Denver International Airport: Masonic; Massive; Foreboding; Extermination Camp

We know Denver is to be the new capital of the American Empire once under martial law, once Washington, D.C., has suffered its 10 kiloton nuclear detonation courtesy of the NSA/CIA/FBI/DHS. All military and civilian intelligence groups will be headquartered in this papal city overseen by the Archbishop of Denver as advised by the Jesuits from their Regis University. Upon flight arrival into the Denver Airport, all passengers will be reminded of the purpose of the New World Order—the Pope’s New World Order! According to the video below, there is a huge death camp and extermination facility beneath the airport—a perfected engine of the Pope’s Unified International Intelligence Community, i.e., the Holy Office of the Inquisition!
There shall be a New World Order to the exclusion of a once Constitutional United States of America, the last bastion of the Protestant Reformation having been forever destroyed. Part of that final destruction will be by the Order’s plotted Sino-Soviet-Muslim invasion. That tripartite coalition is portrayed in artwork depicting a soldier dressed in green (Chinese) wielding two weapons, one Russian (AK-47) and the other Islamic (Scimitar). The Scimitar is piercing a Dove, she symbolizing Bible-based Protestant and Baptist Christianity now apostate. For as the Risen Son of God destroyed apostate Christianity in North Africa with Vatican-created Islam by 750 AD; as He destroyed apostate Orthodox Christianity of the Eastern Roman Empire with Vatican-created Islam in 1453 AD; as He destroyed apostate Orthodox Christianity of the Russian Empire with Jesuit Communism in 1917 AD; as He destroyed apostate Protestant Christianity of the Chinese Empire with Jesuit Communism in 1949 AD; even so the Risen Lord Jesus Christ is going to destroy apostate Protestant and Baptist Christianity of the American Empire (1868-Present). The Risen Son of God will facilitate that destruction using both Communism and Islam presently directed by the Black Pope through his high-level, Illuminized Freemasons ruling both Satanic Religions. (Yes, dear reader, Socialist-Communism is a Religion birthed in Rome for the destruction of all White nations born out of the Protestant Reformation!).

In conclusion, we behold in fine art throughout the entire airport that the Jesuit Superior General, using his high Scottish-Rite Freemasons, has depicted the plot of his Black-robed Brotherhood also destroying the Blacks, Shemitic Hispanics and Jews within North America. To accomplish this calculated mass-murder, White Jesuit Fascism must first rise to power to kill these targeted peoples. Then the final act of our annihilation will unfold with the American Empire’s Sino-Soviet-Muslim invasion from the West, South and the North. As was the case in White Apostate Protestant Germany, so will it be here in White Apostate Protestant America. Same apostasy, same destruction, and the same Judge of all the Earth—the Risen Son of God, even the Lord Jesus Christ to Whom all judgment has been given both in heaven and in earth (Matthew 28:18-20)!
He that has eyes to see, let him see this link!.