Prime Endeavors of EJP: Building a Business for Three Most Important Purposes

Your Editor is now building a new business for the financing of three things. First, by the grace of God, he is going to support his family, something terribly neglected for the last several years. Believing that White Protestant and Baptist men would support this ministry to the end that your Editors family could be provided for was an illusion of which your Editor now repents.
Secondly, by the grace of God, he, as the Elder Bishop, is going to build a New Testament Baptist Church with membership composed of White men spanning across the nation and the world. Reformation-Bible Puritan-Baptist Church will hold to the historic Baptist distinctives; will hold to the doctrines of grace as championed by the Calvinist Puritans and Baptists of the Reformation period; and will hold to the distinction between the Church/Body of Christ and the nation of Israel, this necessitating a general dispensational understanding of the Holy Scriptures when read literally and in context. For a full review of the doctrinal position of the Church, you may review its 80-page Confession of Faith and Solemn Covenant under The Church (previously The Plan) in the header of this website.
Thirdly, with the Church in place, denoted with the blessing of Almighty God the Father of Lights, your Editor, through the power of the Holy Spirit and blessing of God, will then establish a new White Protestant and Baptist nation in a portion of North America (possibly within seceded Pennsylvania) called ProBaptiCal, that we White men in Christ Jesus may have a nation on earth in which to serve God with reverence and godly fear. The ceaseless attack on the White-raced, AV1611 Bible believing, White American male is going to end with the establishment of our new nation. Your Editor preaches every Monday on this topic and has written much as posted on this site.
To facilitate these ends, your Editor will not be posting any news updates on this site. Twenty-five years in research and writing of Vatican Assassins: Wounded In The House Of My Friends, third edition, and over three years of posts is enough for the serious seeker of truth to review and then understand the true FORCE behind the destruction of the historic White Protestant Western Civilization. Your Editor will not be answering any inquiries or questions unless that individual is on your Editors email lists. To be on the list, please send your $25.00 annual donation to:
Reformation Bible Foundation
P.O. Box 306
Newmanstown, PA
Further, the reader may obtain most of the news, news posted from the proper perspective as to Rome being the font of all corruption, at Englishman Craig Oxleys The Unhived Mind website and at the website of Brother-in Christ M.P.. The reader may even listen to Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors such as Alex J0nes, as he is right on most of his topics to the exclusion of the identity of the real power brokers behind the Bilderbergers and the New World Orderthe Jesuit Papacy and its Roman Papal Knights! Eat the meat and throw away the bones! Your Editor no longer has the time for the composition necessary to post pensive and accurate updates. May the Lord lead you in finding other sources that will report the Jesuit Papacys criminal activity around the globe and then place the blame where it belongsRome!
Now to your Editors business endeavors. First, I am actively working as an energy consultant with a company called Starion Energy. At present, Starion is in four states offering residential service (Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, and Maryland). The individual may switch to Starion Energy by going to my website at here.
For those who wish to also work the Starion opportunity by becoming an Energy Consultant, you may go to my other website here.
With regard to your Editors second business endeavor, he is offering the best credit card processing services available. Everything is interchange-plus. There are no hidden fees whatsoever! That is, the business owner pays the straight interchange rate for the credit card tendered by the customer plus a small cost for the transaction a portion of which your Editor then receives. Again, this service lowers a bill that every merchant must pay if he is to be in business. All your Editor needs is a copy of your last monthly bill and it will be submitted for bid to the company. All can be handled over the phone and by fax in a day.
If any of you are interested in these services please call your Editor at:
In conclusion, these monies will enable your Editor to fulfill his first and most important needto support his family. As the business grows, the Church will grow, as gifts will be used to build a new building for worship and for education. With a growing awareness of the power of the Jesuit Papacy over Washington, DC, White Christian men will begin to advocate the only solution to our present political, social and economic upheavalstate secession and the creation of a new White Protestant and Baptist nation somewhere here in North America.
This is war, my dear brethren. To maintain a Biblical marriage is a War with the devil; To succeed in an honest Business is a War with the devil; to build a New Testament Baptist Church is a War with the devil; For a State to secede from Washington, DC, will be a political War with the devil; and To create a new White nation built by repentant White Protestant and Baptist men will be a War with the devil. And Satans greatest second cause in fulfilling his mystery of iniquity is none other than the Jesuit Papacy headed by that wicked Black Pope, Adolfo Nicolas, he ruling the White Pope, Pope Benedict XVI now under attack by the Roman Catholic government of Ireland! Praise God!
Please pray for your Editor and join him in this most glorious quest for the glory of God and for the furtherance of the true Gospel of the risen and reigning Lord Jesus Christ now sitting at the right hand of his Father in Heaven. For we endure all things for the elects sake that they also may obtain salvation in Christ Jesus our Lord. Let us have this vision, for without a vision we the people shall perish. And if the Lord be for us than who can be against us!