Excellent Exchange between Brother Nick and Daniel, Messianic Sephardic Hebrew

Daniel Interprets Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream, Babylon, 580 BC
Brother Eric,
Here is a recent exchange I had with Brother Daniel Ben Shual, a Sephardic/Messianic/Christ-believing Jewish man from Israel. He and I communicate via Youtube regularly.
Lord Bless,
Brother Nick
Shalom brother Nick,
I wanted to get your take on something, whay do think about this belief that Texx jesuit Marrs is promoting saying that Crypto jews secretly seized the reigns of control in Rome and the cryto jews own the Vatican and that the jesuit order was really created by crypto jews and so the jeauits are Jewish etc Texe Marrs is now promoting a book called Solving the mysteries of babylon the great by author Edward Hendrie. No doubt another clever jesuit deception of Rome to target the jews. Texe Marrs claims the Ignatious Loyola was a crypto Jew but brother EJP says that Loyola was a spanish gentile .just wanted to get your thoughts.
My Responses in Red:
What do I think? I think its nonsense/poppycock. Ignatius of Loyola was no Jew! He was? a wicked White, Spanish-Basque Gentile, of the Black Nobility. Diego Laynez the second, or third Black Pope had Jewish blood in him, however since that time the Jesuits have excluded people of Jewish blood from being in the Order. The Devil you see hates the Hebrew Jewish Israelites! It makes perfect sense that he would use Papal stooges in the alternative media [as Co-Adjutor Texe Marrs is, whom I never really followed] to blame the Jews for the miserys in the world when in reality its the Popes Jesuit White Power Structure which is responsible! Lord Bless, my friend!
My thoughts exactly another jesuit smokescreen this new idea that the jesuits are really crypto jews is sweeping people into eternal ruin, it is a clever deception. I have talked to several others who know their jesuit history about this matter, and they all tell me the same thing, it is is not backed or founded by any credible historical sources. This is just jesuit damage control that so that sneaky double agent Texe jesuit coajutor Marrs wont look like such a liar and a disinfo agent what he dont relize is that it makes him look even more like a disinfo agent .at least to us who know the truth and wont be duped. But? ole Texes cover has been blown and thats why he is scrambeling to make haste of his nakedness Texe Marrs like his # 1 student Alex jesuit Jones is a crypto catholic .he perverts the scriptures.
Amen Brother, I love it. You see the exact same designs as I do my friend. Your exactly right Marrs and Jones are Crypto Roman Catholics blowing smokescreens for the Jesuits. The Jesuits love to do damage control by blaming you dear Jews for their wicked plots that are uncovered. For instance when they released the Protocols of the Learned Elders Of Zion during the Dreyfus affair trying to unleash anti-Jewish fury during their lead up to their Second Thirty Years War which they orchestrated by their assassin killing Franz Ferdinand in Sarejevo, and the Versailles Treaty overseen by Edmund Walsh SJ. You see the Germans treated the Jews failry in the East during the firsd? phase [WWI], but under Jesuit Hitler the Devil decimated your people by RACE not religion!!!
As you know my friend your people have a distinct Race[Yahushawah had to be of the seed of David]. Apostate Jew, Koestler is a liar. Thats why all the Nazi Nurnberg laws targeted the Jews by Race not Religion. As I mentioned the Versailles treaty above[overseen by the Jesuits] blamed all of the first phase [WWI] on Germany which was not correct. This made it so Jesuit rabble-rousers as Hitler could blame Germany losing the war on the Jewish Stab in the back plus their was tons of the Popes Masonic? Jewish Commies in Bavaria to help back up that claim. Of course we know it was Rome behind the whole thing through her Jesuits!!!
Shalom, feel free to post on my comment board as much as you please, your comments are? always welcome beacuse your straight on your facts and to the point .you are a goldmine of information on the workings of the jesuits. Keep it coming, your making a diffrence, cause I know that the pope(i call him the poop) himself has been on my channel and read both of our comments .
Thank you Brother, Im humbled you think of myself that way. You really think the White? Pope, Josef Ratzinger has looked at your page? That would be crazy my friend! Were just a couple believers in Yahushawah, but that just shows Yahuwah through his beloved Son can work through us believers worldwide in the spreading of the truth. The Papacy seems to feel very threatened of late. Lets hope and pray more wake up, repent, and start to speak the truth !!!
Yea, cause Joseph the? Rat zinger has his own YT page now, its crazy, and I went on there and commented on his board, {Revelation17} he blocked me, so I know that he has been on my page.
Now they wont allow any comments from anybody, cause others were going on there and leaving hatefull remarks .but I am 99.99 % sure that my page has been viewed by the Papacy, cause the same day I left that comment, I got a warning in my inbox, and I didnt even say anything rude, I just quoted? Revelation 17 so who owns YT?