of Biblical Truth in History and Prophecy as he must be about building a business in the commercial world and building a New Testament Church in preparation for the establishment of a new nation within North America. Listeners can subscribe to Liberty Radio Live and obtain all the broadcasts there. Brother Nicholas Arthur hosts the broadcast at no cost and thus he should be the very first to benefit from his good graces. If any listener desires to obtain copies of the combined broadcasts from this site, those broadcasts from the years of 2008, 2009 and 2010 are now available for order. Brother M.P. also posts the broadcasts at his excellent website for your review.
As to the brethren that will be hosting the broadcast, presently, they are as follows:
Monday and Friday: Elder Bishop Eric Jon Phelps, Reformation-Bible Puritan-Baptist Church
Tuesday: Retired Professor of History and Bible, Brother Arthur Bowser
Wednesday: Retired GM Tradesman, Brother Walt Williams
Thursday: Hispanic American, Brother James Glen Silva
Please pray for the endeavors of your Editor that he may minister grace to the hearers to the end that White men would repent of their sins, believe the gospel of the risen Lord Jesus Christ; that God the Father Almighty would send aFourth Great Awakening among White American Christian men and that repentant White men in-Christ would call for the creation of a new White Protestant and Baptist nation, called “ProBaptiCal,” within seceded Pennsylvania. Our new nation shall be much like the original United States of America founded in 1789 and that legally ended in 1868 with the usurpation of the Pope’s wicked Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. For that damnable amendment converted the little Federal Republic of Protestant/Baptist sovereign states/nations into a centralized, Masonic Scottish-Rite controlled, Jesuit Empire of Roman Catholic provinces/Jesuit socialist-communist reductions “from sea to shining sea.” Washington, “District of Catholics,” is nothing more than “Rome on the Potomac” squarely in the lap of Rome! We repentant, AV1611 Reformation-Bible believing White men no longer wish to live under the Temporal Power of the Pope via his whore, Washington, DC!
If any listener wishes to be updated with weekly emails, he may make a donation to“Reformation Bible Foundation” for $25.00 a year. Please send your donations to:
Reformation Bible Foundation
P.O. Box 306
Newmanstown, PA
May the Lord bless you as you grow in grace and knowledge of Him as well as in the comprehension of Satan’s present world system centered in the City that sits on Seven Hills—Rome and its Sovereign State of Vatican City (Revelation 17)!