Harry Connick, Sr.: Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor in JFK Assassination and Cover-up

The following is from Simon to EJP:
Harry Connick, Sr. — District Attorney of New Orleans (1973-2003), Jim Garrison’s successor
Harry Connick, Sr. was the successor to Jim Garrison, becoming the New Orleans DA in 1973. He was an Irish Roman Catholic who was trained by the Jesuits at Loyola University [New Orleans—EJP]. His son, a famous singer, was trained by the Jesuits at the Jesuit High School in New Orleans. He also performed recitals at Loyola University.
At the time of Garrison’s investigation, Connick was an assistant US attorney. During the Shaw trial, he sat in the courtroom every day, serving as a representative of the federal government against Garrison. He represented FBI agents interviewed in Garrison’s office. He escorted Pierre Finck, the government’s medical witness (and a covert operative for US Intelligence, who had participated in other government/military cover-ups), into the courtroom. During his investigation, Jim Garrison was attacked by the mainstream media, local politicians, the federal government, elements of the local police, and the intelligence community. He realized that he was being opposed by a very powerful force. It is clear that Connick was an agent of that force.
One of Connick’s personal investigators was a former police officer named Gary Raymond. After he became DA, he called Raymond in and presented him with all files detailing the Grand Jury testimony of Garrison’s witnesses. Connick ordered Raymond to destroy the files. Raymond objected, seeing them as historical documents. Connick, however, insisted: “Burn this sonofabitch and burn it today!”
The honest Raymond did not burn the files as ordered. Instead, he kept them for many years and passed them onto his friend Richard Angelico, a WSDU reporter, when interest in the Kennedy assassination was becoming more widespread. WSDU sent them to Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) in Washington, and broadcast a news report that exposed Connick’s attempt to destroy the files. Connick charged and tried both Raymond and Angelico, and attempted to pry the documents out of the Justice Department’s hands. An apparently honest Justice Department held onto the files, while Connick engaged in a legal battle with them that lasted over a year long.
Connick was one of the sources used by [Italian-American Roman Catholic—EJP] Vincent Bugliosi in Reclaiming History. He tells Bugliosi that Garrison was known in the legal community as a “four flusher” who often could not prove his charges. This is flatly untrue. Garrison had reversed his predecessor’s losing record. Connick also told Bugliosi that Oliver Stone never asked him about the Grand Jury testimony files. However, this is ridiculously misleading: at the time Stone interviewed Connick, the existence of these files was not yet declassified. A film director would have no reason to ask Connick about these files.
Why did Connick involve himself in Garrison’s opposition so heavily?
Why did Connick care so much about destroying the Grand Jury testimony, going so far as to legally battle the Justice Department?
Why did Connick care so much about destroying the reputation of the Garrison investigation, going so far as to lie to Vincent Bugliosi?
He was a staunch Roman Catholic and was trained at a private Jesuit college. However, his actions further prove that his loyalties were not with the USA or the common good, but with the Vatican.
After Gary Raymond left the District Attorney’s office, Connick asked him to review a case that involved a local Roman Catholic priest who was suspected of being a pedophile. Raymond concluded, based on the material, that the priest was guilty and advised Connick to prosecute him. Connick refused. Raymond, however, was not satisfied. He found one of the boys that had been molested by the priest. The boy was afraid to testify, as the priest had threatened to kill him if he did. Raymond created an affidavit and sent it to Connick. Even with this new evidence, Connick did not prosecute or even investigate the priest. Raymond demanded answers from Connick, who flatly stated that as long as he was in office, the priest would not be prosecuted. The priest, Father Dino Cinel, was later exposed. This was a major scandal that shook the Church.
Harry Connick (Irish Roman Catholic, Jesuit-trained) was loyal to the Roman Catholic Church. This is the only sensible explanation as to why he refused to prosecute a pedophile priest.
So, a Jesuit-trained Vatican loyalist was heavily involved in the opposition to Garrison’s investigation and attempted to destroy the Grand Jury testimony from the investigation. Later, he became a lying source for a book attempting to discredit “conspiracy theories” surrounding the assassination.
Yet more proof of Rome’s involvement in the assassination of America’s thirty-fifth president.

Stephen, another Adviser to EJP, adds:
Don’t know if you’re aware but the Supreme Court’s Five Roman Catholic justices just formed the majority in an awful decision exonerating Connick in a case where his office knowingly sent an innocent man to death row.
My dad read the opinions – awful!