“Homefront” Video Game: Korea Unified with Japan, Invades and Occupies America


The introduction also portrays Korea/Japan attacking Hawaii, it to serve as the staging base for an attack on the California West Coast. Sodomite San Francisco will be conquered as well as Los Angeles after its CIA-implemented nuclear demolition. Meanwhile, Communist Korea (and Red China) will take over the American Mid-West while the country is divided by a radiated Mississippi River. This is in agreement with your Editor’s forecast, the US to be divided at the Mississippi River, China and its Mongolian hordes controlling all land west of the Mississippi River to the Pacific Coast. The occupation begins, mass-murder of the American population unfolds, buses taking civilians to concentration camps.The video above depicts a portion of the truth concerning the future of the condemned “Holy Roman” Fourteenth Amendment, Socialist-Communist, Cartel-Corporate Fascist American Empire (1868-Present). The introduction accurately portrays the unification of Korea, its Army becoming the second largest in the Far East. Japan surrenders and unites with Korea. What is omitted is the Red Chinese connection, she to be the real impetus behind the unification of the Far East including Taiwan, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia as well as Australia.
Your Editor believes this scenario will transpire after US forces are betrayed and defeated on foreign soil, in both the Far East and in the Middle East during the Iraq-Iran-Saudi Arabian papal crusade. It is time for all White Bible-believing Christians to begin migrating to the Northeast above highway 80. During the occupation of foreign troops, your Editor has strong reasons to believe this predominantly White Roman Catholic region will be occupied by a White Roman Catholic European force while the amalgamated, Old Protestant/Baptist South, Protestant and Baptist Mid-West and Alien-Invaded Hispanic Roman Catholic West will be under the merciless rule of the Black Pope’s Sino-Soviet-Muslim invaders. The unified Mongolians, absolutely hating all American Blacks (both Majority Savage and Minority Civil) do to past robbery, rape and murder of Asians as a result of US forces occupying Far Eastern nations during the pope’s Cold War Hoax, will delight in their complete annihilation. Payback time will have arrived to the extent that no Blacks will be permitted to live in North America, the continent to be depopulated in accordance with “Agenda 21,” and returned to the racial descendants of Shem.
The following is a word from Adviser Chris Strunk:
My son says the game is not as good as others; but as for the scenario folks this is so righton that it fits exactly into the reason the USURPER BHO was placed in office by the Jesuits and SMOM!!!!
Take note that the father to William J. Zylka controlled William Casey as a SMOM higher-up and as such used his son as the behind the scenes CIA operative inside North Korea. Zylka greased the skids for the scenario which is described in the above YOUTUBE presentation facilitated to happen in the near future when the Red Chinese have finished the widdening of the Panama Canal by 2015.
Added to the capability of putting a Chinese carrier strike force into the Gulf of Mexico, is the FACT that the BUSHES I, II, III and now IV facilitated the NAU treason that created the basis for the many Enterprise zones throughout the USA (found on the DOC website) along with the SMOM-controlled CIA/FBI-controlled 62 Muslim training camps around the country that are combined with Chinese-controlled foreign troops vis-a-vis Blackwater / SMOM therein – thanks to the traitor Hillary Clinton..
Hang on for your life folks and support local Sovereign Home Rule the so-called Government has left us for different pastures!. YOU ALLL are on your own get a grip and become self-sufficient in food energy and defensible space!
Chris Strunk